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Friday, April 26, 2013

The Blessing continues in Wales!!

Dear Friends and praying Saints:

Please just keep praying and giving God thanks! What I mentioned last week in South Wales continues and wonderful things are happening. Our friends from Celebration for the Nations have reported, "There is a beautiful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Victory Church in Cwmbran. Many are coming to salvation and the Lord is working some remarkable miracles. People are beginning to come from other parts of Wales and England to soak in the very tangible presence of the Lord. There is no hype, just worship and good gospel teaching.

Here is today's update from their web page:

Last night marked the 16th day of the "Welsh Outpouring" and God has continued to move powerfully in people’s lives. Many people have been in touch to encourage us as we continue to walk this walk, with Jesus at the wheel. This is His work, its not about any man, or any ministry and we welcome all to come and experience Gods presence as this living water continues to flow.

The amount of Salvations that we are seeing is simply incredible. It was amazing to see a girl, (who got saved on Wednesday night) bring her friend on Thursday, who also gave her life to Christ! This is only one example of what is happening amongst so many families and groups of friends.

We are seeing significant breakthrough with teenagers in the church and more and more are being filled with the Holy Spirit and hungering after the things of God. Many already feel ‘called’ by God for specific tasks, this is so exciting for us as we continue to reach out to rescue the sinner.

Pastor Andrew exhorted us last night to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. This is so important, especially in a context like this, where so much is happening and so many are visiting. Amidst this mighty outpouring, we are thankful that it is only Jesus that can truly change lives!

You can check their page daily to keep abreast and what is happening, and be encouraged to pray more. And do let friends know also, as the power of prayers behind this continues to adds the whole. Here's the link again: Victory Church Outpouring in Cwmbran, South Wales!

This is all such an encouraging development, and we are looking for the tide to grow and spread. Please keep the pastors, leaders and all others serving especially in your prayers. They need all the support they can get.

Meanwhile, Gladys and I are on another visit to Majorca, a wonderful gift from friends. We are enjoying some warmer weather. It is also a blessing to meet with and encourage our Christian friends here that we've met on previous visits. Thursday we met a couple that have been praying here for about ten years, and are now seeing fruit of their labors!

Dick & Gladys


Thursday, April 18, 2013

A New Visitation of the Holy Spirit in South Wales!!

Dear Saints:

Just learned of this on Monday and thought you would be encouraged to pray for what is going on in South Wales at Victory Church in Cwmbran. Here are some excerpts from their web page.

Throughout yesterday daytime, people came into the church and received prayer, many were filled with an intense joy. One young girl who has struggled to sleep and suffered from anxiety for the last couple of months, received prayer and immediately felt much more hopeful for her future. Others have said that they can see Jesus in the people they meet here and sense His love in action. God is continuing to draw people throughout the day to soak in Gods presence.

Many pastors and leaders visited from all over the country yesterday and were mightily infused with passion, many reported a powerful freedom coming upon them as they worshiped, danced and received from God.

It is impossible to fully describe the intensity of joy that followed the ministry of Gods Word. The church was packed out, our car park overflowed out onto the road, as people flocked to the church to experience God’s presence. What a night it was, shackles were smashed and liberty was released on people as the church became a spiritual swimming pool! Pastor Andrew encouraged people to dive into God’s presence and not to stay at the shallow end. After preaching a prophetic word from the book of Ezekiel, the power of Gods Spirit continued to flow intensely...

You can read more of this developing story and see a few video clips here: Victory Church Outpouring in Cwmbran, South Wales!

A friend has also written up some background about the church and its pastor, which you can read here. These are encouraging events indeed, the beginning of the answers to many years of prayers by many precious saints throughout this land, and there is so much more to come!

Thank you for praying with us. Be encouraged as you pray for your local area and elsewhere also! And thank you Lord Jesus, let the revelation of your love and glory spread!

Dick & Gladys


Monday, April 15, 2013

Fire in the garden, fire in the church...

Dear Saints and Praying Friends:

Burning off a pile of dried brambles I cut back in March made for some great flames! Out with the old and in with the new as we get our garden ready for planting again. It seems like a good picture of our own life seasons!

Just as green things grow in the world around us, we naturally acquire "stuff" as we go through our lives. Every day presents us with new thoughts and situations, and our hearts and minds constantly are taking it in. But like in gardening, much of it rots and get recycled, but some kinds of things are better to burn.

The garden of our soul is in an ongoing process, and it needs constant work like any other garden. Paul exhorts un in Romans 12:2, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

He also says in 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, "Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is." I think we shouldn't wait around for "The Day", but be busy inviting His fire to burn in us daily.

As we give place and time for the word of God to work in us, He helps us sort through and deal with each day's production of "stuff." Each day there are things to be turned over as compost, some things to just burn, and make fresh space for the good seed of the God's Word to be planted in our hearts. That is where revival starts and must continue. It is this "burning life" that we are praying for in ourselves, for all of God's people, for the unsaved in Wales and for the nations.

You may recall that last spring our friend Francis Anfuso with his wife and a friend came to make a video based on the Welsh Revival of 1904. He too is concerned and challenged with this same issue. The production is now finalized and viewable online. It is wonderfully moving and I'm sure it will challenge and encourage you greatly.

Here is the link to the complete 10-part video. Please take the time to watch it, and be inspired and get fired up for what is on God's heart for yours, and those around you. And please share it with friends as well.

Every child of God of us has a very important part to play in our desperately needy world... We are so privileged to live in such a time as this!

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Home again from America - a quick trip

Dear Friends of Wales Awakening:

The time and the miles have gone racing by and we are now back home in Wales! I just could keep up with my usually weekly mailings at the pace we were going. Perhaps you've enjoyed the break!

Suffice it to say we had a marvelous time indeed, and it seems like we packed as much in the three weeks we were away as we normally do on longer visits to the U.S. We did spend a wonderful and relatively quiet long weekend at my sister and brother-in-law's home on a little cove off Long Island Sound in Noank, Connecticut.

We were joined on Friday morning by our daughter Grace from her new home and workplace in Baltimore. She recently started a new and permanent job with the Catholic Relief Services. This is a very welcome change after several years of short-term positions, and we thank the Lord for His faithfulness to our children!

Then my brother and his wife joined us on Saturday as well. It was great to be together again and enjoy this quiet little corner in the middle of a very busy East Coast. From there we went my borther's house in Boston for a last couple of days and took the overnight flight back to London last Wednesday.

We had several Holy Spirit orchestrated meetings with people and opportunities for prayer. One special one was a visit to Fort Worth, Texas. We were originally scheduled to just change flights there, but decided to stay overnight at a prayer center we've known for years. God's plans were otherwise, and we visited old ministry friends who started this prayer room three years ago. It was so wonderful to discover how the Lord has taken this Mexican minister and his wife from pastoring a church to hosting this Prayer Room that opens daily at 5 a.m. to any and all that come to pray there.

It was wonderful to travel and visit friends and family, but it is always great to get home again and back to the business for which the Lord has called us here. It always seems to underline the extraordinary privilege it is for us to be able to live in and pray for this beautiful land, and for the revival that more and more people feel is drawing ever closer.

Amazed by God's wonderful grace,

Dick & Gladys


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