Welcome to Wales Awakening

Friday, February 25, 2005

A leap closer to Wales - Our house is SOLD!!

This morning we signed the purchase agreement on our home, and should go to act of sale in late march. So we're marching ahead full steam! If all goes as planned, we have only 5 weeks to give the house to the new owners, and there is still lots to be done. Gladys has done a fabulous job of "thinning out" our stuff, giving away and throwing away, etc.

This adventure has now taken a giant leap forward, and we are thankful to the Lord for each of the many ways He is helping and encouraging us along. My brother David and his wife and youngest son just left this morning after a great 2 days together. We were glad to have them be able to see where we have spent the last 16 years and watched our kids grow up. They also have taken with them some of my old "family treasures" that I didn't want to lug across the ocean, so that was another blessing!

The plan is to move to an apartment in April, probably with our daughter grace near downtown New Orleans, which will be close to her school. Then her roommate will move in in May after we fly out on April 30th with our Yorkshire Terrier "Choco", who will be doing genealogical research in the UK! :o)

Well, that's it for today. Thanks again for your prayers and support!


Saturday, February 19, 2005

February 19, 2005 Open House For Sale, UK Visa Just a quick note to say that we have had one low offer on our house, and so we put an ad in the newspaper and tomorrow are having an Open House. Would you please keep us in your prayers, that the right family would come along in the coming days, fall in love with our home and neighborhood and make the right offer? We have had several words that the house will sell without a hitch and at a good price, so we know our steps are assured. This week we sent off the paperwork to the British Consulate in Los Angeles for our visa applications as religious workers. I took great care in using just the right language in describing what exactly we'll be doing. (Thanks for the assistance Kevin!) The lady with whom I spoke twice seemed very cordial and assuring. She asked me whereabouts we would be working and "spreading the Word?" So I think she may be a believer. We have received a couple more pledges for support, and that is encouraging. The majority of what we will need is yet to be covered, and we rest in the joy of the promises we've received about that. Our faith is being strengthened day by day. We had a visit from a Verbo minister from Argentina last weekend, and as I sat up and told him much of the story of our "adventure", I was once again amazed at all the Lord has done over these last 3 years to affirm and guide us this far. What an awesome God we serve!

February 5, 2005 Tickets to Wales ! ! I just wanted to keep you up to date. We have made travel arrangements to leave for Wales on April 30th! That is 12 weeks from today, and there is so much to do. But with our trust in God's perfect guidance and provision, we are stepping out in faith. Still no buyers for the house, but there are inquiries and people are coming to see it, so again we trust the Lord's timing in this. We have received words about the home being sold, and sold well, so the next caller might be the one! 28 years ago yesterday was the great earthquake that shook Guatemala to its roots, taking nearly 35,000 lives and one million homeless. It doesn't seem so drastic anymore when compared to the recent tsunami, but it changed the face of that nation completely. Back then the Lord gave me an extraordinary vision of the destruction and despair, and it one of the key elements that jettisoned a small group of young disciples of Jesus out of their homeland in obedience to a calling. Little did we know the many things the Lord had in store for us, and that Verbo Ministries would be a result. And so in like manner the vision of revival and the calling of the Lord to Wales has no less potential, and we press into God's heart for His will to be carried out in that land and the nations of the world. These are such exciting times we live in! I have recently finished reading Red Moon Rising, by Pete Grieg and Dave Roberts, and was greatly encouraged by it (http://relevantbooks.com). The great nets of harvest are being prepared! Time is getting short, and if you would please pray about your taking part in supporting us on a monthly basis, or have any ideas of who else might be, please share this email and our web page with them. The Verbo administrative office here in New Orleans will be handling our finances, and can even set up an automatic bank draft so that folks don't need to write and mail a check each month. It is easier for everyone, and much more efficient. Thank very sincerely for your prayers for us and our family during this time of preparation and transtion. God IS forever faithful.

