Dear Friends and Prayers: <x-tad-smaller> (My apologies if you
get this twice, but the first time I sent it out there were some
After having had two wonderful and precious weeks with our children,
we have finally found a home. Thank you Jesus! We are so thankful for
each of you also that have been praying for us, and our need for a
home base. We are currently in our 4th temporary home in the last 5
weeks, in a trailer on a small farm of some wonderful new friends we
have made here also in Beulah, and will be here until the house is
ready in about 3 weeks. I got the phone call confirming the deal two
days ago, so at last we know where our home will be.
The curious thing is this first picture I took upon our arrival in
Wales on May 11th - the wall on the right with the red square on it is
around our front yard!
Dear Friends & Prayers:
Well, in a little while we head off to London to pick up our
"chillens" (plant in Welsh) and so are very excited as we have been
anticipating this day almost since the day we first arrived nearly 3
months ago! What a blessing it will be to have them here with us. We
hope for good weather, as the last 2 weeks have been mostly grey and
rainy. Most folks think there are a few more weeks of summer weather
due, so we are hoping along with everyone else, whose children are now
our on summer vacations. Wales is crowded with holiday makers for
these 6 weeks which started when we left "our" little cottage in
Cilgerran 2 weeks ago.
We think we might be getting close to a decision on a house - so
please say an extra prayer during these coming days. We are supposed
to hear an answer by Saturday, and we hope the owners of this
beautiful property will decide for us. We're going to pass by there on
our way to London and make clear we are seriously interested! It is 10
miles from the chapel, on the other side near where the wedding was,
and very near a Welsh speaking village. So maybe this is the place the
Lord would have us be for the next few years!
On Monday we went to a beautiful wedding of some new friends, in a
little country church, near where we stayed when we were in Welsh
classes 2 weeks ago. They had lots of their old "hippie", spiritual
seeker and alternative lifestyles friends along who camped out, and
there were some great opportunities to share with many people. Then
yesterday we ran into of three of these young ladies, one with whom
we'd had very long conversations. We had just finished praying for her
and others at the chapel, and then there they were in the local
supermarket! They wound up camping out with us last night, and we had
more chance to share God's love with them, answer some more of their
questions, and even showed them our Wales video about why we're here.
They are so hungry for Truth, and had never really heard the Gospel,
in spite of being brought up in nominally church-going homes. So
please pray for theme and the thousands of other young people who need
Jesus desperately! We plan to keep in touch with them, and let them
know they're welcome in our home anytime.
As always, thanks for your continued prayers and interest.
Dick & Gladys Funnell
P.S. We are still not fully covering our budget, and if you would
like to lend us a hand financially, even in a small but regular way,
it would be a significant blessing for us!
For information on our mission to Wales, please visit
Cell in Wales: 011-44-7796-316626
AIM: enjoying Him
Support checks can be mailed to:
Verbo Ministries - Wales <x-tad-smaller>(Please write "Wales" clearly
in Memo area)</x-tad-smaller>
P.O.Box 190
Kenner, LA 70063<bold>
</bold>Or if you'd like to ask about the convenience of setting up an
automatic bank draft, please call Roger
in the Verbo office at 877-723-4129 Toll Free. Thanks you!
Dick & Gladys Funnell
For information on our mission to Wales, please visit
Cell in Wales: 011-44-7796-316626
AIM: enjoying Him
Support can be mailed to:
Verbo Ministries - Wales <x-tad-smaller>(Please write "Wales" clearly
in Memo area)</x-tad-smaller>
P.O.Box 190
Kenner, LA 70063<bold>
</bold>Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free