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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Seeding into the cloud–prayer for revival, and happenings at home...

Flowing together to the goodness of the Lord!

Dear Praying Saints and Intercessors:

Somehow another month has raced by and our hearts are full of so much that has happened through God's unwavering goodness. His words continue to strengthen and guide us as we look to Him for everything.

Praying through the scriptures a few days ago at the chapel, these words from Jeremiah 17:16 really encouraged us. " As for me, I have not hurried away from being a shepherd who follows You, nor have I desired the woeful day; You know what came out of my lips; it was right there before You." The cry of our hearts before the Lord is always before Him. Isn't that amazing?

Like a small trickle of water joining other streams, our prayers  flow together into a vast sea of prayer that has reached heavenwards all through the ages. The "great a cloud of witnesses" of Hebrews 12:1 exhorts us, saying, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

We find more wonderful encouragement to pray in Jeremiah 24:7. The Lord says, "Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart." As we pray for the outpouring of revival, we are really crying out for revelation by the Holy Spirit to the hearts of the lost. Behind the bars of
death!This present "enlightened" world has people locked up behind bars—held prisoners to sin and death, yet they just don't understand or believe. Daniel Nash*, Charles Finney's main intercessor, wrote in 1826, "Oh, what a world! How much it hates the truth! How unwilling to be saved!"

But we are still learning about the power of our prayers, both direct and collective. Look at this amazing example from Judges 2:4, "So it was, when the Angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voices and wept." This is what we long to see, outpouring, awakening, and revival in the hearts and souls of loved ones, friends, and nations.

Puffy white clouds over the Tefi March just outside of
CardiganOn the home front, we have been busy with a flourishing garden, weeds generously included, and the fullness of summer greenery and even some sunny weather has been delightful, though significantly cooler than Central America and Louisiana! It has also been getting busy with visiting friends and other people of prayer, and it's nice to see Tracey and Katherine at Blaenannerch Chapelthings moving back towards what we were accustomed to a few years ago.

We are also aware of how the Lord is moving among young people and drawing them not only into salvation and relationship with Himself, but to a place of surrender and discipleship as well. Just last week we had the opportunity to spend some precious time with a group of six young Germans who are in training with YWAM, Youth With A Mission. It gave us great joy to hear their enthusiasm for the Lord and their earnest seeking how to let their lives become instruments in His hands rather than following the goals and ambitions of the temporal societies around us.

Although the world around us continues in its tumultuous instability, we know that God's plans will not be thwarted. Our foundation is that He is the Prince of Peace and sustainer of all those whose hearts are fixed on Him and who seek to walk in His ways and shine His light on those around us wherever we happen to be.

May experience the fullness of Jesus ' words in John 16:33, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Dick & Gladys


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