Dear Friends and Prayers:
The Lord continues to encourage and strengthen us as we carry on in
our work here. More and more things are happening across Wales that
highlight a growing hunger among God's people to see awakening and
revival touch this nation once again. We are clearly commanded in the
scriptures to watch and pray.
We recently attended our county's annual prayer breakfast where over
200 people came together. We heard from local Christian representatives
to both the Welsh Assembly and Parliament on how to pray for specific
issues confronting Wales and the U.K.
There was an opportunity to pray together on the spot, and we are
now prepared to keep these matters regularly lifted up to The Lord in
prayer. "And let us not grow
weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not
lose heart." Galatians 6:9
My readings this morning included this verse in Luke
10:2. "Then He said to them, 'The harvest
truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of
the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'" This is
such a good exhortation for us, and serves as a reminder that should be
seriously praying for more laborers. And especially with increasing
evidence that the Lord is preparing for a harvest here in Wales.
Our friend Francis Anfuso, who made the film "Awakened" about the
1904 Welsh Revival that I mentioned in our April 15 update, just shared
a great 5 minute video about God's laborers. It is called,
"Characteristics of a Revivalist - If there were a move of God in this
region… WHAT RESPONSIBILITY WOULD YOU HAVE?" Please make a point of
watching it at this link.
GOOD NEWS! We have made arrangements to live stream the meeting next
Thursday night at 7 p.m. in Moriah Chapel, where the 1904 Welsh Revival
broke out. Please mark it in your calendars, and visit the Livestream page where you can watch the meeting
while it is in progress. It would be a good idea to visit the page
before then and sign up for an account if you don't have one already.
This will be a special opportunity for saints around the world to
join in concerted prayer for this tiny nation, and the nations of the
world. It will also be a good followup to the word we shared last week.
"Tell My people to pray! Tell them to pray like they have never prayed
Rejoicing in the hope of glory - His glory covering the earth!
Dick & Gladys
Praying Friends and Saints:
At the chapel this morning I was reading in Mark 6, and the first
part of verse 12 stopped me in my tracks. "King Herod heard of all this, for by this time the name of Jesus was on
everyone's lips." (The Message) I realized what a great
expression this is of what we're praying for. This sounds like revival
to me!
When the Holy Spirit visits this land again, Jesus will be the talk
of the town. Everyone may not get saved and converted any more than did
King Herod, but you can be sure they will be hearing the name of Jesus.
Sadly many people hear His name today in a blasphemous context, but
soon they will hear the name of Jesus mentioned with awe and wonder and
contriteness of heart.
On Tuesday we spent the day at a two-week communal "School of Faith"
that our friends from The Forge have organized. After supper I shared a
wonderful vision about the coming revival that a friend received last
week. Afterwards, Qday, the school director, said it was important to
remember that revival is not the goal in itself, but Jesus. Then he
asked "What is the purpose of revival?"
That is a very important question. I vividly
remembered the moment
in 2002 when the Lord called me to come here with Gladys to pray for
revival. I was sitting beside a field weeping profusely because I had
been totally overwhelmed with God's immeasurably great love for me!
As I opened my eyes and gazed out over the surrounding landscape, I
realized with sudden agony that almost none of the people living in
this beautiful land had a clue of God's amazing love and grace. My
reaction was to say through my tears, "Lord, if there were anything
that I could do..." He immediately responded by reminding of the vision
of the coming Welsh Revival He showed me in 1999, and invited me to
come live here and pray in chapel every day.
So a concise answer to the question, "Why revival?" It is so that
people may to come to know God's greatest of all great loves. In the
words of Jesus himself, "For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) "And this is eternal life, that they may know You,
the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (John
17:3) "...That the world may believe that You
sent Me." (John 17:21)
As we continue to pray for revival along side growing numbers of
saints around the world, the Lord continually sends words of
encouragement and confirmation. I'd like to share the vision that my
friend Darren received last week. Here is a small portion of it, and
I'd like to recommend that you read his complete description that I've
posted on the Words About Wales page. More than very
encouraging, it is a good exhortation as well.

As I was driving I could see a huge white
blanket up in the sky, as far as I was able to see. It went beyond the
horizon. This white blanket started to slowly descend towards the
ground until it reached the level of my head. As soon as it touched
people going about their daily business, their normal clothes were
replaced by robes whiter than snow. Everyone whom the blanket descended
upon was changed like this until all that I could see were in white.
I knew the Spirit was speaking to me
about another visitation to the land. I heard Him speak, saying "The
blanket is called 'Righteousness' and I will yet again cover this whole
land with Righteousness!" ... I then heard the Spirit speak to me
again, saying "It is Me, I am coming to visit this place again. The
horse that you heard is whiter than snow, and his name is called
righteousness. Tell My people to be prepared for My arrival. I
will again ride through this land with righteousness!" ..."Tell My
people to pray! Tell them to pray like they have never prayed before!"
