Dear Saints & Prayers:
Saints, because He was born, died in our stead, and raised again to give us eternal life and His nature to show the world His love. And Prayers, because He ever lives to make intercession for us, and through us for a needy world!
We wish you and your loved ones, friends and neighbors all the very best of Christmas joy. May we all shine with His goodness like the star that shone over Bethlehem.
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death Light has dawned." Matthew 4:16
Let our Christmas prayer be that the people of this world still in darkness behold the dawning of of His glory!
Many blessings in His amazing love,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
Greetings from Dallas! We arrived here Wednesday night and have been enjoying
spending time with our son Dicky. Since I last wrote, he was offered the industrial
design internship in North Carolina, and will be moving there in January. So
we continue to see the Lord's blessings in our children's lives!
during one of my times at the chapel, I was able to take this picture of a large
rainbow. It was a wonderful reminder of the Lord's promise to me about the coming
revival, and the confirming of His calling for us to come and pray in this peaceful
place. We continue to be amazed at the grace of God that allows us to be "stationed"
here to watch and pray. Our conviction of His purposes for this nation are deepened
continually as well, and we sense a rising level of faith and expectancy among
many believers in the many circles we relate to.
An email I received says, "I saw your site on-line and thought that you
might like to know that you're not alone my brother. Revival is coming to the
valleys again." Amen to that. Not only the valleys, but also the rest of
Wales, and the nations!
In light of the recent meetings in America concerning the Middle East situation,
and all the reactions that were caused, I was praying one day about the situation
in Israel. Like so many other peoples and places around the globe, it all comes
down to this - people need to know of God's amazing grace. They need to see
the eternal perspective of things in Truth. All this international turmoil can
and will have only one lasting solution in Jesus Christ. And while reading and
beseeching the Lord about this, He brought this scripture into focus. Micah
6:16-17 says, "The nations shall see (His wonders)
and be ashamed of all their might . . . . . They shall be afraid of the Lord
our God, and shall fear because of You."
What a glorious promise! And what a glorious goal for prayer - that the wonders
of His grace and love and salvation will bring the nations to their knees.
Thank you for pouring out your hearts with ours, that His heart of "no
greater love than this . . ." will become known to this troubled world!
In loving expectation of His coming glory,
Dick & Gladys