January 21, 2005 Wales - three months and counting! It's been over 3 weeks since I've written, and things are speeding along. We have been taking calls about the house since we put the For Sale signs out last Friday, and have shown it a few times. So far we've only had one very low-ball offer, but we know the Lord has the time and the price under His supervision. There is a family coming to see it tomorrow morning, maybe they'll be the ones. It has been a hectic time with my office responsibilities, but things are going well. The closing out of the fiscal year for both our local church and Verbo Ministries is a lot of work, with gift letters, Federal and State tax filings, w-2's, etc, etc. In all this, my friend Pablo, who will be taking over my work, is doing a great job. Reconciling the year's accounts and records has proved to an excellent training opportunity, and I am confident that all things administrative will be in good care. Now as this transition unfolds, I remember 7 years ago praying with him about his taking over, long before we had any clue about moving to Wales. I see clearly now how God has answered that prayer! We visited the U.S. Immigration office here Wednesday with Gladys about her Citizenship process. In December we finally got notice about her upcoming interview in late March. It is so close to our planned departure date in late April that we asked about the possibility of getting the interview sooner, to give time for the subsequent swearing-in ceremony. But until they get her paperwork present in the office 30 days before the date, they can't do anything. Again, that too is in the Lord's hands. So we will proceed to make application for the UK visas with Gladys as a Guatemalan citizen. Our fund raising and itinerary plans have had to take a back seat for a while due to the many office-related and house-preparation chores. This has given me a bit of concern, but during worship Sunday the Lord brought my attention again to the fact that He is ordering our steps and will make provision for what He has called us to do. So we are free to just follow His guidance, and move ahead steadily with joy and anxious for nothing! We really appreciate your prayers during these next months. And if the Lord impresses you with something for us, or feel you have any input on any of these matters, we would be blessed to hear from you. We received a wonderful word of encouragement from a friend a few weeks ago, which I quote below. ============ Dear Gladys & Dick, This morning during a prayer time I saw a HUGE Red-tipped wooden match stick coming straight towards Wales. It was very encouraging!!! Let Your Fire Fall!!! Ignite LORD!!!! BLAZE LORD!!!! Wales visitation, habitation, transformation, consumption, incineration with the HOLY SPIRIT is "GUARANTEED SUCCESS"!!! Just like a "PAID IN FULL" stamp, it is as good as "GUARANTEED SUCCESS"!!! I saw a huge stamp with the words saying "GUARANTEED SUCCESS"!!!!! Mighty warriors now and in the past and in the future, rise now and do great Kingdom exploits in Wales. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS, JESUS!!! Resurrection Power COME!! The STRENGTH OF GOD COME!!! susie chester, nh Thank you, Susy. Thank you Lord!

Dec. 24, 2004 Merry Christmas! - and a bit of local news We hope your Christmas is a time of blessing and thankfulness for God's amazing grace, and His abundant care for each one of you and your loved ones. For us it is a reminder that His desire is to be born in the hearts of a world in need. We know the time we all long to see is drawing closer - when His glory begin to be shed abroad around the earth. And we look forward with sweet anticipation of being made more useful instruments for the task at hand. Wales is drawing us closer! Our house has not sold yet, so when we get back to New Orleans just after New Year, (we arrived in New England today to spend time with my family here) then those For Sale By Owner signs will go up. And time will surely race by as we enter the last and most intense leg of our fund raising efforts. Meanwhile, some exciting things have been happening here on the home front. As a result of the visit to our City of pastors John Mulinde & Michael Bwndele of Uganda in November, many of us were stirred up and challenged to start praying seriously for New Orleans. The day after the conference, a group of pastors and intercessors met with these brothers to talk about prayer strategies, including a 24/7 prayer chain. During that meeting and during the days afterwards, the Lord gave me an idea of how to coordinate it all via the internet, and led me to the technology which enabled me to build a simple solution. Anyone can now look at the online schedule, find a vacant or convenient time slot, and add themselves right online without any need for intervention by any coordinator or webmaster! As a result, The New Orleans Prayer Wall is online and seeking intercessors. The guard should be posted 24 hours a day! During my time slot last Thursday morning, I saw in a vision the whole downtown area of New Orleans. My vantage point was perhaps from the top of one of the tall buildings, and I could see over the city several layers of dark covering, as if there were great tarpaulins pulled over the city, and tightly tied down around the edges. As I looked on in dismay and heartbreak, I did notice in a few places along the edges close to the river that there were wisps of smoke going upwards. The Lord showed me that these were the prayers of the saints, and that they are being heard, but there is very little prayer really going on. Those of us that are close enough can hear His river moving and are praying as a result. There are others that don't hear the River rising yet. But as we diligently press into our part, more will hear, and begin to pray with us. The end of the matter being that those coverings will get blown completely, and the Glory of the Lord will be manifested in New Orleans, in Wales, and around the earth! I am excited also that this PRAYER WALL idea can be applied to any city or place or cause around the globe. This web technology is pretty simple to set up, and the software is FREE! I hope word of it gets out to others interested in prayer. I have placed a link to it on the New Orleans Prayer Wall page, and hope to see it put to good use. Thank you once again for your continued interest in and prayers for our mission to Wales. It is such a privilege to have been called to such a special task. Yet more than that is to realize that we are just one more tiny piece of the plan for the Body of Christ worldwide that God himself is orchestrating. As He brings us closer to the greatest outpouring ever seen, we respond with joy to obey His leading. The word is out, testimonies abound, the Holy Spirit is on the move in an unprecedented way in our time! We sincerely wish you all a most blessed Christmas and and a Happy and His-Joy-Filled New Year. That's where our strength lies!

