Dear Friends of Wales Awakening:
In Exodus chapter 6 we read the ongoing story of Moses and how
things weren’t going very well after his first visit to speak to
Pharaoh. The result was the Hebrews lost their supply of straw but
had to produce the same number of bricks. After God reiterates his
promise and encourages Moses, we see this in Gen. 6:9. "but when
Moses delivered his message to the Israelites, they didn’t even
hear him — they were that beaten down in spirit by the harsh slave
conditions." (The Message) The new king James version says,
"...they did not heed Moses... because of anguish of spirit and
cruel bondage."
What struck me in here was the condition of the people's hearts
being so "beaten down" they were not open to even hope for
something better. The idea that this God that they had heard about
for generations was going to set them free seemed to be too good
to be true. And then my focus in prayer was immediately switched
from historical Egypt to the lack of receptivity to the gospel of
Christ in our modern world, and my heart was overwhelmed.
A great many generations after Joseph's father and brothers
settled in Egypt, Exodus 1:8 says, "A new king came to power in
Egypt who didn’t know Joseph." And today, we can easily see the
(parallel) "...anguish of spirit and cruel bondage" in the world
all around us. In the midst of a devastating pandemic and other
natural disasters adding to people's distress, world economies are
under tremendous pressure, and entire nations are in the throes of
political upheaval. The enemy of men's souls, in his warfare
God's beloved children of
men, seems to have gained the advantage in hardening the heart of
our increasingly secularized world.
Quite frankly, it is horrifying to watch the intentional
degeneration of time-honored standards of truth and morality. The
ridiculous but sinister attempt to erase definitions of gender and
sexuality, morality, and the God-ordained structure of natural
family have somehow overridden the power of reason and common
sense. And the unscrupulous re-writing of history textbooks that
has all but divested our youth of any knowledge of God is
And what has become known today as "cancel culture" is nothing
less than a heinous attempt to manipulate whole segments of
society through the virtual kidnapping of traditional and social
media, leaving lawless and unethical censorship unbridled to set
the nations awash in a "post-Christian” stormy sea of relativism
and hopelessness. The Apostle Paul clearly states in Ephesians
2:12 that, “…[we] were without Christ… and strangers from the
covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the
BUT, listen to God's declaration to Moses in Exodus 6:3. "I appeared Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as
God Almighty, but by My name Lord (YWWH, Jehovah, I-am-present),
I was not known to them." He now establishes the
fact that He will be present with them, and in verse 6-7 He
promises them, "I am the Lord; ...I
will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with
an outstretched arm and with great judgments. I will take you as
My people, and I will be your God."
There’s something so powerful about "His name—His presence" with
them, that was formerly unknown to them. That is such a parallel
to today’s culture where the knowledge of God and His presence is
practically nonexistent. Moses had obviously learned how vitally
necessary this promise was when later on he says to God in Exodus
"If Your Presence does not go with us, do
not bring us up from here."
When we think of a person, we think of them by their name. That
name may fill us with warm memories of love and contentment, or
evoke a wide range of other feelings. But using a name speaks of
experience with that person—relationship. Moses' active
interaction with the person of God throughout his whole adventure
gave him a broad experience of the many characteristics of his
nature. What a wealth of relationship!
As good as God's promise of redemption from bondage was for the
Israelites then, we have even greater news. Hebrews 8:6 says, "[Jesus] is also Mediator of a better covenant,
which was established on better promises." And the
fruit of these "better promises" is far more than God's open
invitation to every living soul today into a right relationship
with Himself. Through the shed blood of Christ that atones for our
sin, not only is God with us, but He dwells in us!
And gloriously more than this, His amazing grace grants us eternal
life, relationship and friendship with Him, and the sure knowledge
that we will never be alone again ever!
