Welcome to Wales Awakening

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Back in New Orleans!

In this view up the street, until recently the "middle ground" was a junkyard of dead cars and household appliances. Right now there are some men putting up signs saying "Broadmoor Lives!" to announce a neighborhood festival to encourage the efforts to rebuild the community.

It will take many years to recover from all this. Meanwhile, as people slowly return and confront the task of getting their lives back together, please pray that they come to recognize that the only true and permanent foundation in this world is Jesus! It is a blessing to see many Christian groups from around the country involved here helping in the cleanup process, and living out the testimony for all to see that He is the only lasting Home.

In His astounding love,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit http://walesawakening.org

Home: 011-44-1239-810825 Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

Our new home address is: Genaur Glyn Beulah Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QB Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to: Verbo Ministries - Wales (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area) P.O.Box 190 Kenner, LA 70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free

Back in New Orleans!

Dear Friends:

We arrived back Louisiana Wednesday night after a busy and blessed time in New England. We were a little worn out, but what a great way to get tired! We visited with my extended family, and even got to celebrate my niece's 40th birthday with lots of festivities, so that was great fun!

We also had a chance to meet and share with many friends and a couple of churches, which was also a very rich time. We encouraged others with our testimonies of prayer in Wales to pray for New England, and we received prayer and encouragement from them as well. The Lord is Good indeed!

I am still in a bit of shock upon seeing New Orleans. Just as I had heard, the many pictures and video footage just don't convey the reality before our eyes. Wednesday on the way to Grace's apartment, we took a long route through some of the huge areas that have been left abandoned - block after block after block of empty homes with huge mountains of garbage piled in the yards and spilling out into the streets - carpets, furniture, appliances. The clean-up operation is slowly underway, but the scope of it is MASSIVE, and we have only seen a fraction of it. What the winds of Katrina didn't destroy, the flooding ruined. And it just goes on for miles.

Yesterday afternoon as we drove through neighborhoods of friends near our church, it was like a huge bizarre campground, with white FEMA trailers parked at 80% of the homes while residents gut and rebuild. And here they got off very lightly. It is heartbreaking to see so many families and homes turned upside down forever.

Here we are staying in the middle of it, houses all around are in various states of disrepair, repair, or abandonment. In this picture you can see the watermark on Grace's apartment. Another couple of inches higher and she would have lost everything. The Lord is good.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Goings on in Beulah & Boston!

Goings on in Beulah & Boston! 

Dear Friends:

We arrived here in Boston Tuesday night, and survived driving on the right hand side of road again. I was a little concerned, but it came naturally after I figured out what side of the car to get into!  :o)   We have rested some, and are beginning to get used to the time change. 

Last night I went to a prayer meeting in Cambridge with my brother Dave, where Lou Engle and Bob Weiner and LOTS of young on-fire believers are 8 days into 40 days of a 24/7 prayer and fasting boiler room. It was wonderful to be in a meeting that enjoyed the same spirit of intercession and crying our for revival as us in Wales!

Meanwhile, back home in Beulah, all heaven has been breaking loose! We had such a great time with these four sweet-spirited sisters who are taking care of our house, we had mixed feelings about leaving home! The Lord showed me in how they were taking over for us and carrying on with our prayer mission there. Monday morning I went out to spread lime on our garden, and as I was raking it into the soil to let it sit and be rained into the earth, I saw how this first 10 months of praying was liked the turning and working of the soil, and now this was a time of rest before planting, letting the rain soak in the whiteness of the lime to sweeten the soil. And that is what the prayer of the sisters will be doing during our absence. Let it rain Lord!

I got his report from one of the girls last night:

Dear Dick and Gladys,
Glad to see you have made it safely to the US. It has been an intense day again. This morning Nick and Erika and Howie and Rick and Emyr showed up. We had tea and coffee and talked, prayed, shared about the Lord for hours. Then moved into the living room (your other love seat is in there now too) and we sang and worshipped for hours (till about 5 pm). Those who had to work left at various times, but now it is almost 11 pm, and the next round of worship just got going about an hour ago with Howie and Nick and Erika again. By the way, Nick took us to Tesco today. Tomorrow no one is officially coming to intercession, but I kind of doubt that :)
Anyway, be blessed. We are blissed out.

Isn't the Lord awesome to have arranged all this for us? 

In constant wonder at His goodness!

Dick & Gladys Funnell

P.S. My U.S. Cell number is: 504-338-0595

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit


Home: 011-44-1239-810825

Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

    Our new home address is:

Genaur Glyn


Newcastle Emlyn,  SA38 9QB  

Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to:

Verbo Ministries - Wales  (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area)

P.O.Box 190

Kenner, LA  70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Full House of Prayer

Dear Friends:

Hello from snowy Wales! It has been a mixture of sun and clouds and hail and snow, making things white and beautiful. The sight of sunshine pouring down on a shower of puffy popcorn-like hail is surprising! And with daffodils now blooming in many places, it is really something to look at, and admire the Lord's handiwork.

Today we are going to meet four young women at the train station in Aberystwyth, who are going to be staying in our house part of the time we're away. Dagnia and Ilze are old friends who we met through the Spirit Ship over 10 years ago, and arrive tonight from Latvia. It was Dagnia we stayed with in Seville where this idea started. Their friend Aline comes from Tennesee and Marianne is from Sweden. They are all into intercession, and will be having an extended time of prayer and fellowship here during our absence. So our house will still be filled with prayer and worship while we're away! Aline is a musician and worship leader and instructor ( http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/aline ), and Ilze plays guitar too. We're sorry we'll miss the fun!

So it will be a real crowd here until Tuesday when we leave, and so we get to test out our house's capacity, and floor space! Once we're gone they'll be quite comfortable. Several of our friends from the area will be helping them out with rides etc., and are looking forward to Aline sharing a few days of worship workshops with the recently started fellowship we attend frequently. So we are delighted that our household will continue to sow into the Kingdom here in blessed Beulah!

It will be pretty busy over the next few days, so the next time you hear from us we may be in New England. We appreciate your prayers for the remainder of our travel and visiting arrangements. There are still lots of details to coordinate, but doors are opening and everything will certainly fall into place in due time. And please remember to pray for the prayers who will be in our home! 

Many blessings to you, and we hope to see you many of you soon!

In His love and care,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit

Home: 011-44-1239-810825
Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

    Our new home address is:
Genaur Glyn
Newcastle Emlyn,  SA38 9QB  
Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to:
Verbo Ministries - Wales  (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area)
P.O.Box 190
Kenner, LA  70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


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