Dec. 7, 2005 Wales update - house for sale! In yesterday's mail we received notice of Gladys' interview date for her U.S. Citizenship in late March. We had been hoping it would happen soon enough so we could apply for our U.K. visas with both as U.S. citizens, but it really should not be any problem. Saturday evening I went to buy two "FOR SALE BY OWNER" signs. When I brought them home and set them down in the living room, it suddenly dawned on me that this is really happening! We are moving to Wales!! I must confess that there was a very brief flush of sadness but it was instantly overpowered by the joy and excitement of the call. Please pray also that the sale of our house go smoothly. I have a friend interested in purchasing our home, and today or tomorrow will find out if he can get the financing approved. I may not even to put the signs out in our yard! Our daughter Grace, 23, was standing there when I brought the sign inside and exclaimed about how "real" it is getting. I know she's excited for us, and yet I know it must be a challenge for her to suddenly be thrust out on her own by our decision. Please pray for her as she continues to pursue her goal of studying pediatric medicine. She is working to gain acceptance into medical school, and it has not been easy for her. We have received several words from the Lord about our kids, and have received assurance of His provision and care for them. The Lord is SO good, and is ordering and confirming our steps. Even last night a sister from our church came up to me after our prayer meeting. She said she has been praying for Gladys and I, and that the Lord has shown her that there are many awesome things that He is going to do with and through us. So I can only be overwhelmed and humbled once again at His steadfast love for us as we proceed towards the goal He has set for us.

Nov. 20, 2004 Wales & Deeper Communion with the Holy Spirit Last weekend while we were in California, we shared the vision and the that direction that we've received from the Lord in four Spanish speaking churches. I did a Thursday evening service in a great fellowship near Anaheim where my old friend Israel Vega is pastoring. I first met Izzy through the Promise Keepers movement, and then discovered we had common ground through his work and ours with the race Track Chaplaincy! he really bent over backwards to organize my speaking engagements, and so on Sunday after sharing with our own Verbo congregation in Rialto, I raced down the freeway to share in two other churches back to back. It was a blessing to be received so well, and still up people's faith for a move of God in their own areas. While on the road, I received this email from a friend that goes to the Shady grove Church in Grand prairie, Texas. I'll think you'll find it encouraging. We had an incredible service at Church... Matt Sorger was ministering... lots of words of knowledge, prophecy... but in the midst of everything, he mentioned Wales!!! he said he just came back from there... he mentioned how just being at that place he had a vision of this lady saying how she enjoyed her fellowship with the Holy Spirit... and suddenly in His vision this lady said to him, and what about you? you can have it!!! don't you want a deeper communion with the Holy Spirit??? .... I thought a lot about you all, how perfect the Lord has placed you in that place... WE'RE PRAYING FOR YOU Through this and many others thing, we are daily more convinced and encouraged for what the Lord has in store for us, for Wales, and this needy world!

