Praying Friends:
About a year ago Gladys and I went to a small prayer gathering in mid-Wales
to pray on the border between Wales and England. There have been some difficult
periods of history between these two countries, and traces of unforgiveness
still underly attitudes on both sides of "the fence."
The purpose of that meeting was to pray blessings over both nations, and to
see the Kingdom of God begin to wash away some of those wounds of the past.
It was during a break in those prayer sessions last May that I went out to the
bondary itself to pray. I was moved to "scoop" blessings in both directions.
You can watch and pray along with me in
this video.
We know the Lord is faithful to hear and answer our prayers, although perhaps
not always according to our own timetable. As they say, "Prayer works!"
I believe one result of our prayers, and doubtless the prayers of many other
Christians over the years, is something exciting taking place in May.
At the prayer breakfast last month I was delighted to learn of a special upcoming
event called, "The Border Prayer Room Project." There will be 24 hours
of daily prayer in nearly thirty different venues dotted along the border area
on both sides, running from May 13-25.
I'd really like to encourage you to consider joining with them. If you live
in the UK and close to the border area, all the information about times and
places can be found on their website,
If you live too far to personally attend one of the venues, you can join in
prayers of blessing from where ever you happen to be. Isn't that amazing?
The Lord brought this kind of blessing to mind, when God said to Abraham in
Genesis 22:17-18, ". . . blessing I will bless you,
and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven
and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall
possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth
shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." Both Wales
and England are two nations that have been especially blessed by God in the
past, and we know there is much more to come.
Speaking of prayer, we would also like to ask you to please continue your prayers
for Gladys. Specifically you could pray that the Lord would give her more JOY
and that He become her strength in this time of physical weakness.We still haven't
seen much improvement with our eyes, but know that God is faithful, and will
accomplish His work in her.
We want to thank you again for your many prayers and encouraging words, and
wish you many blessings in His precious name!
So glad to know our Redeemer lives,
Dick & Gladys
Friends, Brothers and Sisters:
I want to thank each one of you for praying for me. I'd like to ask specifically
that you pray that the Lord help me gain back some of the weight I've lost,
and also that He regulate my body temperature. It just seems to be all over
the place. I sometimes feel very hot, but mostly I feel cold and can't seem
to get warm, in spite of the fact that our house is thankfully quite warm.
The cold I feel in my body seems to get into my bones and just hurts. Since
I came to Wales, I've suffered from the cold, but this cold I am feeling now
does not seem natural, and I am having a really hard time just getting warm.
I know and trust that the Lord is my healer, Hallelujah! I know that the Lord
is going to lift me out of this and strengthen and heal me completely. Yesterday
with Dick we again renewed our commitment before the Lord to stay here and press
in to the task the Lord has sent us here to do.
Once again thank you very much friends and brethren for your prayers, words
of encouragement and practical advice. Hearing from each and every one of you
has been a source of great blessing and comfort in my life. Like we say in Spanish,
"Today for me, tomorrow for you....!"
Blessed be the Lord forever! May His name be lifted up throughout all the earth!
couple days ago there was wonderful warm sunshine, and I was sitting outside
in the hammock. Suddenly I felt like I needed to stand up. So I got up and began
to feel SO good! I began to walk around on the patio, and I had noticed when
I was sitting in the hammock that some of the lengthwise strings were breaking.
I realized that we'd have to either repair it or buy a new one.
I went in the house to look for some string that I could use to try and repair
it and found a piece
of soft cotton string and I began to make the repair. With the sun in my face,
I began weaving the string over and under, over and under, the length of the
hammock, and it was so nice to feel the warmth of the sunshine. It was a tedious
and tiring job until I got other end of the hammock with the string.
When I finished that, the Lord showed me that through each little over and
under - each cross-thread was about 1 centimier long - were like the prayers
of all of you that having been praying for me and sending emails. The long string
that I was putting into the fabric was pure, natural cotton, not plastic or
synthetic, just like the material of the hammock itself. I felt that all your
prayers, just like the hammock, are holding me up and allowing me to just lie
back and relax in the grace of our Lord Jesus!
Even now as I am writing this I felt that my body stopped trembling and shivering
from the cold I've been feeling until now, and I feel the rest of the Lord has
taken over. Praise His name!
Thank you for your continued prayers!
In Jesus' love,
Friends and Prayings Saints:
We've had nearly two solid weeks of mostly sunny spring weather and it has
been great to get outside. It can still be a little nippy with the breeze, but
a couple days have actually been t-shirt weather, and that is amazing!
This has been a very welcome change for Gladys, as she has a hard time with
the cold weather. Especially since she has been struggling with stomach problems
and has gotten very thin, she's lost most of her natural insulation and really
feels the cold.
I'd like to give you a little update about her situation and ask for your prayers
for her. She has been fighting with digestive problems for over 2 years now,
and was finally diagnosed last fall with an H.Pylori infection in the stomach
lining. After 2 heavy courses of antibiotics, she has still is not well, and
has been dealing with the various symptoms of reinfection by this resistant
After an initial test last month showed that she still has the infection, the
doctor did an endoscopic biopsy two weeks ago to culture the h.pylori bacteria
and try which drugs really will kill them. We hoped to get some news from him
last week, but apparently the culture came out negative, so we don't know what's
next, and haven't heard anything from the doctor.
Gladys has really suffered from pain, lack of energy and strength, and lately
it has been a very difficult time for her - for both of us actually. In the
last week we've had two sets of visitors and we've spent some good times of
prayer for her. Last Tuesday night seemed to be sort of a breakthrough, but
there have been some ups and downs since then.
She is putting up a good fight against discouragement, and the Lord has been
giving her some wonderful times of comfort through prayer and the Scriptures.
Here are two passages which she asked me to share with you.
Psalm 144:18-19 "The LORD is near to all who call
upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He also will hear their cry and save them."
Psalm 147:11 says, "The LORD takes pleasure in those
who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy."
So we know where our hope lies, and under the present circumstances we find
ourselves having to throw ourselves entirely on His mercies for Gladys' complete
recovery. She has received much encouragement through the prayers of friends,
and I admire her strength of character in this trial that has dragged on now
for so long.
We like to ask you to please pray particularly that the Lord would give us
the clarity about how to proceed now. If we're to continue the traditional medical
route, that He would give wisdom and compassion to the doctors and staff.
But the best prayer you could pray would be for God to release
His life-giving power directly in Gladys' body and just heal her. And also please
pray that the Lord maintain her spirit in the lively hope that we have in Him.
He is really our only hope anyway!
Thank you for standing with us as we learn more of how merciful and trustworthy
our God is. He is the hope for Gladys, He is the hope for Wales, and the world.
In His inestimable love,
Dick & Gladys