Welcome to Wales Awakening

Friday, February 28, 2025

The pace of God's grace is lifting our hearts in prayer and praise!

2025 miniature daffodils at Cilfowyr

Dear Friends and Intercessory Saints,

It's amazing that tomorrow is the 1st of March, and spring is in the air and on its way. We see changes in where and how early the sun comes, we see changes in the budding plants and trees and early flowers. The hopefulness it all represents after such a wet and grey winter is wonderful. A very welcome change indeed! Romans 15:12 paints an amazing picture which we see reflected around us everywhere. "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Another welcome change is that we have found ourselves very busy with visitors and especially people that have come to pray and visit the revival sites nearby. Two weeks ago we were in visited by a very "energetic" brother and his mom and dad who are probably in my age category, and we had an amazing time together. He has been called to starting a prayer ministry focused specifically on revival.

James familyWe also had a wonderful visit from a group of people from Singapore, 18 wonderful saints, who came with the specific purpose to pray for the nation of Wales and the Welsh speaking people in particular. We had a remarkable time at the chapel at Blaenannerch that you may will be familiar with by now where Evan Roberts had his life changing "baptism of fire" when he cried out, "Bend me, Lord!"

It was just such a sweet time of fellowship and powerful prayers and worship. There were some amazing prophetic words given, which I will try to encapsulate a bit later and put onto my words for Wales page, the link is on walesawakening.org. It truly was an exceptional time and I know there was a huge and triumphant impact made in the heavenly realms.

Intercessory prayer team from Singapore, Feb 2025

They braved crazy winds and pouring rain to come up here and bless Wales with their time here. I think their assignment was six days that was totally dedicated to praying for the nation and its people, and they were all changed through their experience as well.

One word in particular that was very encouraging to us was the following that I encapsulate very briefly. "Wales, it is time to open your eyes and hearts to the vision beyond your own borders. Wales has a global assignment, and a new chapter has begun." This is precisely what the Lord showed my in the vision in 1999 that began our journey here 26 years ago!

February sunrise over Betws Ifan, 2025

There is so much more to share, but time and space have come closing in on me as tomorrow early we leave for a wonderful prayer gathering in Builth Wells at the Royal Welsh Showgrounds which I will share about next time. The hope God's glory and grace that lies before us is filled with his countless mighty promises.

May the Holy Spirit continue to empower you for world-changing prayer. In His wonderful Name above all names,

Dick & Gladys


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Revival on college campuses in USA again, let's gear up those prayers!!

Revival on US campuses now!Dear Praying Friends:

A supernatural Christian revival is stirring up once again on American college campuses through Unite US – an evangelistic movement marked by salvations, water baptisms, and worship. Last night at the University of Kentucky, more than 2,000 students responded to the gospel message of Jesus Christ and many took part in spontaneous baptisms.

"It's hard to believe. This keeps happening. It is insane," said Unite US speaker and founder of IF:Gathering Jennie Allen (@jennieallen) Unite US was birthed out of a desire to "lift the name of Jesus."

It all began at Auburn University's Neville Arena in September 2023 where 5,000 students showed up to worship Jesus and 200 were spontaneously baptized in a nearby lake. And now, the organization hosts massive worship events making waves on college campuses across the country. Collectively, those events have brought in more than 70,000 college students. Sap annd fire penetrating the darknessTheir first stop in 2025 was the University of Kentucky. This time, more than 8,000 students packed Rupp Arena to worship Jesus and to hear a powerful message on the Gospel.

"Every time they are confessing their sin, they are yelling it out. They are responding to the gospel in herds. Like droves of kids are coming forward to receive Jesus," said Allen. "We are baptizing kids for an hour and a half. [They are] giving their lives to Jesus. It is only God," she added. "There is a movement amongst students that you can't believe. And even when you see it, you can't believe it!"

CBN's Abigail Robertson was there, and she attests to the almost indescribable move of God that took place on the campus. "I've never seen anything like what happened last night. Kids lining up to get baptized in 30-degree weather –  it's truly amazing what's happening," she shared. According to the event's organizers, it is an event that they have been praying about for months. "We've been praying for this night for months, and God met us here again," reads a post on social media. "We know it's just the beginning of all He has in store."

A MOVE OF GOD’: THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS ATTENDING REVIVAL EVENTS, HUNDREDS BAPTIZEDA post shared by Jonathan Pokluda (@jpokluda) The founder and visionary behind Unite US, Tonya Prewett, shared a powerful message with the crowd about giving it all to Jesus. "You get so tired of the enemy and his attacks, that you will do anything. Even if it costs everything. Many times God will use our deepest pain to propel us into our deepest purpose," she shared. The night ended with hundreds of students making a public declaration for Jesus Christ, followed by water baptisms. And as each person rose out of the cool waters, cheers erupted from the crowd because another life was counted for the Kingdom of God. "He did it again. Except for He did it bigger than He's ever done it," said Unite US speaker and Pastor Jonathan Pokluda of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas.

"It was just crazy," he said. "All the aisles and the altars [were] just full of people. Literally thousands [of] college students came forward to give their lives to Jesus. My legs are sore, my arm is sore from baptizing people. And we say thanks to God. Praise be His Name."

Unite US is bucking the claims that GenZ is spiritually apathetic. "I think we're a generation of critical thinkers, and I think we're a generation of authenticity, and we're a generation of vulnerability," Trosper Buchanan, a junior at UK, told NBC News affiliate LEX-18. "I've seen and, and experienced firsthand, the death and the depravity that is disguised as the college experience. We're just taught like this is what fulfills you and then this is life and then we, we take it and it kills us, and we're like, 'Well I guess, I guess something's wrong with me,'" he continued.