Oct. 22,'04 - To Wales & Moriah Chapel We leave for Wales for 10 days this coming Tuesday! This will be our last trip there as "visitors" and that is exciting. Gladys was saying to me last night how she'd like to be able to just go and stay! We have many thing to do over the coming 6 months, and it would be nice to just "fast forward" the tape. Disposing of all that we've acquired over the nearly 16 years in New Orleans is a bigger and more complicated task than meets the eye! We are looking forward to participating in some of the Centennial activities of the 1904 Welsh revival starting next week. We will arrive in London Wednesday morning, and drive out to Cardiff in South Wales. Thursday we meet with the now retired pastor of 40 years of Capel Cilfowyr. (Capel is not misspelled, it's Welsh!) We have heard wonderful things about him, so are looking forward to spending some time with him. Thursday night we have booked a room at Island House, where Evan Roberts grew up. This is where the revival broke out 100 years ago. I was told we'd be staying in the very room where he had extraordinary visitations from God nightly for several months shortly before things started happening. Then Friday we will spend the day praying in and around Moriah Chapel and talking with folks as the Lord leads. There will be a special service there that night. Saturday there are several activities and then a large service with Luis Palau in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. Curious, another Spanish speaker in Wales! Sunday is the monthly service at Cilfowyr, so we plan to drive up there. We will spend four days in the area. We were unable to attend a service there last Spring, and will be glad to see the folks there again. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to let them know they'll be seeing more of us this spring! We will spend some serious time praying in the chapel during the week. Also we will be making a few logistical arrangements for our move in April, and then fly home that Friday. We leave for Wales for 10 days this coming Tuesday! This will be our last trip there as "visitors" and that is exciting. Gladys was saying to me last night how she'd like to be able to just go and stay! We have many thing to do over the coming 6 months, and it would be nice to just "fast forward" the tape. Disposing of all that we've acquired over the nearly 16 years in New Orleans is a bigger and more complicated task than meets the eye! We are looking forward to participating in some of the Centennial activities of the 1904 Welsh revival starting next week. We will arrive in London Wednesday morning, and drive out to Cardiff in South Wales. Thursday we meet with the now retired pastor of 40 years of Capel Cilfowyr. (Capel is not misspelled, it's Welsh!) We have heard wonderful things about him, so are looking forward to spending some time with him. Thursday night we have booked a room at Island House, where Evan Roberts grew up. This is where the revival broke out 100 years ago. I was told we'd be staying in the very room where he had extraordinary visitations from God nightly for several months shortly before things started happening. Then Friday we will spend the day praying in and around Moriah Chapel and talking with folks as the Lord leads. There will be a special service there that night. Saturday there are several activities and then a large service with Luis Palau in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. Curious, another Spanish speaker in Wales! Sunday is the monthly service at Cilfowyr, so we plan to drive up there. We will spend four days in the area. We were unable to attend a service there last Spring, and will be glad to see the folks there again. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to let them know they'll be seeing more of us this spring! We will spend some serious time praying in the chapel during the week. Also we will be making a few logistical arrangements for our move in April, and then fly home that Friday.

