Welcome to Wales Awakening

Thursday, August 24, 2006

An Eagle's Eye View

Dear Friends and Prayers:

Today we went for a short hike along part of the National Coastal Path near Cwmtudu, about 20 minutes from Beulah. We sat atop the cliffs just to the east of the small stony beach to rest and enjoy the spectacular view. We could see off towards North Wales across the Irish Sea, and back down as far as Cardigan Island to the west of us. This whole area is the immediate target of our prayers for revival, and we took advantage of the sunny weather to get outdoors as the brief summer here draws to a close.

The views from places like this are very inspirational, and help give wings to our prayers. While we were sitting there, Gladys noticed a colorful para-glider like this one over the cliff tops to our left. I have never seen one before, and it floated on the wind in silence, like the seagulls that winged by us effortlessly just out over the cliffs below. I watched and thought about how that looked like a wonderful thing to experience. I thought I would surely love to try that sometime. I could easily imagine the views, and the sound of the wind, and how exhilarating it must be , but wistfully doubted that I ever really would to able to try it, or have the nerve!

It was then that the Lord showed me that even as much glorious fun as this appears, it just can't compare to the things He has prepared for us to witness first hand when the Coming Revival breaks out in awesome power! The glories of God's moving just can't even begin to be compared with earthly things. Isn't that amazing? Imagine supercharging something like this with rocket fuel, and maybe we can glean a glimpse of the heavenly treasures that await us! Eternal things like salvation and reconciliation, and seeing healings and miracles, and seeing people run to embrace Jesus as Savior and Lord. Now those are things that are really worthwhile!

Those are the things that we're praying for. Those are the things worth waiting for. Those are the things worth sacrificing for and fasting for, for talking about and singing about. Please join with us as we worship the One True God for the thing he has prepared for those that love Him. Our prayer is worship, our worship is prayer. Bless the name of the Lord, for he alone is worthy!

"Then sings my soul, my savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art . . . "

Love and blessings to you in the glorious name of Jesus,

Dick & Gladys Funnell


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Crop Sharing and more . . .

Dear Friends and Prayers:
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost in September already. Our garden has been a real blessing, giving us lettuce, leeks, spinach, swiss chard and turnips. And now our green beans and even a few ears of corn are on the stove. We have enjoyed sharing some of our harvest with friends and neighbors, and we see the Lord’s goodness and provision throughout the whole process. Our friends the caretakers of the chapel have also shared of their large garden with us. This afternoon he offered us potatoes, and pulled some real beauties right out of the ground. It really is amazing to have such a vivid and tasty reminder of the miracle our existence. Jehovah-Jireh, our provider!

There’s another kind of sharing going on too! The other night we went to a monthly meeting of intercessors that pray for the ministry of a nearby retreat center. There are some potential doors being opened up to them for an even broader reaching ministry, and so we were praying about some specific issues involved. FFald-y-Brenin is a special place where God has been doing many extraordinary things, and we've had a very nice relationship with the directors of the center for several years now.
While we were in our prayer session in one room, right next to us was a group of Nigerians from London, who were having a retreat there at the center. Dressed in their colorful native garb, they were having an intense and very lively worship session. We even had to stop a few times, close a door that had been left open, and just smile at each other, such was the volume and pitch of their worship. And I think I may have not been the only one to think about switching rooms! So both ends of the house were shaking the heavens in a wonderful concert of praise and intercession!

That is a powerful combination, and our prayer is that both of these elements are a frequent part of your lives as well.

Love and blessings to you,
Dick & Gladys Funnell

P.S. Our German medical student friend had some wonderful doors for fellowship and hospitality open up for her, so thanks to each of you who responded and/or prayed!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fruit of Past Revivals

Dear Friends & Prayers:

We hope you are well, and enjoying the summer months. We pray for relief from the drought and related problems for those affected areas in the U.S. that we've been hearing about. Summer holiday season here is in full swing, and West Wales is crawling with "tourists" and "holiday makers". We have been to the beach a few times recently, only 5 miles from Beulah, and it is packed with people, actually getting into the VERY cold water. And we know we are getting acclimatized here, because now we get into the water too!

I have been slowly reading through a book by J. Edwin Orr, titled The Flaming Tongue. It is a detailed study and description of the revivals throughout the 20th century, and I have found it very encouraging and motivational in our praying here. All the "big stuff" is relatively common knowledge, the 1904 Welsh Revival, Azusa Street, New Hebrides, etc. But he documents the results of revival in many many places around the globe with statistical details that you never hear about.

Here is an excerpt that I thought it would be worth sharing, and encouraging your prayers for these things in your area. 

Nation wide reports from the Presbyterians reported that the 1905 evangelistic season had been in so many respects the most remarkable ever witnessed in the USA. It was marked by four unusual characteristics:
- the unexpected interest of non-Christians
- the desire of all classes to hear the word of God
- the ease and joy of interdenominational cooperation
- the abounding joy in participants as well as conviction and repentance among hearers

Isn't that awesome? The Spirit of God moved in such a way directly on people's hearts that they were drawn to seek after the things of God. So we can pray that people will be drawn by divine "curiosity, liike Moses when he said, " I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." (Exod. 3:3)

And let us be praying for that "abounding joy" as the Lord brings together His body with only one agenda, His Agenda! It is only through His strength that we can faithfully carry out our part in the daily unfolding of history. This are strenuous times, especially with the situation in the Middle East, and we need to be focused on Jesus!

God bless you greatly, and thank you for your prayers and support for our small part in His Great Plans!

In HIs marvelous love,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

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Genaur Glyn


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Wales, U.K.

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