Friends of Wales Awakening:
The story from 2nd Samuel about King David's escape from Jerusalem
when Absalom tries to supplant his father as king has deeply moved me
during my last two read-throughs of the scriptures. But since last week
the same passage has been caught in my heart and I feel compelled to
share about it.
Among the several dark moments of David's life, this may have been
one of the darkest. But the pain and anguish for himself and his
faithful followers point towards future events and a coming glory that
is as staggering as it is profound.
In 2 Samuel 15, verse 23 says, "And
all the country wept with a loud voice, and all the people crossed
over. The king himself also crossed over the Brook Kidron..."
And in verse 30 we read, "So David
went up by the Ascent of the Mount of Olives, and wept as he went up;
and he had his head covered and went barefoot. And all the people who
were with him covered their heads and went up, weeping as they went up."
flees not only for his own safety but also to preserve lives of all
that remain in Jerusalem at the time. Rather than fighting to defend
his rightful place, he humbly accepts his defeat and leaves. He seems
to recognize the strength of human connivance and politicking and turns
the other way.
One thousand years later a remarkably similar story takes place in
John 18:1-2. "When Jesus had
spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the Brook
Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered.
And Judas, who betrayed Him, also knew the place; for Jesus often met
there with His disciples."
Jesus too recognized that the very human religious "powers that be"
had it in for Him, and humbly conceded what was a temporary "defeat" at
Calvary. And in so doing He established the glorious and eternal
Kingdom towards which David and his kingdom had pointed.
He also shed his tears over this same city. We read in Luke 13:34, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who
kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I
wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood
under her wings, but you were not willing!" And again in Luke
19:41-42, "Now as He drew near, He
saw the city and wept over it, saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially
in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are
hidden from your eyes.'"

think what has most deeply affected me in these portions is something
that applies to the situation in Christendom today. The organization
and procedure of much of the church has tended to limit the active
participation of the Holy Spirit in its operations for "practical
reasons." These might include keeping to schedules and timing, not
wanting to discomfort people by taking too much of their time, etc.,
But over the years these very institutional considerations have
produced another "Kidron Brook" over which the Holy Spirit has been
obliged to sorrowfully cross, not unlike David or Jesus in their times.
One result is that a great many of the traditional churches have shrunk
in numbers, and many have closed altogether. There are many others
which become evident as we pray and think about this.
To bring this a little closer to home, I know there are parallels in
our own lives as well. Each of us in our personal organization of our
time and activities have to make practical choices. Are we making time
for the Holy Spirit in prayer and in study of the word? Are being
sensitive and obedient to His leadings? Or are we unknowingly allowing
"Kidron Brooks" to form in our own lives?
I just want to put this out there to encourage us in keeping our
"houses" in order. I also want to encourage you to pray that there
would be a massive reversal of this trend - that any and all "Kidron
Brooks" would be replaced by Rivers of Living Water! And also pray that
in our times we would see more and more of God's direct intervention in
the lives of men and nations around the globe. The River is rising, and
so is the need.
May the Lord bless you with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and
discernment and perseverance for the exciting race that lies before us!
Dick & Gladys
P.S. The book The Revival
We Need which I quoted last month is available to read online here, or can be downloaded as a .pdf file or an .epub file.
Friends and Praying Saints:
This little chapel at nearby Mwnt dates from the 14th century, but
the site itself has been used as a place of worship by the Celtic
saints since nearly 800 years earlier. An unobstructed view of Cardigan
Island enhances the natural beauty of the place, and just over the brow
of the hill is a small sheltered beach, making it a popular spot for
tourists and locals alike.
We like to bring visitors here because of the wonderful views from
the hilltop overlooking Cardigan Bay and the Irish Sea. On clear days
you can see the mountains of North Wales and so it is a great place to
pray for the nation.
The first half of September has just flown by, filled with
activities and visits. We spent the first half of last week with
our friends Qday and company in Llanelli to attend some special
meetings, including the first part of the Wildfires Revival Conference
put on by a church
in North Wales. The Tuesday evening meeting took place in an old
baptist church in Briton Ferry, and was certainly a move away from the
traditional services and surroundings.
A group of pastors from Brazil had been invited to minister in the
conference, and it was a lively and powerful time. Then Wednesday
morning the second conference meeting took place at Moriah Chapel in
Loughor. We were joined there by other groups from Korea and India.
Both nations had been touched by the Gospel as a direct result of the
Welsh Revivals of 1859 and 1904. So there was a deep crying out for
another revival to come awaken this nation again, amidst a profound
gratitude for the "fire of God" they had received so many years before.
It was a very international group and a wonderful time of prayer in
many languages.
were invited to
these meetings by our friend Sue from Berkshire in Southeast England
who we've known now for a few years. She has been involved in some
specific prayer missions into Wales, Scotland, Ireland and even the
USA. It was great to spend some time together and admire how the Lord
continues moving and connecting people of prayer in so many amazing
ways. We couldn't help but enjoy the surprise that her hotel booking
fell through and so she wound up staying with us in our friend's house.
And there she met again with Brenda, our intercessor friend to France
who she "just happened" to stay with in our house unexpectedly two
years ago!
On Monday afternoon we went to a very interesting talk given at the Bible College of Wales
(BCW) in Swansea by an Israeli diplomat stationed in London. And then
on Wednesday afternoon, after the group from North Wales went home to
continue their conference in Colwyn Bay, there was another special
meeting at the BCW with Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel.
This is a 24 hour worship and prayer center in Jerusalem that he and
his wife Patti started there in 1999. Interesting, that's the same year
the Lord showed me the vision of the coming Welsh Revival, and the same
year that 24/7 prayer started, both independently, Kansas City
and London!
Rick told a little of their story, shared some lessons learned about
prayer, and gave some wonderful testimonies of the amazing ways the
Lord has guided them in specific directed prayer. His word was a great
exhortation and encouragement not only for us here in West Wales and
other intercessors present, but also to the College itself which, under
the direction of Rees Howells at the time, had a phenomenal impact on
the course of World War II also
through directed prayers.
At the end of the meeting, we all went out into the gardens where
some powerful prayers were said and olive oil from Israel was poured
into an old well that was uncovered during the recent renovations. You
can see a video clip here. They also anointed the plinth
that carries the well known faith declaration of Rees Howells, "Jehovah
Jireh!" What a blessing to see the fulfillment of these words at the
College today - renewed in every way by God's amazing provision!
When we came home again on Thursday we brought an extra blessing
with us. Our young Korean friend Joosun came with us to spend the
weekend. We've known her since the first Forge School of Fait
h in
December of 2012, and she has been a part of the schools and community
there in Llanelli that is directed by our long-time friends Qday and
Bridget Lee.
It was a blessing to have time to share some of our story of faith
adventures with her, and spend some timing praying with her in the
chapel. A special time was visiting our friend Moira on her dairy farm.
Joosun was raised in a rural farming community in Southeast Korea, but
had never been around a dairy, so was delighted to get into the action
helping milk the cows. Sunday we took her to Mwnt to climb the
"mountain" by the sea with Gladys, in the top photo.
It was a joy to have the company of another young person who is
surrendered heart and soul to the Lord and has dedicated her life to
His service. Her time here in Wales is coming to a close for now, and
she is headed back to her homeland with missions, and Wales, on her
heart. Please join us praying for her that the Lord clearly guide her
steps as she seeks God's plan for her life.
Thank you for your continued interest, and especially for your
prayers for Wales and for the nations. May God's grace and wisdom
empower your prayers for these needy times in which we live.
Dick & Gladys