We each have a part to play in bringing God's Kingdom to earth. And
an important part of that is spending time with God in prayer!
May we all find grace to press into His heart of love for this world,
Dick & Gladys
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
We are writing to you because of your love for the Lord and your love
for Wales. Please join us if you can for an evening of worship,
testimony and word in Moriah Chapel, Loughor 7pm on 31st Oct. This date
is the anniversary of the 1904 Welsh Revival breaking out there.
We are living in very exciting and challenging times in Wales. There is
evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in little pockets all over the
nation. Darkness is growing, yet the light shines stronger.
Christians all over the world are being led to pray for a new
outpouring of the Spirit in Wales. We hope that you can join us and add
strength to strength, as we continue together in an intercession for
Revival. Please be free to invite others you know who may be interested
to join us too.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Loughor!
With love in Him,
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Peter Cho, Minister of Beulah Baptist Church & Tabernacle
Baptist Church
Dr. Steve Price, Hanover Chapel in Llanover
Friends and Prayers:
Some workers showed up at the chapel on Monday to erect scaffolding
around the side and rear walls. They will doing some needed maintenance
on the roof and trim. This is a welcome and encouraging sign for us,
and shows yet again that preparations are still being made!
Improvements have been made to the chapel from time to time since
we've been here. The whole building has been re-wired, a wooden header
was repaired, handrails have been added to the balcony stairs, etc.
Earlier this year the parking area had to be re-leveled and graveled
due to some drainage problems. And now this new work is getting
And it is not just on the building and grounds that things have
happened. After returning from a trip to the States in 2010, I realized
there was brand new pavement from the river bridge turning off main
road in the valley. The new pavement ran for a mile, right up to the
crossroads where you turn for the chapel and stopped there.
And just this summer they resurfaced the lane from that turning that
passes by the entrance to the chapel. So it seems this year that the
pacing is picking up of these physical improvements. Signs of things to
come? We think so!
move now from the physical to the spiritual. A few weeks ago Chuck
Pierce was ministering in South Wales, and passed on an encouraging
prophetic word that seems to fit in with the growing awareness of
things to come. "... I am bringing a new quickening of power across
Wales. Get ready, for a quickening power, that will cause the birth of
heaven to come down into the atmosphere of this nation, is now being
released. ... a generation is arising that are hungry after Me
... I say three generations will now arise in this land and see Me move
in a new way ... I have heard the cry of the land, and now a people are
responding, and saying we are ready
build." You can read more of the prophecy at this
So as we enter into this noticeable change of seasons, we are very
much aware of
and encouraged by what we see going on around Wales. We've had visitors
recently that also sense that there is much more going on here than
meets the eye. The Lord is really at work, and from different sources
He seems to be saying and confirming the same thing. "The time is
getting closer, so get closer to Me!"
Thank you for adding your
prayers to those of the many praying saints here in Wales,
Dick and Gladys Funnell
Dear Praying Friends:
Last week we had the opportunity to visit the Bible College of Wales
in Swansea. This was the first time we've been able to attend one of
the Tuesday prayer mornings that have been going on for several months
now. Even in the middle of renovations elsewhere on the grounds, it is
great to see this meeting established.
It is a real joy to know that the major part of this property with its
special history of powerful intercessory prayer has been secured for
the Kingdom for future generations. The director Mark Ritchie has a
sensitive and gentle way of leading worship, and we enjoyed an awesome
time of song, prayer and encouraging words from the Lord.
This world of ours is going through some serious situations
that demand serious prayer, and that is what is going on here.
would like to encourage you to take part in these meetings if you live
locally. Or if you plan to visit South Wales sometime, be sure to fit this meeting into your plans. Specific
information is available here on
their Facebook page. There is also an effort underway to acquire
the rest of this property before it is lost to developers. Please email
us if you'd like more information about that.
We also had some very good news last week from the specialist about the
problem of my double vision that started just over a year ago. The
super-high level of antibodies that confirmed the autoimmune disease
which affected my vision is now
practically zero! The doctor was surprised to see such a
drastic reduction, so we praise the Lord for that!
He is taking me down to a minimal dose of the steroids over the next
few weeks. And hopefully I should be completely off within a couple of
months. This is what the doctor called a "nervous time" while he waits
to make sure the is no recurrence of the symptoms.
We are very thankful for so many of you that have been praying and
know this is the real reason for my improvement. The doctor admits that
they don't clearly understand how or why the treatment works. But we
do! And we sincerely appreciate your continued prayers during the next
couple of months. Our trust is in the Lord our Healer.
May God bless you richly!
Dick & Gladys