Welcome to Wales Awakening

Friday, February 24, 2006

The pace is picking up . .

Dear Friends of the coming Welsh Revival!  

Wow, that sounds nice doesn't? or how about,
 "Dear Friends of the coming World Awakening:"; or "Dearly Beloved Co-laborers in Christ:"; or again "Dear Helpers in His Heavenly Harvest:"? These and innumerable more titles are fitting descriptions of His workings in and through you and us as the Lord is preparing His church for the times ahead. 

We are getting ready for our upcoming visit as the date of our trip back to the States draws near. Gladys is really excited about seeing our kids again. Every day she has these little waves of special joy, and pokes and tickles me, and says funny stuff, if you can imagine that.  :o)   I am of course looking forward to it as well, but at the same time don't really like the idea of not being here for 6 weeks. 

Our arrangements seem to be vaguely shaping up! I still have only a couple fixed dates at this point, and am hoping between today and early next week get some confirmations of several tentative engagements. It is a bit tedious, trying to coordinate with schedules, lots of emails and phone calls. Everyone always has more pressing priorities than attending "some missionary guy". I have been on that end and understand how it is.

 The redeeming part is that of knowing my agenda is already written down - only I don't get to see it all in black in white!  :o)

Had an awesome time in prayer at the chapel yesterday with a new local friend and his visiting girlfriend from Germany. She checked out our web site and really wanted to visit the chapel, so we spend some time there together. At one point as we were singing "Holy, Holy, Holy", the Lord really opened up a deep channel of intercession through the third verse that says

 "Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity."       

My spirit was overcome with grief over how this gross darkness covers the earth and the hurting people of this world, and yet the mighty power of His redeeming love is only a breath away.... 

Please pray with us that HIs illuminating grace pierce this darkness like lightning bolts cut through the densest of storm clouds. Whether it's in the heat and violence of the latest religious strife in Iraq, or the peaceful countryside of West Wales, the darkness is just as bleak. "Thank you Jesus for the hope there is in You, for whosever will may come.

Much love and blessings to all,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit


Home: 011-44-1239-810825

Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

    Our new home address is:

Genaur Glyn


Newcastle Emlyn,  SA38 9QB  

Wales, U.K.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Spring is growing in readiness!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

We have been delighted to discover daffodils coming up everywhere in our unkempt gardens, and the buds are waiting for the signal to open. We see snowdrops opened along the roadsides, and lambs are plentiful in the fields. This morning early there were a few snow flurries along the road, but it seems that spring is really on the way. We have turned the soil over for a vegetable garden, and will plant when we return from America in mid-April.

 Ten days ago we had a wonderful visit from a friend from Birmingham. On my first solo visit to pray in the chapel in October of 2002, Steve was one of three brothers that drove four hours out here just to pray with me for two hours and then return home the same day for evenings services in their churches. (That in itself was an amazing answer to my prayer in the chapel the days before! See the October 23rd journal entry at http://www.walesawakening.org/journal- oct02.htm) During our prayer and worship time in the chapel this time, he kept seeing a clear picture of me digging with a spade in the grounds surrounding the chapel. He saw the I had dug ditches and divided it up into sections, and that we had finished one section, very thoroughly turning over the soil and removing any stones and rubbish.

He felt the Lord showed him how we have been praying here and cleaning things up in the spiritual realm in preparation for the coming move of God. His word was that we have been faithful and done well so far, but that there was yet a great deal to pray through and cleanse and prepare the soil. It was very encouraging for us, and are very much aware of the Lord's care for us through this special visit, and the many other things that constantly happen to assure us we are in His perfect will.

As we continue to pray here, would you please join us in asking the Lord to help, guide and strengthen His body worldwide as we prepare for the coming harvest. Signs are everywhere of the coming Spring!

Also, would you please pray for our preparations and travel arrangements. We are still working on our schedule of visits and speaking engagements, and are trusting the Lord to order our steps. If you may be part of that "ordering", please let us hear from you!

Many blessings, and we look forward to seeing many of you.

In His amazing love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit http://walesawakening.org

Home: 011-44-1239-810825 Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

Our new home address is: Genaur Glyn Beulah Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QB Wales, U.K.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

30 years ago today . . . . so pray and obey

. . . on Febrary 4th, 1976, a massive earthquake rocked the Central American country of Guatemala, leaving nearly 35,000 dead,  many more injured, and hundreds of thousands of families homeless and hungry. Christian and secular humanitarian organizations from many nations were launched into action, and efforts to rebuild a nation got underway. Since then evangelical Christians have increased from 12% to nearly 45% of Guatemala's population.

So what does it take to change a nation? Does it require a natural disaster? Will Katrina's effect on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast produce similar results over the long haul? How about the tsunami a year ago, will that bring people to Christ? I sure don't know the answers to these questions. But I do know that if God's people pray, and obey what they hear from the Lord, I believe nations can indeed be changed.

30 years ago, we prayed and obeyed. And as a result, together with other young believers, I set off to Guatemala to see what the Lord had in mind. We could never have imagined how things would develop, and the Lord graciously allowed us to participate in His plans for a broken nation. We watched our small beginnings expand out into over a dozen nations and close to a hundred churches over these last three decades. What an adventure!

So what does this have to do with Wales? 

Well, we have prayed and obeyed again, that's all. And this happens to be the next chapter! We know God's plan is for the heart of this nation to once again become inflamed with His manifest presence. And His plan now has us here standing in the gap as intercessors for a new Welsh Revival. We are greatly encouraged as we know we are not alone! Many others here are praying and crying out to God. 

Nor is Wales alone! The nations of the world are being "seasoned" by prayers and intercessors, worshippers and lovers of God, salt and light, servants of all. And it is our joy to watch as the adventure continues. A friend wrote recently, "What an awesome privilege you have been given to pray for revival in that dear country."  It is indeed our joy and privilege to do so. 
And it is your privilege to pray for revival where you live too! 

Thank you for your continued interest and support. And remember, "Pray & Obey!"

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit

Home: 011-44-1239-810825
Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

    Our new home address is:
Genaur Glyn
Newcastle Emlyn,  SA38 9QB  
Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to:
Verbo Ministries - Wales  (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area)
P.O.Box 190
Kenner, LA  70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


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