Dear Friends & Prayers:
Greetings from blustery Beulah! We've had nights in the mid-forties with lots of wind and rain. Fall has been here for a while, many leaves are down, and so we are facing the fact that winter is on it's way, especially now that the clock gets set back tonight (don't forget!).
Our garden has slowed down, but we still have plenty of chard, lettuce, leeks, spring onions, and the rutabagas are now ready to eat and are delicious! Here you can see a grasshopper's view from the corner. Hmmm, those leeks make the best soups!
The other night we were invited to a scrumptious home made Chinese dinner at some friends' home. I was talking with a young lady who works as a teacher with 4 year-olds in a public school. Besides being a teacher, she shares in the daily assemblies, and teaches lessons and stories from the Bible! But when she told me that of the one hundred 3 to 7 year-olds, only two of them go to church or Sunday school, I was overwhelmed with a profound and Godly sorrow.
We've known the statistics that only about 6% of the population go to any church at all, but her news just crushed me! How could it be that Wales is in such a state? Obviously those 6% are mostly older people, and most young families just don't have a even clue about or interest in the wonderful love of Christ! So almost none of these children have any knowledge of who Jesus is, or have absorbed anything of Wales' Christian heritage. The joyful innocence you see here doesn't stand a chance of lasting very long without knowing Him.
And so this was a sobering reminder of why we are here and who we are really praying for. "Black and yellow, red and white, they're all precious in His sight." And that is just the children! This nation and the earth are filled with souls like ships without an anchor in a sea in which they don't know a perilous storm is brewing. Hebrews 6:19 "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil."
Please pray for our friend as she continues her "missionary work" in this school. She is the only Christian on staff, and the Lord has placed her strategically to reach out to famlies and staff alike there. Pray that she be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leadings and makes the most of every opportunity. And also pray for her to be continually encouraged, as she was recently. When she asked the children in the morning assembly what we should do if we know we have done something wrong, one of the children said, "We should tell God we're sorry and Jesus makes us clean again!"
Sincerely praying with you for revival in Wales, and the nations,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends & Prayers:
I got this from a dear friend in August, and have wanted to share it. It is a prophetic declaration, which we ourselves have prayed for - that the hills would resound once again with the worship of the saints!

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
The other day on our way to the chapel, I could see some plowed fields that had just been seeded with barley. There was just the faintest blush of light green, barely perceptible, and only when the light was just right. No sooner had I noticed it, than the Lord clearly reminded me of the coming harvest, and my heart swelled with the realization once again of why we're here and what we are expecting! It has much to do with how we allow His light to shine into our daily lives and circumstances.What a gift and privilege of faith we have been given, and we are so very thankful for His goodness!
Thank you for standing with us in prayer for Wales and the nations!
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends:
This past week has flown by like a bullet! It was my second week back in Welsh class. I am continuing on in the the second year of the accelerated course, and my brain is scrambled, but it is good to be at it again. Gladys is taking the beginners course over again, to strengthen areas we missed last year. So between the two of us, we hope to make real headway this year, but it is not easy going.
Last Sunday was the monthly meeting at our chapel, and I really was having a hard time. We do recognize more words now, but still not enough to really understand what is being preached about. By Tuesday I was struggling with a bit of discouragment in three areas. One was Welsh. The second was that my knees and hips have been giving me some grief. I started receiving therapy to try and take care of some old problems, and I think the reaction has made things temporarily worse. And on the third area, I took a hard look at our finances, and we are consistantly short of our minimum budget, and so that was getting to me some as well.
So at supper time, I mentioned it to Gladys and we prayed about it before we ate. After supper I went off to my 2 hour Welsh class and didn't give it any further thought. When I got home Gladys told me that my friend Michael Backholer, who I just mentioned in last week's update, had called. He said he "had something for me" and would call later. I hadn't heard from him since June, so this was totally unexpected. But when he called, what he had for me was a huge word of encouragement from the Lord!
Isn't God awesome! Not even three hours had passed since we prayed with Gladys and put these situations into His hands. And He moved on our friend and brother in Christ, and he was the channel that comfort and encouragement came through to strengthen and bless us.
How true ring the words of 1st Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him; for he cares for you." He is so faithful, and we know where we stand and in Whom our strength lies!
On another note, we have been helping out the caretaker of the chapel now and then. There is always something to do and we enjoy making physical labor part of our prayer life. The hedges that are everywhere here require lots of work. Most of the farmers have tractor mounted machines to keep up with their miles of hedges, but our friend Meirion works almost as hard as a machine! So we get our chance to work up a good sweat, and it is an encouragement to him to help lighten the load.
Thank you as always for your continued interest and prayers!
In the love and service of Him who first loved us,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends & Prayers:
Last week I passed the test for my permanent U. K. driving license. It may not sound like a big deal, but it was! I took my theory exam in July and had no problem. Then a month later, after one lesson with a local driving instructor, I took the practical road test, and failed it! I dreamt the night before that I had failed it test, but I wrote off the dream. So it came as a real shock when I actually failed, and boy was I bummed out. Gladys tried to cheer me up "Let's go to the beach!" she suggested, but nothing worked. I was so depressed for a couple hours, I went to bed and slept.
I was better after I woke up, but was still disappointed. I've been driving for over 40 years, and considered myself a good driver. Even the examiner said I was, but there are lots of habits that 40 years build up, and are very hard to break. The hardest part was looking in the mirror BEFORE putting on the turn signal. I tried everything, but struggled with that.
The night before the test last week, I dreamt I passed it, so that was comforting, but I was still a little nervous. But I had friends praying for me, and that made the difference! I actually passed, and so now have a real U. K. license. It was not a big deal, as my Louisiana license is valid, but I needed to have this by mid-October, so it is a blessing! I'm "street legal" now, driving on the "wrong" side of the road!
As I have mentioned in the past, we keep getting reassuring signs that we're on the right track. I'd like to share a word that a friend received about Wales here, to encourage you to continue praying with us for God's impending move. He received other words for England and Great Britain which you can see on his web page as well.
Wales Prophecy
This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“Land of valley and song, I say to you again prepare, prepare for a visitation of My Spirit. I have not forgotten or overlooked you. Once again the breath of God will be felt as My Spirit bloweth through you; a mighty wind, a powerful wind, a wind of change that will blow the shame from your towns and city centres.
Though My back was turned for a time, now is the time for My people to call upon Me in the day of your shame and I shall turn and deliver you as I have in past generations. And again voices will be heard all over the valleys as I breathe a new breath of life into My people and add greatly to their numbers.”
Michael Backholer, Wednesday 16 November 2005 -
Many blessings to you all,
Dick & Gladys