In today's broken and confused world, of course, this sounds too
good to be true. But the fact of
the matter is that it is so good because it is
true. A fascinating discussion between the avowed atheist
C.S. Lewis and his Christian friend J.R.R. Tolkien once took place
exploring the divergence of these two viewpoints. You can watch a
brilliant 8-minute reenactment of their discussion at this link.
Jesus' own words tell us of God's Good News in John 10:10. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to
kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and
that they may have it more abundantly." This astonishing
truth of redemption from this world's cruel bondage is the "ground
zero" of prayer for revival.
Thank you for joining us and may God empower His people as we make
our appeal to heaven for the nations,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends of Wales Awakening:
Being in the great outdoors is an amazing gift from the Lord, and
helps us keep our eyes on His view of things rather than our own.
The ever-changing patterns of light and darkness, warmth and
shadow, highlight the fact that He is the Lord of the seasons and
the harvest. Our own little patch might be in sunlight or shade at
the moment, but we are all in His hands and are part of a
much greater scheme of things as God works out His plans on the
earth today.
For a while now we have been following and praying along with
Dutch Sheet's daily Give Him 15
posts. They are always an encouragement to many people, ourselves
included, and give some valuable points for prayer. This morning's
February 9th post was no exception, but it contains an additional
element of interest and blessing to us—a significant reference to
Dutch tells about a prophetic dream that his friend Gina Gholston
had regarding God's love for the lost and the coming revival. This
is the portion I want to point out.
"Suddenly, the dream
shifted, and I knew by the Spirit that what was happening at the
Red River Meeting House was also taking place at Cane Ridge,
Kentucky, and Azusa Street in California! I was then lifted up and
could see a line running north and south, connecting Cane Ridge
and the Red River Meeting House. Another line from each of them
went west to Azusa. I could see that these lines formed the shape
of a spearhead. From the line drawn between Cane Ridge and the Red
River Meeting House was yet another, coming from the nation of
Wales to the east. It was forming the shaft of the spear... I was
being shown that all of those past moves of God were now being
brought together to ‘spearhead’ another greater and more powerful
move of God in our time."
This direct reference to Wales being connected with these other
places is just one further sign that we are "still barking up the
right tree!" Even down to the detail of the description of
the spearhead. When the Lord called us to come and pray here back
in 2002, part of His extraordinary confirmation to me as I prayed
up at the chapel that morning was a single small bright white
cloud shaped like the head of a spear moving directly towards
where I stood. It is absolutely amazing how the Lord continues to
assure us that we are still on track. Like the word says in Psalm
78:39, "...He remembers that we are but
flesh..." and we need all the help we can get!
After we listened to Dutch's post this
morning, I was prompted to look up the date of that dream—January
14, 2020. I was stunned to realize on that very same morning we
were at a friend's house in Charlotte, NC, and took part in an
extraordinary prophetic act. We were praying about the defeat of
the adversary and Gladys was
prompted to draw a picture
of "the dragon, that serpent of old" on a glass and then smash it
on a rock.
We wrote on it, "Today God destroys the dragon and breaks all
fear... Wales belongs to Christ and the dragon doesn't have any
power in Wales... Jesus defeats the idolatry of the
dragon... And the verse from Romans 16:20, "And
the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet..."
(You can watch the short clip at this link.)
The fact that these two things took place on the same day has
nothing to do with "coincidence", rather it is divinely
orchestrated evidence that God is at work through the church in
our day. I wonder what other things happened on that date? We hear
from many diverse places around the world of His intervention in
hearts and lives at every level, and it is greatly encouraging. We
know only in part, and just imagine our wonder and worship as we
continually learn more and more of His gracious dealings in human
As each one of us continues to press into our specific
assignments from the Lord, no matter the cost, we discover just
how abundantly He pours grace into our lives. And as we share the
stories of God's goodness with others, we are putting Revelation
12:11 into practice, "And they overcame him
[the dragon] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their
testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
What a blessing to know that we can do all things through Christ
who strengthens us,
Dick & Gladys