Dr. Sarah Baldwin, Vice President of Student Life at Asbury University, was at Asbury two years ago when a revival hit the campus that lasted several weeks. She told the outlet that GenZ is waking up to their true identity in Christ. "The students are recognizing that like, 'no, this is what I was designed for; this is the purpose that was set aside for me, this is the life... this is the love that Jesus has for me.'"

And events like Unite US are serving as a catalyst across many of those college campuses.  "Revival is here," Allen said. "We're not pulling teeth. We're not doing magic tricks. We are just there responding to the gospel. They want God. And it is so beautiful."

This was so encouraging I wanted to pass it on to fire up our prayers even more. May God continue to bless and empower the young people of the earth who hunger for truth and righteousness,

Dick & Gladys


Thursday, January 23, 2025

A surprise from the '60s - a picture of things to come...

1966 wedding at Cilfowyr Chapel!Dear Friends of Wales Awakening:

You can imagine my surprise Sunday when a friend texted me a link to this video on BBC. It was a wedding that took place at our own Cilfowyr Chapel in 1966. Those doors are unmistakeable, and we have loads of photos with visitors and friends in that very doorway, but we have never seen a wedding!

The real surprise, however, was for the bride in the picture. She had no idea that any video existed at all, and just found out a few days ago. If you click on the photo above you can hear her tell how she "was blown away" by such a nostalgia-filled discovery. Her brief description of this special event in recollection after nearly 60 years is very touching.

Sixty years ago, Cilfowyr was still meeting three times each Sunday, and it was an important social hub for its members and the area. How things have changed! There is only one meeting a month since Repairing roof damage after Storm Darragh we've been here, and we are only ten or twelve present in those services. And now that our minister has retired from being the pastor and will just conduct the monthly services, the future is not very clear.

But having this video appear just now seems to have a prophetic significance, and it fits with the fact that the Lord has called and kept us here all these years praying for revival. We know He has a plan, and the picture of a wedding is fitting as He continues preparing the Bride of Christ for the work of showing forth His glory to a needy world and drawing people to Himself.

Speaking of being blown away, last month we had two days of a tremendous wind storm which blew some slates off the roof of the vestry. Just this week the work has been completed, and having a waterproof defence against the elements again is comforting in a land where rain is so abundant. This is yet another step in maintaining these old buildings—this vestry, built in 1795, A glorious sunrise!was actually the chapel itself for about 80 years. Last fall work was done on the "new" and larger sanctuary, which was built in 1877 to accommodate a growing congregation. Contrary to appearance of just being another shrinking chapel, the Lord continues prompting the leadership to invest in repairs and improvements. And this is great encouragement to us as you might imagine.

Now the days are starting to get noticeably longer, and we look forward to the approach spring. The season of green shoots and swelling buds is always a wonderful reminder of the newness of life we have in Jesus, and speaks also of the growth of the kingdom of God as people come to embrace Jesus as their Savior. It also points to what will be forever new in God's eternal kingdom where "from glory to glory" will be an understatement.  

Blessings to you in the Name above all names,

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Local prayers and looking forward...

Safe haven from the rising river!Dear Friends and praying Saints:

This has been one of the wettest winters on record for the last hundred years, and severe winds have taken a huge toll on trees across the UK. It took nearly a week just to clear the roads and downed trees are still everywhere. A few hours of sunshine today highlighted this barn built on high ground—a safe haven for sheep and feed. In just such a way the Lord is our shelter from the storms of life, and He covers us with his hand.

We were very encouraged by a small prayer gathering inspired by the Heal the Land Conference that we attended last October. There we gathered to pray in groups according to our localities across Wales, and we were recommended to try and meet locally throughout the coming year. So this was the first of seven consecutive Saturday meetings in our area. Represented here are folks from Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Ceredigion, and we would like to encourage more from West Wales to participate this coming Saturday.

These meetings were organized by a very dear friend who was called by the Lord to pray for revivalHeal the Land Conference in Builth Wells, Sept. 2024 in the 1980s. We've known one another almost since we first arrived, and have been mutually blessed and encouraged over the years. She gave an introduction to the meetings and the history of God moving here powerfully back in the 1970s. In fact, she has researched and written some amazing testimonies of God's workings here during that time. You can read her article at this link

There were some powerful prayers for revival for our area, and for the Lord to call into action the many members of the Body of Christ who have not been walking in the fullness of God's giftings. From there we we moved into a precious time of prayer for one another present, for boldness, free anointing,  physical healing, etc. We finished with communion, and are excited to see who and what next Saturday brings.  

A view of the Preselis covered with morning sun on snowFor some time I've felt a gentle leading of the Lord to find a way to share more of the things He puts on my heart, so I've launched a small podcast project called "Welsh Morning Moments". The aim is to record a daily, or nearly daily, short reflection based on the scriptures and/or surroundings.

These are just spontanteous impressions I receive and pass along to encourage us all to spend more time seeking the Lord in prayer and making ourselves available to receive new things from His heart to ours, and so have more light to shine into the lives of those around us each day. I am very much in the learning-my-way stage, and you can dip in as often as you like through the web version at this link: Please click here. I hope to make it a regular podcast you can subscribe to as soon as I figure that out! I trust and pray it blesses and encourages you! Today's podcast is called, "Digging for Treasures of Salvation"

May the blessings and grace of God and His goodness fill you, follow you, and flow out through you into the needy world that surrounds us.

Dick & Gladys


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