Oct. 2, '04 - Dallas via Hurricane Ivan I apologize for the long delay, but here were are back home again, and another week gone by already. 18 days ago were forced to leave our home behind by the threat of Hurricane Ivan. We wondered if we were going to have to do any packing at all for our move to Wales! But thank the good Lord nothing happened in the New Orleans area other than a little more wind than usual. We had been scheduled to fly to Dallas later that week, but had to drive instead. So after a couple days in Houston, we went to Dallas where we were making contacts with people, in hopes of raising support. The Lord blessed us with an exceptionally good conference on worship and missions, and we did make some good contacts. The conference was held at Eastern Heights Church that belongs to Antioch Oasis International, a network of churches connected with Olen Griffing and the Shady Grove Church, with whom we've been friends for many years. Then Monday after the conference, we met with the pastor of another church from the same network, and made a wonderful connection with him. I'll tell you a bit more about our time there in my next update. Also we are making plans for a trip to Wales at the end of this month. There some meetings focused around the 100 year anniversary of the 1904 Welsh Revival, in which we felt it would be good to participate. Also there are some matters I want to define with the leaders of the old chapel where the Lord has shown us to be praying. So here again we would much appreciate your prayers for His grace and guidance. Please have a look at our newly re-done website. Any feedback would be well received! Also please pray for us as we move towards selling our house here in Louisiana. Things are getting very real very fast, and it is no small challenge. I apologize for the long delay, but here were are back home again, and another week gone by already. 18 days ago were forced to leave our home behind by the threat of Hurricane Ivan. We wondered if we were going to have to do any packing at all for our move to Wales! But thank the good Lord nothing happened in the New Orleans area other than a little more wind than usual. We had been scheduled to fly to Dallas later that week, but had to drive instead. So after a couple days in Houston, we went to Dallas where we were making contacts with people, in hopes of raising support. The Lord blessed us with an exceptionally good conference on worship and missions, and we did make some good contacts. The conference was held at Eastern Heights Church that belongs to Antioch Oasis International, a network of churches connected with Olen Griffing and the Shady Grove Church, with whom we've been friends for many years. Then Monday after the conference, we met with the pastor of another church from the same network, and made a wonderful connection with him. I'll tell you a bit more about our time there in my next update. Also we are making plans for a trip to Wales at the end of this month. There some meetings focused around the 100 year anniversary of the 1904 Welsh Revival, in which we felt it would be good to participate. Also there are some matters I want to define with the leaders of the old chapel where the Lord has shown us to be praying. So here again we would much appreciate your prayers for His grace and guidance. Also please pray for us as we move towards selling our house here in Louisiana. Things are getting very real very fast, and it is no small challenge.

Aug. 12, '04 - Renewed in New England This past week has flown by and we are on the plane headed home to New Orleans. We are a bit weary but joyful at all the Lord accomplished during this time.It doesn't seem possible, but we now are even more encouraged and excited about where this is all leading us and how He is orchestrating all this! Here are a few of the highlights. When we arrived Wednesday we were met at the airport by Owen Carey, an apostolic brother we have known for a long time. I shared with him the story of our call to Wales and he was excited about it, and offered to become a member of our support team, as well as share about our mission with the 40 or so churches which he works with. Thursday we went to Salem Mass, where we met with a couple of pastor my borother connected me with. What was my surprise to learn that with one of them we had friends in common, and he had also been a couple of times to pray in Wales! They took us to a prayer meeting they have once a month with Salem's mayor, so there we were praying him in the town that was known for burning witches nearly 200 years ago! He also connected me with a Welsh pastor who recently moved to the area, and we had the opportunity to meet with him that very afternoon. It turned out to be Kevin Adams, whose recent books I had just finished reading, A Diary of Revival. I have been profoundly touched by this study of how the revival started,and in particular the letters and diaries of Evan Roberts and others in the time leading up to the outbreak of revival. (www.1904revival.com) This meeting was indeed providential because this brother has been studying the revivals of Wales for the past 30 years, and was able to answer some of the questions I've been entertaining. I was amused to hear his comment that our "adventure" is the wildest thing he had ever heard, and he encouraged us to press in without flinching! We also visited that morning with my friend Brandt Gillespie, the producer of insightful videos of current situations to provide intercessors with pertinent material for prayer. (www.praytv.org) After sharing our story with him, he very kindly offered his support by producing a short video of me trying to briefly share a very long story. So Monday we spent several hours with friends who helped me to trim my story down as much as possible. That was a big challenge for me, being so wordy and detail oriented. So yesterday we spent all day at it, the result being a very professionally done presentation of our project, Wales Awakening. He is going to format it for internet media, and I will let you know as soon as it is available. I think this will be a valuable tool to help give potential prayers and supporters a brief and attractive overview of what God is doing.This past week has flown by and we are on the plane headed home to New Orleans. We are a bit weary but joyful at all the Lord accomplished during this time.It doesn't seem possible, but we now are even more encouraged and excited about where this is all leading us and how He is orchestrating all this! Here are a few of the highlights. When we arrived Wednesday we were met at the airport by Owen Carey, an apostolic brother we have known for a long time. I shared with him the story of our call to Wales and he was excited about it, and offered to become a member of our support team, as well as share about our mission with the 40 or so churches which he works with. Thursday we went to Salem Mass, where we met with a couple of pastor my borother connected me with. What was my surprise to learn that with one of them we had friends in common, and he had also been a couple of times to pray in Wales! They took us to a prayer meeting they have once a month with Salem's mayor, so there we were praying him in the town that was known for burning witches nearly 200 years ago! He also connected me with a Welsh pastor who recently moved to the area, and we had the opportunity to meet with him that very afternoon. It turned out to be Kevin Adams, whose recent books I had just finished reading, A Diary of Revival. I have been profoundly touched by this study of how the revival started,and in particular the letters and diaries of Evan Roberts and others in the time leading up to the outbreak of revival. (www.1904revival.com) This meeting was indeed providential because this brother has been studying the revivals of Wales for the past 30 years, and was able to answer some of the questions I've been entertaining. I was amused to hear his comment that our "adventure" is the wildest thing he had ever heard, and he encouraged us to press in without flinching! We also visited that morning with my friend Brandt Gillespie, the producer of insightful videos of current situations to provide intercessors with pertinent material for prayer. (www.praytv.org) After sharing our story with him, he very kindly offered his support by producing a short video of me trying to briefly share a very long story. So Monday we spent several hours with friends who helped me to trim my story down as much as possible. That was a big challenge for me, being so wordy and detail oriented. So yesterday we spent all day at it, the result being a very professionally done presentation of our project, Wales Awakening. He is going to format it for internet media, and I will let you know as soon as it is available. I think this will be a valuable tool to help give potential prayers and supporters a brief and attractive overview of what God is doing.

