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Friday, July 27, 2007

Some good news, and growing excitement

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Thanks for your prayers for our friend Kyoo-Dae. The good news is that he came home from the hospital yesterday, and is doing much better. It was indeed tuberculosis, but he has responded quickly to the medications and will be able to attend the last few days of the Celebration. He is still needs more rest, but the joy of the Lord has been with him through this experience. I have been helping a bit this week with updating their web site, and don't have any idea how he managed to keep so many details constantly updated in SIX different languages!

Tomorrow we take off for Llanelli for the Celebration For The Nations and we are excited about what the Lord will do there. Just being able to worship together with many hundreds of precious saints will be wonderful. And in that atmosphere, praises and prayers will blend together in what promises to be a powerful influence in the heavenly realms. We hope this will be a catalyst for more prayer going up for not only Wales, but all the nations represented, and then some.

The schedule is very open and will provide lots of time for fellowshipping and networking with believers from many places - please pray the Holy Spirit help us overcome any language differences and really be able to experience that the Lord has one Body worldwide and that we are part of each other! I'm sure most of us have some ideas of what it might be like, and the best part is that the Lord will no doubt surprise us and bless us at the same time. I could go on speculating, but will rather leave it until I can report some facts!

If possible I may have a chance to send off a quick note during the week, but most likely it will be after next Saturday that you hear from us again. Thank you for your support in prayer for every person that attends. And also please pray that during the week many people be touched by the evangelistic outreaches into the town and surrounding areas.

Much love in His faultless care,

Dick & Gladys


Saturday, July 21, 2007

An Urgent Prayer Request, and some happy news!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

I have a special and urgent request for prayer for Kyoo-Dae Lee, our Korean friend who is one of the organizers of Celebration For The Nations. He was hospitalized Tuesday with a suspected recurrence of tuberculosis, and is in pretty rough condition. His role in the Celebration has taxed his strength to the limits and he needs our prayers. Please pray with us for a rapid and total recovery, and that he be able to enjoy first hand the fruit of this last year of very intense work. Also please pray for his wife Bridget and their baby Noah, that the Lord's grace abound in their lives during this time.

Please pray for the others of the team and volunteers that have been working overtime to get ready for event that starts just one week from today. With all the logistics of staging something of this nature, and now missing one of their key people, the Lord must be their strength and so let us ask for abundant grace for all concerned. As I have mentioned several times, we believe this event is of key significance, and these eight days will be dedicated to worship and prayer for another outpouring of the Spirit of God upon Wales and the nations of the world. We rejoice at the gathering together of so many people from the many nations which were touched by the Welsh Revival of 1904, and look forward to what the Lord has in store!

You may recall our mention of the "Beulah Annointing" in the early spring of 2006, when four single women, all intercessors, came to stay at our home while we were in the U.S. This past Saturday we drove into the London area for the wedding of our long time friend Dagnia Duran, one of the four, to William Tooth, on the left, who she met providentially after being here in Wales. It was a wonderful time, and a blessing also to see our friends Howie and Aline George, who also met here at that time and have now been married for a year!

Thanks so much for following our adventure here in Wales, and thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support.

Dick & Gladys


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Black currant jam and shearing season!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

After six weeks of mostly cold and rainy weather, like everyone else in Wales we are still waiting for summer to begin. Saturday was the only whole day of sunshine we've had since May, and some folks even say that maybe that month of wonderful weather we had was our summer! But things are getting brighter, and we still have high hopes.

The cold has made for slow growing in our garden; we've only had a few leafy vegetables so far. But in spite of that, the black currants have thrived, and yesterday Gladys picked our bushes clean and this morning jam is cooking on the stove.

As I walked outside this morning, another sign of the season caught my attention. The sound of a small motor drifted up from the field across the road, and I discovered the sheep shearers had come to divest the sheep and this year's lambs of their woolly burden. Most of them seemed to take it in stride and submit to the "barber", and others would struggle and fuss. But these men know their work and deftly trap the head between their knees, and grab a kicking leg when needed, and continue until the whole wool coat lies in one piece like the one on the foreground. On one particularly rambunctious specimen, the shearer just sat on one end while doing the other!

The wool is usually quite dirty and full of little sticks and brambles, especially at the hinder end. But when the job is done, these creatures are all white and clean again like the newborn lambs. This procedure made me think about our lives in the Lord's hands. The wool represents the worldliness and sin that cling to us from just regular daily living. And although He is usually gentle with us, we need regular "shearings" to remove the impurities collected in our lives. When we spend time with Him in the word, or in meditation or worship, the Holy Spirit can speak to us about something, and gentle conviction leads to repentance and newness of life again. If we resist, well . . . , you get the idea!

I also can see Wales itself in a similar condition. And we yearn for the "Great Shearer" to come and do His wonderful work and peel away the layers of sin and worldliness that blind the eyes of this nation to the amazing love and redeeming sacrifice of our beloved Savior. Please pray with us that He would release the prisoners and set the captives free to know and love Him and offer him the praise and thanksgiving of which He is so worthy.

Praying for the Harvest,

Dick & Gladys


Monday, July 02, 2007

Pray for "The Call - Nashville"

Dear Friends & Prayers:

I was just reminded by a friend about The Call Nashville to be held this coming Saturday July 7th in Tennessee. They are expecting about 100,000 mostly young people to spend a day in fasting and prayer and repentance for the sins and godlessness that have so severely undermined the moral fiber of the United States.

After recently expressing our burden for young people here in Wales, I was glad to re-learn of this event, and wanted to make you aware of it in case you didn't know already. We are greatly encouraged by any large prayer event, and this sounds like a lot of serious praying will get done.

I've been reading in Jeremiah the last few days, and there is a very similar call going out there. Chapter 3:22-23 says, "Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel."

So we see such parallels to what was going on in Jeremiah's times and our current ones. It seems that the trust of modern man is in its economic and military prowess and the supposed "innate good of humanity" to overcome this world's woes. But we know that the Lord Jesus is our only real and lasting hope. So we will be joining our hearts with this massive prayer meeting on Saturday from here in Wales.

We will be praying for Lord to move in power and we profoundly desire to see the toppling of strongholds that have kept the nations blinded to the glory of the Gospel! Please pray for this event also from wherever you are. We honor and bless all those that make the effort to attend this event in Tennessee. But really, the need for this kind of prayer is far more than one day's effort, but a good goal for a lifetime of prayer!

We will be opening our home here in Beulah this Saturday from 1 until 10 PM for prayer, and anyone local enough to join us is cordially invited!

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys


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