Friends & Prayers:
It comes as somewhat of a shock that leaves are beginning to fall here already,
and the changing of colors is getting underway! Where did September go? And
we were still waiting for the summer that never really arrived! But there is
a much better place than summer for us!
Shortly after Solomon became king, we are told in 2nd. Chronicles chapter 1
that God appears to him and says, “Ask! What shall
I give you?” And Solomon replies in verse 10, "Now
give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people;
for who can judge this great people of Yours?” Now it is remarkable
that he asks for wisdom, but something else struck me profoundly here.
Solomon says, "that I may go out and come in before
this people." And what that is really saying is that his main place
of being was with the Lord! He referred to when he "went out" and
"came in." This shows that his "home base" as it were, was
in the Lord's presence. He would go out and do his kingly duties, etc., but
would come back into this place with God. That was his mode of living and the
source of his greatness, until sadly in his later years he lost his bearings.
This has provided such a wonderful blessing and exhortation for me and I'd like to share it with you briefly. His father David seems also to have
practiced this, because he says in Psalm 121:8 "The
LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in..." So he
too knew this special place with the Lord.
to take it a step further, Paul says in Acts 17:28, "for
in Him we live and move and have our being..."
These wonderful truths are nothing new, but there is always room for us to
be reminded of them in the midst of life's busyness. Jesus told the disciples
in John 15:5, "He who abides in Me, and I in him,
bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." That means
it is more than a good idea to have Him as our home base. If we are to have
any positive effect in this world, it is imperative! It is in our place "in Him"
that we can hear from Him and get clarity for our daily lives, clarity through His word, clarity for how
to pray, and receive His strengthening love.
Just like this little bird is surrounded by the branches, we can know ourselves
to be enveloped in God's love. Like it says in Romans 8:39, "...nothing
shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord." The practice of keeping these truths in the forefront of
our hearts and minds helps to keep us abiding in Him. This is where we belong.
This is our true home base and the heart of our prayer life and intimacy with
our heavenly Father. This will bring blessing to us and those around us. And this is way better than summer any time!
Learning to live and be in Him,
Dick & Gladys
On August 4th I asked you to help us pray for our friend and prayer partner Tony. Well, this morning they prepared him for the scheduled surgery, and then had to cancel the operation because they found no signs of cancer in his body, and even made double sure by doing a biopsy on the spot!
Thank you Jesus!
In His wonderful name,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
When the setting sun's light paints the inside of the chapel with a warm red-orange
glow, it's strikingly beautiful. It is a visual reminder of the fulfillment
of our intercessory mission, when God's presence pours out in revival power
here. It makes me think of how when Solomon dedicated the temple in Jerusalem,
the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. But we are looking for the days
when His glory runs freely throughout Wales and multitudes are drawn to the
Amos 8:11 reads, “Behold, the days are coming,”
says the Lord GOD, “ That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine
of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD."
In those days, the next verse goes on to say that they would not find it. However,
we are convinced that when the presence of the Lord is made manifest in our
times, there will be such hunger and thirst for the word of God that people
will gather together to behold His goodness and seek His mercy and forgiveness
in countless places all across this land, church buildings and homes alike.
are extremely blessed that during our time here the Lord has given us many wonderful
friends whose hearts beat with the same longing and expectancy of what the Lord
has prepared for this "land of revivals" once again. There is a growing
number of saints who are earnestly praying and working towards the days when
the King of Kings, the Lion of Judah, makes Himself known by the workings of
the Holy Spirit on individual hearts and lives.
Networks of prayers and relationships are being put into place and made ready
for the incoming harvest. The body of Christ here is being slowly and inexorably
drawn together - the nets are being mended and new ones made in preparation
for the "marvelous catch."
So with our hope set fast on Him whose word is true and unchanging, we look
forward to the coming reality of the words of Haggai 2:9, "‘The
glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the
LORD of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD
of hosts.”
In assurance of His glorious truth,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
On my short drive up to the chapel the other morning, I just couldn't go through
this sunlit foggy tunnel without stopping to take a picture. It looked like
some magical gateway into a brighter place.