Aug.3, '04 - North to New England! I can hardly believe we are already into August. This is the hottest month of Louisiana's summer, and will quite likely be the last time we go through one here. The frequent 95º here is the highest temperature ever recorded in Wales, where the July average is 61º F. In the Dallas area last Sunday we visited the Shady Grove Church where we have some old friends. Much to our surprise, in the middle of the service we were called up to the front to be introduced and be prayed for. There were many prophetic words spoken over us, and once again all I could do was weep, overwhelmed by God's loving kindness to us. As he reaffirmed again our calling and purpose for this move to Wales, we were lavishly blessed indeed. Among the many words given, here are a few short ones that people had written down and handed to me: "Think of a blowtorch. Now think of a flame thrower. That's the kind of fire God is going to ignite you with. You will become that kind of fire." "As you walk through the country, your footsteps will begin a burning that will be like the coal in the ground has been set aflame for all the world to see." That is an awesome responsibility, and I share these to encourage you to please keep us in your prayers. When I look at things in the natural, this calling is pretty intimidating. But as we move forward one day at a time, I am constantly amazed at how God's grace is so continually upon us. Tomorrow we leave for New Hampshire, where we will be looking up old friends, and meeting new ones. Sunday I will be sharing at Living Way Church in Londonderry. These wonderful friends helped support us when we were in Guatemala, and continued for several years when we moved back the the States. We have also connected with a few others that relate to a wider circles of churches, and look forward to sharing our vision and mission with them. Once again I feel a certain apprehension, but can just push it aside in trust that the Lord has the plans already made. We are also looking forward to this trip because Saturday we will attend the wedding of Angeline, the daughter of James & Lynn Jankowiak, the current director of Verbo Ministries, friends and co-workers for over 30 years. The reception will take place at Holderness on Squam Lake. This is the very same lake where 7 years ago in February the Lord showed me a vision of revival sweeping into New England! As I lay out on the snow-covered ice in the middle of the lake at midnight, I watched the moon break through the clouds in successive places and light up the surrounding countryside, I saw in the spirit how revival would surely come to New England. And then in October last year, at a conference I attended in Worcester, He reminded me of that, and how it relates to what is to take place in Wales. So here we go again, each day an adventure in faith. We trust and pray that God's blessing be with us, and that you also are abundantly blessing by His constant grace and love in your daily lives and upon your loved ones!I can hardly believe we are already into August. This is the hottest month of Louisiana's summer, and will quite likely be the last time we go through one here. The frequent 95º here is the highest temperature ever recorded in Wales, where the July average is 61º F. In the Dallas area last Sunday we visited the Shady Grove Church where we have some old friends. Much to our surprise, in the middle of the service we were called up to the front to be introduced and be prayed for. There were many prophetic words spoken over us, and once again all I could do was weep, overwhelmed by God's loving kindness to us. As he reaffirmed again our calling and purpose for this move to Wales, we were lavishly blessed indeed. Among the many words given, here are a few short ones that people had written down and handed to me: "Think of a blowtorch. Now think of a flame thrower. That's the kind of fire God is going to ignite you with. You will become that kind of fire." "As you walk through the country, your footsteps will begin a burning that will be like the coal in the ground has been set aflame for all the world to see." That is an awesome responsibility, and I share these to encourage you to please keep us in your prayers. When I look at things in the natural, this calling is pretty intimidating. But as we move forward one day at a time, I am constantly amazed at how God's grace is so continually upon us. Tomorrow we leave for New Hampshire, where we will be looking up old friends, and meeting new ones. Sunday I will be sharing at Living Way Church in Londonderry. These wonderful friends helped support us when we were in Guatemala, and continued for several years when we moved back the the States. We have also connected with a few others that relate to a wider circles of churches, and look forward to sharing our vision and mission with them. Once again I feel a certain apprehension, but can just push it aside in trust that the Lord has the plans already made. We are also looking forward to this trip because Saturday we will attend the wedding of Angeline, the daughter of James & Lynn Jankowiak, the current director of Verbo Ministries, friends and co-workers for over 30 years. The reception will take place at Holderness on Squam Lake. This is the very same lake where 7 years ago in February the Lord showed me a vision of revival sweeping into New England! As I lay out on the snow-covered ice in the middle of the lake at midnight, I watched the moon break through the clouds in successive places and light up the surrounding countryside, I saw in the spirit how revival would surely come to New England. And then in October last year, at a conference I attended in Worcester, He reminded me of that, and how it relates to what is to take place in Wales. So here we go again, each day an adventure in faith. We trust and pray that God's blessing be with us, and that you also are abundantly blessing by His constant grace and love in your daily lives and upon your loved ones!

