Dear Friends & Prayers:
The other day I was working out in the cemetery, and sat down to rest a while.
As I looked over the graves and thought about the descendants of the people
buried here, I began to wonder where all the younger generation is today. They
are certainly not in this chapel, or any of the other chapels that we've visited
here. So I began to pray about this and was soon overcome by a great burden
for all the young people of this area, and for the rest of Wales.
Where are they? What are they looking for? What do they want out of life? What
do they think life is all about, or do they even think about it? Surely they
want to enjoy life. They must want to be happy! They want to have nice things
and be entertained. They want to have a good times and enjoy friends. They want
to be accepted and liked and loved. And so they look for all these things, and
don't ever find real satisfaction.
What came crystal clear to me as I prayed was the understanding of what they
really long for. The most lasting satisfaction is knowing the love of God, and
just being bathed in His presence. Knowing that we are accepted in the Beloved.
And that is usually the very last place that most people look! And yet this
is exactly what they need the most!
There is nothing that would draw young people to this chapel or others like
it, unless God Himself intervene directly in their lives. There is no life in
tradition, and the evidence is in all the emprty chapels and churches. And so
as we continue our prayer here, we are can only rely on the Father to draw people
to Jesus. We are powerless, but He is all-powerful. And so we rely on Him alone
to fulfill His promises to pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and rejoice in
the knowledge that He is faithful to perform all that He has said!
Much prayer is needed. So pray, pray pray! There are lots of groups that are
coordinated and praying - great! There are many networks of prayers worldwide
that pray for a core agenda and more - great! There are lots of small groups
who have no connections with other groups - great! There are many individuals
who pray by themselves with all their hearts - great! What's GREAT is that the
Lord's heart for prayer is beating in His children, and that's what matters!
He is orchestrating the whole thing, and we rejoice to be a part!
Thank you for praying with us for the young and not so young of Wales!
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
This past week we've had beautiful weather, and are enjoying what seems to
really be summer now. Besides our daily prayer times at the chapel, we have
a regular first Tuesday monthly prayer day at Ffald-y-Brenin,
a nearby Christian retreat center. We have made many wonderful friends there,
and have been involved with this group since before we made or permanent move
in 2005. Here we are accompanied by three friends from one of the local churches
that we visit frequently. It has been a real blessing to come and pray freely
with folks from different church backgrounds, and introduce friends to a wider
circle of intercessors.
You will recall my mentioning the Celebration
For The Nations a few times now. As the time for this event gets closer,
preparatory prayer meetings have been picking up the pace. Last week there was
prayer every evening in different churches in Llanelli where the event will
take place from July 28 to August 4th.
Friday evening they had an outdoor meeting in a park, and there was quite a
good turnout. Public awareness of this upcoming event is growing, and more and
more people are getting involved. We have been really blessed and encouraged
by the brethren that are working hard to organize this event, and discovering
more and more people that are earnestly praying and believing for Revival as
I mentioned last week.
I've been reading, Sounds from Heaven by Colin & Mary Peckham
about the Hebrides revival of 1949, which I heartily recommend. One of many
wonderful testimonies says, "A minister who visited there stated that at
that time the very fields were hallowed. The sea was hallowed. Wherever people
worked, they prayed. The place of solitude was precious to them. Prayer was
not a burden, but a delight." And another one says, "There was a spirit
of prayer everywhere, and that was actually the beginning of the revival."
So we are so glad and privileged to be a small part of the mighty things the
Lord has prepared for the times ahead. We want to encourage you also to press
into prayer along with us and countless others, not only in Wales but also around
the globe. Wouldn't it be marvelous to see Christians everywhere caught up in
a "spirit of prayer?" Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray
without ceasing."
In His wonderful grace,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
Last Monday was Gladys' birthday, and the best gift was having our youngest
son here with us in Beulah! You haven't heard much from us recently because
we've been enjoying having him here, and been busy catching up! He just graduated
from college, and is looking for a position in Product Design in the Dallas
area. And of course we are very proud of him! (see
Tuesday we drove to north Wales where some friends lent us their home for a
few days. So we had a wonderful time of R&R, and did some exploring and
sightseeing in parts of Wales we've never been before. Having this time with
Dicky (he goes by Richard now) was very special, and we're extremely thankful
for this opportunity. This morning we put him on a bus for Paris, France where
he will meet friends and tour a bit of Europe. It was hard to let him go, but
happily he'll be back with us for another few days before returning to the U.S.
and joining the "real world" of job hunting and bill paying as a new
college graduate!
is such a beautiful land, and we continue to be amazed at the Lord's goodness
in having us here. And as we drove around so many places, we saw the many, many
chapels and churches that fill this land - evidence of a people that once were
very conscious of the need for a right relationship with their Creator. And
so our travels also served to widen our horizons and deepen the burden for this
coming move of God in Wales. And our faith for revival continues to grow and
flourish like the incredible greenery we see everywhere.
A recent email said "I came upon your website wondering if I was the only
one believing for REVIVAL. in Wales again.When I read your story I was greatly
encouraged. We are seeing those things as if they were and trusting God who
has opened a door that no man can shut." And so we rejoice in what He is
doing not only in our hearts, but also in the hearts of many others the Lord
is stirring up into faith and prayer and action.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
In His marvelous love,
Dick & Gladys