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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Great News!

Thanks for praying - we got our passports back today after sending in the required documents just Tuesday. They gave us THREE YEARS!

Thank you Jesus,

Dick & Gladys


Monday, May 21, 2007

Hanging on to Hope!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

I was recently reminded of a story that you may have heard also. A little girl was out flying a kite on a windy day, and some very low clouds came along and hid the kite from view. "What are you doing?" asked a man that came along. "I'm flying my kite," she replied. "Flying your kite?" the man asked. "How can you be sure it's still there? You can't see it." "No," said the little girl, "I can't see it, but every now and then I feel it pulling on the string, so I know for sure it's there!"

As we press into our intercessory prayer here, the fruit of our work exists in the invisible realm. And so when people ask us what we're doing here, many respond in a similar fashion when we tell them we're praying for revival. Some raise their eyebrows with skepticism. Some act like they didn't really hear or understand us, and change the subject. And a few time people have laughed in my face at such an absurd idea!

But just like this little girl (our daughter Grace twenty years ago!) we too feel that "pulling on the string" and know for sure where our hope is found. In Hebrews 6:19 it says, " This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil."

So we cling with joy to the calling and favor the Lord has granted us in being here in Wales, and continually look forward to the day-by-day unveiling of His plans. There is much yet to be done, but we are very conscious of things happening on many fronts in the spiritual realm and know we are not at all alone in our endeavor.

Philippians 3:12 says "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but we press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us."

Please pray for our visa application that is in process. We are asking for a three-year extension. Also, thank you for your prayers for the Revival Meetings at the Medical College in Malawi 10 days ago.

The email I got from my friend there said, "Let me start by thanking God for making the revival meeting successful and also I want to thank God for the people who spared their time to intercede and I must really say God was at work. Malawi College of Medicine will never be the same again, it will be training Medical Professionals who will stand for the Lord, Doctors sown on the spirit, who will help patients not from the medical point of view but mainly from the spiritual point. May the Good Lord continue abundantly blessing you and all the people who stood for the work of the Lord to be done."

May the Lord bless you abundantly,

Dick & Gladys


Friday, May 11, 2007

Two years in Wales!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Two years ago today we landed at London's Heathrow Airport, having left New Orleans' hot and humid weather for the chiily damp of the U.K. Here we picked up a rented car and drove out to Wales. Since day one this has been such an amazing and privileged adventure the Lord has launched us on. We know that it is only by His grace that we are here, and that His purposes will be accomplished in this land. We have seen His constant guidance and covering every step of the way.

On that first day two years ago, we stopped in this village to take this snapshot just because we have always liked the name. Little did we know that it would come to have special significance - after 5 months of searching, we found a house to rent here. The entrance to the right just above the car's antenna has now been our home for the last year and a half! And this was just the beginning of watching the Lord's provision for us become manifested day by day. I sure you'll enjoy reading our journal entry for May 13th describing the first few days which you can see in the May 2005 archive on our updates page. God is so FAITHFUL!

We continue praying daily in this beautiful old chapel, which was started over 300 years ago. Although we don't yet see any visible fruit of our intercession in the chapel itself, we absolutely know that our labor is not in vain! And meanwhile, around Wales we do indeed see growth and change in parts of the Christian community. There is an excitement and expectancy that is almost palpable, and is the subject of much conversation and prayer. The Lord is definitely on the move, and recent words about a "shifting in the heavenly realm", among others from Wales and elsewhere, is encouraging prayers and intercessors here to press in with greater deternination and hope. We are so overjoyed to be part of God's impending move here!

Thank you for standing with us in prayer.

In the Amazing Love of Christ,

Dick & Gladys


Monday, May 07, 2007

A Stirring in the Spirit & Please Pray for Malawi!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Greetings from sunny Wales! After an almost unbelievable month of sunny weather, we've gotten a bit of much needed rain. The farmers have just started making hay and we also are taking advantage of it to spend time outside. This field adjoining the chapel cemetery is one of our favorites places to pray and worship together.

The spring has brought on a flourish of verdant growth .. there are multitudes of flowers everywhere and most of the trees are now covered with new leaves. And in like manner there is a stirring in the Body of Christ here in Wales. We have been to some exceptional meetings lately with people that are seriously seeking the Lord for revival. Several churches have had or are planning conferences on revival, and there is some real movement afoot. Also in the last 10 days we've received two very clear prophetic words and are greatly encouraged and challenged to press deeper into His heart for direction and wisdom.

I've just received an email from a first year student at College of Medicine in Malawi. "I got Born again last year but I began experiencing the Greatness of God this year and I have promised my self to always Live for Jesus Christ for the rest of my life no matter what. We at College of Medicine we have a REVIVAL MEETING which is falling on 10th - 12th of this month of May, we want that that the outpouring of Holy spirit on the campus for each and every soul. I ask you to help me and the rest who are organizing this revival meeting in praying for the outpouring of Holy spirit on campus and the areas around, because I believe we are living in the Times of Revival from the Lord."

So we would like to encourage you to pray with us for these upcoming meetings in Malawi, and also some dear old friends living and ministering there. And also please remember the Celebration for the Nations coming up in late July in South Wales. Some friends of ours from the U.S. are coming over to be involved in this, and perhaps you may still consider it! You can find more information at http://www.celebrationforthenations.org. It is so exciting to be alive in these days as the Lord is moving among the nations. And this is just a foretaste of what He has in store for those that love Him, and the multitudes that will come to the Savior and follow Him no matter what.

We are so thankful that "God so loved the world...."

Dick & Gladys


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