Friends & Prayers:
I couldn't resist taking this picture of a crowd of cowslips growing on a bank
in the chapel cemetery. "According to legend, St. Peter dropped the keys
to Heaven and where they landed Cowslips grew (the flowers were thought to resemble
a set of keys)." So they are a good reminder for our prayers here. I think
there are so many because each one represents a specific key for every person,
just waiting to be picked up!
God's invitation for salvation is for everyone, and Jesus says in John 6:37,
"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and
the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." So our prayers
are focused on this amazing hope for the multitudes of people who are seeking
for meaning or something more in life, but don't yet understand that their real
need and desire is for right relationship with Him!
Another aspect of prayer that has become prominent during the past week comes
from the book of Judges. In chapter 10 the children of Israel are sorely oppressed
by the Philistines and Ammonites, and acknowledging their sin in going after
other gods, they cry out to God. He basically told them to get lost and that
He would deliver them no more. But it says in verse 16, "So
they put
away the foreign gods from among them and served the LORD. And His soul
could no longer endure the misery of Israel."
This phrase really caught my heart up! What does this really mean? Can we pray
that once again His soul is so moved? Isn't there enough misery and oppression
in modern day Israel to bring Him to action? Or if we apply it to the world
around us, don't our current adversaries - poverty, wars, political corruption,
gross immorality and perversion, abortion, broken homes, substance abuse, financial
hardship - qualify us for some divine relief?
A closer look reveals two basic things. The children of Israel not only cried
out to God, but they changed their actions - they put away their foreign gods,
and served the Lord. And so for our world, and ourselves, what are these "foreign
gods"? And what changes need we make in our activities and lifestyles?
Here, I believe, is some serious food for thought and prayer. As you pray, please
dwell on these matters and seek the Lord on how each of us can specifically
pray and so move the heart of God to be merciful to this needy world.
Touched by His heart,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
Days are getting longer now - it is just getting dark here at the chapel, and
it's a quarter to nine! So it is of some comfort know that warmer days are not
too far behind. Once again it is lambing season, birds are building their nests,
and new life is bulging everywhere in the natural world around us. For example,
check out this "WIDE LOAD!"
We can see the greening up of spring every day from our living room window,
and spring is always such a joyful and inspiring time of year. New growth and
new life abound, and not only show wonders of God's amazing earthly creation,
but also reflect what is going on in His eternal kingdom.
There is one basic difference though. Spring comes every year in the cycle
through each season. But the newness of life we have in Christ is ongoing! And
the hope we look forward to, the "springtime of the Spirit", is one
that doesn't fade away into an autumn and stark winter, but continues from glory
to glory forever. Isn't that an amazing future?
In the eternal realm, things are growing and ripening for the harvest. Revelation
14:15 says, "And another angel came out of the temple,
crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your
sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the
earth is ripe.” And
as we open the eyes and ears of our
spirit we know there is much growth taking
place in the Kingdom of God around the world. We hear wonderful testimonies
of the Holy Spirit moving in marvelous ways, and rejoice in the growing and
ripening that is taking place.
While we continue our specific intercessory work in Wales, we are just one
tiny part of what the Lord is doing. And keeping our eyes on the big picture
is of great comfort and encouragement to us. The many precious promises in God's
word are being fulfilled every day, and we partake of them with thankful expectation.
While reading where Joshua reminded the children of Israel in chapter 21:45
"Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD
had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass", I was reminded
again of how absolutely faithful He really is. And we know that we, His body,
you and us, will see His goodness and glory fill the earth as the waters cover
the sea.
Anticipating more of His goodness,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
The other morning I was reading Psalm 106 and was particularly touched by David's
prayer in verses 4 and 5. His expression captures the essence of our intercession
here in Wales.
"Remember me, O Lord, with the favor Your
have toward Your people.
Oh, visit me with Your salvation.
That I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones,
That I may rejoice in the gladness of Your nation,
That I may glory with Your inheritance."
His cry "Visit me with Your salvation" shows a heart openly recognizing
his constant need for the Lord's touch of grace and mercy. He also makes it
clear that the direct result of God's salvation is the benefit and gladness
of the nation with whom he identifies, and for whom he is praying. And I see
"glorying with Your inheritance" as being able to rejoice iwht all
the people in their acknowledgment of God and their dependence on and worshipful
gratitude to Him.And as David continues his prayer in verse 6 he proceeds directly
to his recognition of national sin, saying that they did understand or remember
God's mercies.
Saturday we went to a local "car boot market" (outdoor flea market),
where Gladys bought several old newspapers from Toronto, Canada, dated May 7,
1945, the day that Germany surrendered in World War II . It was very interesting
to read the accounts, etc. But what most impacted me was the large amount of
advertisements, several full pages among them,
quoting Psalms and prayers and
expressions of gratitude to Almighty God for giving victory to the Allies over
the Nazi threat. Most of them were paid for by corporations, some still in existance,
clearly showed the context of a society that was God-fearing. There was open remembrance of God's goodness in public life.
Wouldn't it be a welcome sight to find publications like this in today's press.
We pray that it doesn't take such a tragic and horrendous series of events in
the world to bring people back to their senses and recognize our debt to our
creator andsource of life. And as David cried out, "That I may rejoice
in the gladness of Your nation", please join us in the cry of our hearts
for this small nation. We know that this is the desire in God's own heart too,
and not just for Wales, but the nations of the entire earth! By His grace and
mercy we can make a difference in today's world!
"Because You have been my help, Therefore
in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You;
Your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:7-8
So thankful for His sustaining love,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
As of yesterday, spring had sprung, with a week of fine weather at last. We've
been busy getting a new vegetable garden ready, digging up this plot and deciding
what to plant. I got up early this morning to go out and do a few more runs
with Alex's rototiller but found things getting covered in snow. It was the
first, and hopefully the last for this season.
It was quite beautiful watching the clouds come up the river valley and dumping
their cold cargo in a slow-building blanket of white. It came in a great variety
- little white light balls like styrofoam, then great wet flakes and then small
wispy featherlike ones. Staring out the window I reminisced about wonderful
early morning radio announcements of schools closed, and entire days spent at
play outside. So much for gardening for today!
the daffodils have long since come and now are drying up and making way for
more spring flowers, this late snow has really made most folks laugh at Wales'
unpredictable weather, and every adult at least appreciates the fact that by
this afternoon it was practically all melted away. Although tonight I can hear
the occasional tap tapping of more icy precipitation on the window, we expect
it won't amount to much.
Going to a worship service this evening, Gladys spied this otter looking for
dinner in the Teifi River when we crossed the bridge on our way from the chapel
to Cardigan. He didn't seem too worried about more snow, and was enjoying the
afternoon sun like ourselves! Click the image to see the action.
Yesterday I received an email from a couple who are pastoring in Liverpool.
It said, "I was reading up on the Welsh Revival as a man had a dream in
our church about a Welsh man singing a hymn in a service, and then he went outside
to our local park, and there were many thousands of people sitting on the grass
with their hands lifted to the sky worshiping God." We continually are
hearing encouraging things like this, and so thankful that the Lord keeps reminding
us that there is more going on than meets the eye! In the spiritual sense, we
may have occasional and untimely snowy days, but evidence that spring is upon
us is everywhere and far outweigh s any momentary bleakness. What a lively hope
sustains us and keeps us moving against the current of this world!
Thankfully in His hands,
Dick & Gladys