Praying Friends:
What a privilege to belong to the eternal
Kingdom of God and have Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as our CEO!
Meanwhile, here we are just five days after the UK voted to separate
itself from the European Union after 43 years, and peace has become a
very rare commodity in political circles here. And the rest of the
Europe and the business world are still reacting.
A very respectable 72% of the electorate
took part in EU Referendum last Thursday, and the "Leave" campaign won
with 52% against "Remain"'s 48%. Suddenly it seemed like
everything had gotten turned upside down and not left quite as neat and
tidy as these rows of hay. It is reminiscent of the hotly disputed U.S.
Bush vs. Gore election in 2000.
It is not pleasant to see the nation in
such a state, but hopefully things will settle down before too long,
and hindsight will show it to have been the right choice. Meanwhile, it
serves to highlight that the true welfare we all seek is not to be
found in earthly alliances and kingdoms.
11:8-9 and 16 very clearly lays out the correct long-term perspective. "By faith he dwelt in the land of
promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and
Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the
city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God... But now
they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not
ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."
Our prayer is that throughout whatever
unrest and instability that is still to come, many people's hearts will
be turned to seek deeper meaning to their existence than security and
comfort in this transitory earthly life. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 is a good
guide for our prayers. "Therefore
I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and
giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in
authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness
and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our
Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of
the truth."
We also have a special request for prayer
for our landlord and his family. You may recall that last fall
he was diagnosed with cancer, and underwent extensive surgery in
December. After what seemed at first a positive outcome, the tumor has
reappeared and his condition has deteriorated severely. Both he and his
wife prayed with us and accepted Jesus as Lord, but it hasn't gotten
any farther than that. Now it seems his days are numbered, unless God
intervenes with an absolute miraculous healing. Would you please pray
for them, and also that we would now have an open door to minister
God's words of life and hope to them?
Thank you very much. May God bless you and your loved ones,
Dick and Gladys
Friends of Wales
My readings yesterday included this encouraging portion from Isaiah
Your watchmen lift up their
voices, they shout
joyfully together;
For they will see with
their own eyes
When the Lord restores
Break forth, shout
joyfully together,
You waste places of
For the Lord has
comforted His people,
He has redeemed Jerusalem.
The Lord has bared His
holy arm
In the sight of all the
That all the ends of the
earth may see
The salvation of our God.
This is just plain outstanding news for us believers in today's
world. If we look around with our natural eyes, we see this temporal
world with a certain heaviness. But as we let this amazing declaration
from God's word settle into our spirit, a much different picture
As I reflected on the first phrase about the watchmen lifting up
their voices with joy, the Lord brought to mind the many prophetic
words that have been spoken over Wales throughout the years. And there
are a few recent ones that I want to highlight a few portions of here.
It would be well worth your time to read them in their entirety on this
linked page, Words About Wales. There are many listed there,
and they all seem to point to the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy -

A word was given in February by our friend Steve at the
Ffald-y-Brenin prayer day which said, "I saw the land of Wales being
broken open... I saw was a very big angel blowing like a trumpet... I
saw this word, the word was "intercession"... God is requiring people
in intercession..."
Another very recent word from our friend Elaine says, "I see a
picture of Wales and below the surface of the land into the earth. It
is rich soil but the unusual thing about it is that
multitudes of seeds in the earth below...
seeds are of the people
involved with the Revival’s of the past in Wales... There are many,
many seeds in the ground – dormant... Pray for these seeds to grow.
It’s our prayers they are waiting for..."
Yesterday we had a visit from a group of saints from Ft. Wayne,
Indiana. Their church has been connected to Wales for many years, and
they came with a team to pray and worship and do evangelism in the
streets while they are here. It was our privilege to spend time with
them both at nearby Blaenannerch and also in our Cilfowyr Chapel.
These are now regular places we take visitors that come to make a
connection the past places of revival, and to pray for the next one
that is coming ever closer. As we look back over the years, there are
so very many people that have come from all over the world with hunger
in their hearts for God's outpouring. They have come to answer this
call for prayer.
