Worshipping Friends and Prayers:
We have some wonderful and exciting news to share. We have been kindly granted
permission by the deacons and trustees of Cilfowyr Baptist Chapel to hold an
open meeting for Intercessory Worship and Prayer for revival in Wales,
June 19th., to gather at 7 p.m. and start the meeting at 7:30.
There was a small intercessory meeting organized by friends four years ago
in which we prayed for the three counties that join close to here. But this
will be the first open meeting we have organized here, and have been praying
waiting for eight years for such a time as this!
Please mark June 19th. in your calendars and try to join us
if you live within a reasonable distance. If you don't, you'd be even more welcome!
Please let us know if you would like to come so
can get a rough idea of how many folks to prepare for. Detailed directions and maps
are available at this
link. I will add links to lodging in the area as the time gets closer -
only 4 weeks from tomorrow!
We just said goodbye last week to our
old friends Leroy and Cindy, prayer and support missionaries to Malawi, after a wonderful time together. The Lord orchestrated some amazing encounters these last two weeks, and more are on the way. Tomorrow another group arrive from Texas, and then next week... on and on! The greatest
thing is that these "God-incidental meetings" are happening all around the country,
as well as the outpouring that is still going and growing in South Wales.
We just heard that Lou Engle and a team of intercessors from California will be in Cwmbran
this week from the 20 - 24th. So we think something is beginning to break loose.
I like the words of Job 14:16, "Indeed these are
the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the
thunder of His power who can understand?" To paraphrase it correctly,
"We ain't seen nothin' yet!"
In the fear and admiration of the Lord and His glorious ways, and through the
redeeming blood of Jesus our Lord,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Prayers:
Spring seems to be late in actually warming up this year, but it is the middle
of May already and signs are everywhere telling us it is really here. But it
was a real surprise when I went out to the chapel early this morning. Hopefully
this will be the last one of the year!
There was another and much nicer surprise recently too. Thursday of last week
I visited the eye specialist that's been seeing me for the problem with double
vision that started last August. He is trained in neuro-ophthalmology, and after much testing discovered
I have myasthenia gravis, an uncommon autoimmune disorder that attacks nerves
controlling the ocular muscles.
He started me on a strong course of steroids
five weeks ago, and he was shocked at the tremendous improvement in my eye movement. He had never seen such a rapid correction and mentioned
it about five times during the appointment. Thank you, Jesus!
him there were many friends praying for my eyes, and for him too, and please
do keep praying, and especially that his eyes get opened to see Jesus! I began
to notice an improvement while we were in Majorca, and now the double
image is almost totally gone. There are still some focus issues, but that is
coming along too.
You can't imagine what a gift it is to see the lovely colors of spring in single
vision rather than the way the world has looked to me for the last eight months.
God is good, and we are so thankful for His mercies and grace!
I will try to get back on schedule with regular updates, but there is so much
going on, it has been a challenge. More to follow soon!
We are so grateful for all the Lord's doings each day. May you know the closeness
of to His heart to yours!
Dick & Gladys