Actually when we set out to seek the Lord in prayer and in the scriptures,
we usually do find a "brighter place" in His presence. As the Psalmist
says, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light
to my path." And even though our physical circumstances may not
change, we know that spending time with Him allows His light to shine into our
1 John 1:7 encourages us to "walk in the light as
He is in the light," and as we persist in this attitude , we can
be sure that His light will influence our circumstances and our relationships.
One grain of salt may go unnoticed in a plate of food, but if we keep on adding
one grain at a time -- well, you get the idea.
On clear mornings like this I find it hard to go inside the chapel and prefer
to sit outside in the cemetery. In this rainiest summer in over 100 years, you
have to take in every moment you can get! And in a similar way, the world we
live in presents us a pretty gloomy picture. The "news" is always
full of reminders that we live in a corrupt and unjust world, with wars and
hardships everywhere. Isn't it a wonderful strength to know that we can come
to the source of life itself and find light for whatever daily darkness assails
we can enjoy knowing the Light of Life, we continue crying out for the many
people who remain in a gloomy and godless world. Humanity may search for "truth"
and "virtue", but always comes up short. Last week the buzz in the
scientific community was the massive particle accelerator in Switzerland that
is supposed help "discover" the origin of the universe. They're desperately
trying to find an answer that involves the head but not the heart and issues
of sin or righteousness. Yet the answer to life's quest has been plainly written
out for us for thousands of years.
In Job chapter 38, God confronts him with some revealing questions:
"4 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
"5 Who determined its measurements?
"19 Where is the way to the dwelling of light?
"24 By what way is light diffused, Or the
east wind scattered over the earth?
28 "Has the rain a father? Or who has begotten the drops of dew?
We are as powerless as Job when it comes to the big questions in life, but
when we are willing to recognize His supremacy and our necessity, then God can
bring in His light and salvation to every needy person under the sun. Thank
you for praying with us for the simplicity of change through which our Creator
longs to bring us all into eternal life.
Looking to the goodness of the Lord,
Dick & Gladys

Friends & Prayers:
Just over a year ago we spent a week in South Wales under a huge tent for worship
and prayer at the Celebration for the Nations. And this past weekend the Lord
graciously made a way for us to attend the Powys Prayer Conference in a tent in Welshpool,
North Wales. It was a treat for us to have the opportunity to meet yet another
network of people who are seriously committed to prayer - and not only for Wales
but many nations around the globe.
Besides some great times of worship, there were representatives from different
countries who provided detailed information about their nations. Of the ministries
represented, one is reaching into the heart of the Islamic world through digital
television broadcasting, and another is involved in church planting and personal
evangelization in a very difficult middle-eastern country. The speakers shared
from their experiences, and not only challenged those in attendance to prayer
but also provided specific targets for prayer, and then time was spent praying
in groups for those needs.
Saturday we heard from some Brazilian brothers about how God is moving there,
and what the needs are for prayer. And then a surprise element of the conference
was that they asked Gladys to share briefly about Guatemala. So it was a Latino
morning, and it was fun to listen to both Portuguese and Spanish with live translation. (You
might guess who did the Spanish to English session!) The walls of the tent were
lined with flags from over 170 nations of the world - a strong visual reminder
that the Lord's heart is ". . . not willing
that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
2 Peter 3:9
Our home church in the highlands of Guatemala met under a huge canvas roof
when Gladys and I left Guatemala twenty years ago with our four small children
to serve our church in New Orleans, Louisiana. And before that, our main congregation
in the capital city met in a huge circus tent as well. So from the tropics to
the not-so-tropics of Wales, our lives have had something to do with tents.
Actually, tents have had quite a history with God's people as I recall!
In all we felt very much at home and greatly encouraged there in Welshpool
by such fervent praying saints of God. And our hearts were challenged to remember
the immense need for prayer and dedicated pray-ers for the nations of the world.
Thankful to be in His service,
Dick & Gladys