July 24,2004 - The Journey Begins! We are currently in Austin, Texas at the Verbo North America annual leaders conference. I had a few minutes to share with the group about our calling and mission, which fit in well with the main theme of the conference, entitled "Vision Mission." We have been encouraged and blessed to see so many folks we love and have worked with for so many years. Our friend Edgar Monterroso has been sharing a series of messages about evangelism in a changing post-modern world. He will be returning to Spain with his family where they have been for two years establishing a Verbo church in Madrid, and we look forward to staying in contact with them, our new neighbors! When meetings end today, we will be traveling with friends to the Dallas area to begin our visitation of churches and friends. We know we will find those that the Lord has called that will become part of our regular support team. We will not only be visiting old friends and acquaintances, but also know the Lord will open new doors for us. I must confess that I had been somewhat apprehensive about getting started with this process. But as soon as I took the firsts steps to make contacts and share our story, the Lord responded in a wonderful way. Some local ministers in the New Orleans area have already committed to contribute to our monthly support. On one visit in particular, after sharing ourtestimony, we were prayed for and blessed with words of prophecy and great encouragement. But this is the first time we have stepped outside of our local area, and is a new experience. This is where our faith in the promises of God will bring us into direct contact with those that He also has fore-ordained to participate with us to meet our monthly financial needs. I haven't yet made all the contacts that I would have liked to in Dallas, but trust the Lord to make the most of our time. The following week, August 4th, we head north to New Hampshire, where we'll be sharing with old and new friends also. From there we will be mapping out our itinerary for the next six or seven months. Our next trip will most likely be to southern California. As we embark on this new phase of preparations for our permanent move next April, please keep us in your prayers. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do let us hear from you. If you know people that might be interested, please tell them about our mission, or refer them to our web page to read a bit of the story. There is also now a link on the web page for financial support for those that are interested. We only have a few pieces of this puzzle, and you might be holding one unaware!We are currently in Austin, Texas at the Verbo North America annual leaders conference. I had a few minutes to share with the group about our calling and mission, which fit in well with the main theme of the conference, entitled "Vision Mission." We have been encouraged and blessed to see so many folks we love and have worked with for so many years. Our friend Edgar Monterroso has been sharing a series of messages about evangelism in a changing post-modern world. He will be returning to Spain with his family where they have been for two years establishing a Verbo church in Madrid, and we look forward to staying in contact with them, our new neighbors! When meetings end today, we will be traveling with friends to the Dallas area to begin our visitation of churches and friends. We know we will find those that the Lord has called that will become part of our regular support team. We will not only be visiting old friends and acquaintances, but also know the Lord will open new doors for us. I must confess that I had been somewhat apprehensive about getting started with this process. But as soon as I took the firsts steps to make contacts and share our story, the Lord responded in a wonderful way. Some local ministers in the New Orleans area have already committed to contribute to our monthly support. On one visit in particular, after sharing ourtestimony, we were prayed for and blessed with words of prophecy and great encouragement. But this is the first time we have stepped outside of our local area, and is a new experience. This is where our faith in the promises of God will bring us into direct contact with those that He also has fore-ordained to participate with us to meet our monthly financial needs. I haven't yet made all the contacts that I would have liked to in Dallas, but trust the Lord to make the most of our time. The following week, August 4th, we head north to New Hampshire, where we'll be sharing with old and new friends also. From there we will be mapping out our itinerary for the next six or seven months. Our next trip will most likely be to southern California. As we embark on this new phase of preparations for our permanent move next April, please keep us in your prayers. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do let us hear from you. If you know people that might be interested, please tell them about our mission, or refer them to our web page to read a bit of the story. There is also now a link on the web page for financial support for those that are interested. We only have a few pieces of this puzzle, and you might be holding one unaware!