Those prayers are building up and up, and the time is ever closer
for God's answer to released in the land, and touch the nations of the
world with His grace and power.
A final note: Please remember to pray this Thursday, June 23rd, for
the important UK vote about staying in or leaving the EU! Thank you,
and God bless,
Dick & Gladys
No matter how much we explore and how long we live, we simply can
never discover all the beauty in the natural world that surrounds us.
In the very same way, we can never plumb the depths of the word of God.
There is always something new at each turn, always greater revelation
and realization of His eternal realm that nourishes our soul and
spirit. What a treasure!
This morning reading in Isaiah 45 I found verse 8 to be a great
stimulus and guide for prayer.
"Rain down, you heavens, from
And let the skies pour down
Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation,
And let
righteousness spring up together.
I, the Lord, have created it."
What a powerful plea for a world that becomes more needy with each
passing day. How desperately
do we need an outpouring of God's intervention in the affairs of men.
Nationally and internationally we see the ugly fruit of an increasingly
Godless world. Isaiah continues in verse 9, "Woe to him who strives with his Maker!"
We see "woes" all around us these days.
Lord is our only safe haven, and our prayers are that people will
continue to turn to Him in increasing numbers. We just heard of a
church in Reading in the last couple of weeks have brought over 700
people to Christ by taking the gospel to the streets and asking people
where they are going if they die. So let's just ask the Lord for more!
In just 10 days, June 23rd, the citizens of the United Kingdom -
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - will be going to the
polls to vote on the referendum of whether they should remain a part of
the European Union or withdraw. There is a lot of politicking on both
sides, and it is all over the news and social media.
The EU is totally godless, if not even anti-God and anti-Israel. It
seems most Christians are leaning towards getting out from under that
influence, but you won't see anything about that in the main news. If
you search "Brexit + Christians" online you'll find plenty!
Please make a note in your calendars and join in prayer with us and
many thousands of believers for God's will for Great Britain and
Europe. Please pray every day about this, and especially on the 23rd.
We really do want to see "salvation
and righteousness spring up together." We know that this can
only come from God, not a vote. But in my mind a government
historically favorable to His ways would seem the better option.
Thank you for your prayers for Wales and the rest of the UK,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Prayers:
On our drive home from North Wales last Sunday, it was such a
beautiful day we decided to take a smaller road and enjoy some new
scenery. You can imagine our delight to find this amazing view on the
way. The promises God's word and the power of cross are magnificent indeed!
Mercy and truth have
met together;
Righteousness and peace
have kissed.
Truth shall spring out of
the earth,
And righteousness shall
look down
from heaven.
Yes, the Lord will give
what is good;
And our land will yield
its increase.
Righteousness will go
before Him,
And shall make His
footsteps our pathway.
Psalm 85:10-13
This place is called "Bwlch y Groes", "The Gap of the Cross", near
Lake. It was the pilgrim's route from north Wales to St. David's in the
south west. A cross was placed a little way down the southern side of
the pass as a symbol of faith and strength, and has comforted lonely
travelers since medievel times. It was most recently replaced in 1989,
but surely several have stood there down the centuries.
I read about the significance of this place on the information board at
the top of the pass, I was reminded yet again how our prayers for this
nation are connected those of many saints in years gone by. And these
words from Psalm 85 above clearly reflect the objective and the
strength of those prayers. They are a recipe for revival!
We were invited to spend Gladys' birthday with friends on a narrow
boat on the Llangollen Canal. We crossed two aquaducts and went through
two tunnels - all floating on water! It was our first experience doing
this and quite an adventure.

It was fascinating to get a taste of what travel must have been like
back in the days before steam-powered trains took over as the
predominant system of commercial transportation. These boats were
pulled along by horses, and the pace of life was far slower than what
we are accustomed to.
The scenery was absolutely beautiful, and we are thankful for such
an opportunity to enjoy a totally different perspective on the world
around us. It was a good reminder to intentionally slow ourselves down,
disconnect from the business of life, and "Taste and see that the Lord
is good."
Dick & Gladys