Welcome to Wales Awakening

Friday, May 26, 2006

A new season - a time to plant!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

Here we are closing in on the end of May already, and it seems like we just got started! We had beautiful weather for the first week we were home, but since then it has been mostly grey, rainy and windy. Local folks are saying it has been the coldest spring in years, and some have even apologized to us for it! But yesterday was beautiful and gave us the opportunity to get a fence up around our vegetable patch, which is looking quite bare except for the lettuce and leeks which were young plants.

 While planting some seeds early last week, I remembered what the Lord showed me about the garden and the soaking prayer of the young ladies that stayed and prayed here during our absence. And as I was sowing the seeds, I saw how our first year here was really just preparing and working the soil to get it ready. And this new season has gotten underway. Our work here in prayer and relationships has taken a new turn, and we are settling in for the "long haul." Although we know the times are in His hands, we plant in hope and assurance!

Could you please remember Gareth, the pastor of the chapel, in your prayers. After dealing with a lengthy sickness, his wife passed away during our absence, and it has been a very difficult time for him. He works as the minister for five chapels, and perhaps the busyness of his schedule helps him keep his mind occupied at times, but his grief is just under the surface. Please pray the Lord turn his mourning into dancing through a real revelation of the lively hope we have in Jesus!

Thank you for your prayers and support.

In His marvelous love,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit http://walesawakening.org

Home: 011-44-1239-810825 Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

Our new home address is: Genau'r Glyn Beulah Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QB Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to: Verbo Ministries - Wales (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area) P.O.Box 190 Kenner, LA 70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


Friday, May 12, 2006

Today We Started Year Two in Wales!

Beloved Friends and Prayers:

Yesterday marked the 1st. anniversary of our arrival in Wales, and we are continually overwhelmed by His goodness and mercy, which apparently are following us all the days of our lives! We had the pleasant surprise of some unexpected guests, and so our lunch together was a little celebration of the GOODNESS of the Lord!

On May 11th last year, just before we got to our friends the Elsaesser's house in West Wales, I stopped the car to take this first picture in Baulah. It was no coincidence that the white entryway on the right where the antenna of the car is pointing marked our house! Little did we know this at the time, but now we have been living here in Beulah for 7 months, after 5 months of looking for a rental property!

 Beulah, May 11, 2005

And so now this is our home, and a we are so thankful to each of you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, and helping to make our mission here possible.  Genau'r Glyn (Mouth of the Valley) , Feb. 28, 2006

We know that the privilege of living here in beautiful Wales has been entrusted to us by the Lord, and we are reminded daily of His constant care for us. And as we spend time each day at prayer in the chapel, we know how completely we must rely on Him for the coming revival. All we can do is stand in the gap, and that only by His strength and grace.  And just as we are enjoying the blooming of flowers around our home that we didn't plant, we know with ever more certainty that we will rejoice in the coming harvest that the Lord Himself has planted in the hearts of the people of this nation.

Thank you for praying for the hymn festival two Mondays ago. This year there were less people than the last time we went three years ago. I guess that is to be expected, and reflects the gradually shrinking attendance of most of the Welsh chapels, a pattern that has been going on for many years now. And that was yet another reminder of exactly why we are here praying.

In spite of a smaller gathering, the singing was beautiful, and some of the songs were very stirring, even though we still don't understand most of the lyrics! Especially powerful was the main Anthem, "Teyrnasoedd y Ddaear" (You Will Rule the Earth). It was a rendition of Psalm 68, verses 32-35, and arranged for 4 part harmony. The last verse, "35 O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God." was really very awesome and inspiring. So please continued praying with us that these words continue ringing in the heart and mind and spirit of everyone that came, and "haunt" them until they are brought to meet their King in a personal way.

Thank you again for standing with us and we stand in the gap for Wales. May the awesome Lord of All bless you continually with His presence.

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

P.S. Another blessed daily reminder of His care was that Wednesday I mentioned to friends that the old washing machine that came with the house had been behaving erratically, and I wondered about whether it could be fixed. Then that evening I got a totally unexpected phone call from another friend about an hour southwest of us who asked if we could use a practically new washing machine! And only 30 minutes before, while visiting some other friends nearby, I was offered a lawn mower, which we are beginning to need now. Isn't the Lord awesome? He IS our provider. Thank you Jesus! :o)

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit http://walesawakening.org

Home: 011-44-1239-810825 Mobile: 011-44-7796-316626

Our new home address is: Genaur Glyn Beulah Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QB Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to: Verbo Ministries - Wales (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area) P.O.Box 190 Kenner, LA 70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


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