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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The sweetness of God's Word, plus some serious encouragement!

Psalms 119:103 How sweet are Your words to my
taste,Sweeter than honey to my mouth!Dear Praying Friends:

Going through some old photos recently, Gladys showed my this picture of our cat, Misty, sound asleep with her head on the New King James Bible. One of our kids had made a line of strawberry candies along her body just for fun, and to see what she would do when she woke up. As I looked at the picture the words from Psalm 119:103 came to mind, "How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" And of course Psalm 34:8 was right behind with, "Oh,taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

It isn't always easy to trust in the Lord, but He enables us to do so and His blessing follows closely. Yesterday marked 19 years ago that we arrived in Wales trusting in the Lord, and we have been constantly amazed at how He has taken care of us all this time. We rejoice in the testimonies of His grace and goodness, not only in our own lives and experience but in countless others who also savor the sweetness and solid foundation of His word.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ecce_homo_by_Antonio_Ciseri_%281%29.jpg#/media/File:Ecce_homo_by_Antonio_Ciseri_%281%29.jpgTwo weeks ago we went with friends to a night of worship and prayer for the town and area around Lampeter, about 20 miles to the north of us. There was a powerful spirit of intercession interspersed throughout times of extended worship, and there was a sense that some territory was being reclaimed in this place that has traditionally been hard towards the Gospel.

At one point as I was praying while gazing out a window, my attention was drawn to this car. It was a very classy BMW parked in a not-so-classy neighborhood, and written in clean cursive font was, "My life... My rules..." What an impact that had on me! Here we were crying out for the people of this place to come to know the blessedness of trusting in God's authority and goodness, and the exact opposite was a stark contrast indeed.

It's wonderful to see how prayer is being stirred up in so many areas. In mid-April Gladys and I were invited to a prayer retreat in England with a small international group. And then just last Sunday evening there was a multi-church gathering to pray Local
Cardigan churches join each monthl to pray for the area.for Cardigan and our local area here. After a time of worship, we were given information about particular areas of needs, and then we divided up into small groups and prayed for them. Then in our groups we asked to Lord to show us other needs of the community, and share and pray for those as well. We covered a lot of ground, and it was refreshing to have such varied sources of input. This was the second of what will be monthly gatherings, and are a very welcome and positive contribution towards our shared goal of reaching our area with the Good News of the Gospel.

As we look at the world around us, it seems things are quickly growing more unstable by the day. There are heart-breaking situations in so many fronts—I don't need elaborate here. And it seems like people are looking harder for answers to life's challenges than previously. The pandemic was just the beginning.

Golden fields highlighted by the sunWe were thrilled two days ago to read an article by Pete Grieg titled, "Something wonderful seems to be stirring..."
He cites many things going on around the globe that point to God's intervention. Here are a few bright spots from just this past weekend.
"In Hackney, East London hundreds of young people from three local churches stay up all night to pray and seek God...
In Trafalgar Square thousands gather to hear the Local Cardigan churches join each monthl to pray for the
area.gospel. Many healed and saved...
St Aldates, Oxford where George Whitfield gave his life to Christ, is overflowing. So many young people give their lives to Christ they lose count..."

We'd like to encourage you to be encouraged by reading the whole article at this link.

Looking forward with you to trusting him more, day by day, breath by breath, and blink by blink,

Dick & Gladys


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