UPDATE: June 4, 2004 I am overjoyed to report that in recent meetings we have been given the full blessings of Verbo Ministries and have been released to follow God's calling to move to Wales the coming Spring of 2005!

UPDATE: March 31, '04 Once more with Gladys we are heading to Wales! This time we are going with another small work team to continue labors on the Elsaesser's farm. Our goal is to renew the mortar on the old barns that will be converted into living quarters for the planned retreat center. Families that have children with special needs will be able to come here for times of refreshing and receiving God's love in this beautiful rural area. UPDATE: December 10, '03 I returned again with Gladys to Wales for 2 1/2 weeks, arriving Christmas Day in Wales. And so we are taking advantage of the great ticket price to take our youngest son Dicky with us. That will be a special blessing to have at least one of our children get to see with his own eyes the place that has so captured our hearts in recent years. So we will be spending over two weeks in Wales, and we hope it is not too cold. We've gotten pretty spoiled by these Louisiana winters! It will give us a chance to realize what a cold Welsh winter is really like. Gladys has been somewhat hesitant about that, having been raising in tropical Guatemala. But she is committed to what the Lord wants, and so will now get a foretaste enough to know what to prepare for when we eventually make a permanent move. UPDATE: April 14, '03 I returned again with Gladys this time to pray together at the chapel. We were there for almost an entire month, and spent many days praying, and visiting and encouraging some of the members of the old chapel to be praying with us for God's will to be done. I again kept a journal of the many wonderful things that the Lord showed us, and that happened to encourage us. I'd like to invite you read my Spring, '03 Wales Prayer Journal, and alsoto please pray with us concerning the Lord's plan for Wales, and our part there. Thank you!


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