Dear Praying Friends and Saints,
119 years ago today, what began as a small meeting of young
people in Loughor, near Swansea in South Wales, quickly blossomed
into a revival that would impact the course of modern
Christianity. I'm sharing the story of October 30th and 31st to
remind us of what happened back then and to inspire our prayers
and hopes for today and the future. These portions come directly
from my friend Maurice Smith's book, When The Fire Fell.
(See link below to read or download the whole book)
"And one Sunday, as I sat in the chapel, I could not fix my mind
upon the service, for always before my eyes I saw, as in a vision,
the schoolroom in my own village. And there, sitting in rows
before me, I saw my old companions and all the young people, and I
saw myself addressing them. I shook my head impatiently, and
strove to drive away this vision, butit always came back. And I
heard a voice in my inward ear as plain as anything, saying, 'Go
and speak to these people.' And for a long time I would not. But
the pressure became greater and greater, and I could hear nothing
of the sermon. Then at last I could resist no longer, and I said,
'Well, Lord, if it is Thy will, I will go.' Then instantly the
vision vanished, and the whole chapel became filled with light so
dazzling that I could faintly see the minister in the pulpit, and
between him and me the glory as the light of the sun in heaven."
After this vision, Evan Roberts went to Principal Evan Phillips
(a mature Christian and a Moderator of the Welsh Presbyterian
Church) and said, "I keep hearing a voice telling me you must go
home and speak to the young people about Christ." He asked
Principal Phillips if this was the voice of the Spirit or the
devil. Principal Phillips wisely counseled him that "The devil
does not give such thoughts. It was the voice of the Holy
Spirit."[3] So, on Monday, October 31, Evan Roberts decided to
return home and conduct a week of meetings among the youth of his
Robert's sudden return home caught his family by surprise. His
mother thought that perhaps he had been preaching somewhere on
Sunday and was just calling on the family on his way back to
school. But he proceeded to explain that he was home for the week,
that he had experienced a very remarkable blessing, and that he
had come home to lead the young people of the Moriah church in
some meetings. His sister related what happened next:
"When Evan came home, Dan (his brother) was lying on the couch
looking very disheartened. Evan could not understand what was
wrong, and then Dan told him that he was losing his sight . . .
and that a Llanelli specialist had told him that there was no hope
. . . (Evan) turned towards Dan and said, 'You shall have your
sight - the Lord has need of you.' Suddenly Dan regained his
sight. A sort of miracle happened, and when he went to see the
specialist [later on], he marveled, unable to understand what had
happened." [4]
October 31, 1904
Evan Roberts went to Pastor Daniel Jones of his own church, the
Moriah Calvinistic Methodist Church in Loughor, and asked to speak
to the young people. Pastor Jones was somewhat reluctant, telling
Roberts that "I might try and see what I could do, but that the
ground was stony, and the task would be hard." [5] Pastor Jones
told Roberts that he could speak after the Monday prayer meeting
that evening to anyone who was inclined to stay. So, on Monday
evening the 31st of October, 1904, Roberts spoke to 17
people who stayed after prayer meeting, telling them of his
experiences and visions, and of his belief in a coming revival.
The meeting was hard. The people were unresponsive and
Roberts resorted to prayer three times during his long and
protracted appeal. The Welsh Christians of that day had a
reluctance about giving a personal testimony of assurance of
salvation. But by 10 o'clock all 17 had testified of their faith
in Christ, including Evan Roberts' brother, Dan, and his three
sisters who publicly professed their faith for the first time.
"Young men and women who had never been known to speak openly of
any experience of saving grace stood and testified fearlessly".[6]
The first result of this personal revival was a change at home.
Evan Roberts wrote to a friend, Elsie Phillips, about the events
of this first week, "Our family has had a grand change. We have
had a family altar this week for the first time. This again is the
work of the Spirit. And last Wednesday evening, before the
meeting, while I was away from home, they held a prayer meeting at
home; and father for the first time prayed in their hearing.
Another proof of the grand work." [7] The beginning of the
greatest revival Wales had ever known had brought personal
blessing to the revivalist himself and his own family.
You can continue reading a brief day-by-day overview of the events up through November 12th of 1904 when the newspaper headlines read, "CHAPELS OVERCROWDED, SCOFFERS SAVED, DESIRES FOR REVIVAL FULFILLED!" at this link.
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of
the author, and is available at this
May these testimonies strengthen our faith and encourage our
fervent prayers for God's visitation among the nations in these
precarious times!
Dick & Gladys

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners:
Many of you may remember this photo from back in 2010 that I took
in Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales. As the result of a series of
extraordinary events, in 2009 the Lord led us to start monthly
meetings there in December of that year to pray specifically for
revival in this strategic town. A friend accompanied us on our
monthly visit in September of 2010 and was inspired to have us
"purchase" this field as a prophetic declaration of its use for
God's purposes there. This was 13 years ago! You can read the
story at this link.
Now let's fast-forward to 2023. In late September we made contact
with a young Welshman who moved with his wife and small family to
Blaenau 18 months ago seeking to reach the community's young
people for Jesus. Incredibly, he was sponsored by the Welsh Rugby
Union to work with high school youth on these very fields! Joseff
said in a recent email, "We have a thriving new youth work
we’ve started here that just tonight saw over 90 young people in
attendance! We honestly feel we’ve been carried by God over this
season, riding a wave only he can generate and have been wanting
to meet with some of the people we believe that have been key in
the strange favour we’ve experienced since moving here. Things
have happened that can only be explained by the saints gone
before and present tha
t have and are sowing
into this place in prayer."
You can imagine our excitement and gratitude to hear about this
amazing development. In our last email, I mentioned the Heal the
Land Conference teaching that said, "Just as in the agricultural
realm, our seeds of prayer also have to be left to the faithful
working of God." And it was just days later that we heard this
wonderful news. Joseff and Lydia were subsequently joined by two
other young families and they are trusting God to fulfill His
plans for their work in that close-knit Welsh-speaking community.
There are wonderful stories of how God moved on this community in
the past centuries and brought many to salvation through the power
of the Holy Spirit in revival. And a great many of those touched
by God were not only the results of others' prayers, but they in
turn gave themselves to prayer for unsaved families and friends.
Surely at times, the darkness of the slate mines was illuminated
by the praises and prayers of the miners, and the fruit of those
prayers became visitations of God's presence in homes and chapels
During the early years of the Blaenau prayer meetings, we came to
realize that our involvement was only a small part of the Lord's
people in praying for this entire area. Our meetings were visited by
many others who were also praying in their communities in other
parts of North Wales, and it was encouraging to us all. It seems
clear that all of our prayers are an extension Jesus' prayer in John
17:20-21, "
I do not pray for these
alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their
word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I
in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may
believe that You sent Me."
This is a new chapter for
Blaenau Ffestiniog, and you have a part to play as well. Please
keep these saints and the youth and their families in your
prayers. We hope to visit there soon and will keep you updated.
Meanwhile, the world heartbreakingly continues to tear itself
apart on a greater scale than ever, and prayers are desperately
needed on every front. But be it through wars, earthquakes,
disease, or natural causes, one thing is certain as stated in
Hebrews 9:27-8, "And as it is appointed for
men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was
offered once to bear the sins of many."
May our prayers reach out to every corner of the world for peace,
and that all might know that Jesus came to bring salvation and
eternal life to every needy heart,
Dick & Gladys