Wales Update - May 30th This Sunday we visited the New Life Christian Centre in Cardigan,
and afterwards joined groups from other churches for a picnic in a
little park in a neighboring town called St. Dogmael's. We had perfect
weather for the occasion, in a beautiful setting overlooking the Teifi
River as it makes its way in towards Cardigan from the Irish Sea. After everydone was done eating and sharing, the worship team
from New Life brought out their instruments and equipment and led a
great time of open air worship. As people came into the park or out of
the restaurant across the street they were surprised to find about 75
Christians singing out God's praises. They all stopped for at least a
moment or two to try and figure out what the occasion was. Some
probably figured out from the words that this was just a group of
crazy religious folks doing their thing. Others seemed to appreciate
it a bit more than others, although no one came to join us. They
apparently have a few of these group meetings each year, weather
permitting, and surely some people take away an impression that must
pique their curiosity! After the the organized worship came to an end, most people
packed up and went their way, off to get a cup of tea no doubt. But
Gladys and I stayed on sharing with a few that remained a bit longer.
I made the acquaintance the new pastor of the large Baptist church in
Cardigan. And when they left, I found Gladys sitting on her blanket
talking with the only remaining folks, a young and very noticeably
joyful couple. They were very interesting for us, as they had been
pretty much involved in the hippie-type lifestyle, eating natural
foods and seeking an alternative to the "normal" world around them.
They had given their lives to Christ just a few months before, and
were now very happy to have found a church body where they could have
significant fellowship and teaching. The tiny Anglican church in their
little village 20 miles to the south had no regular minister, and
there was not much substance for their newly quickened spiritual
appetite. It was very refreshing for us to spend time with them, and them
with us also. Having shared a very similar background, although
admitted a "few" years before them (were they even born yet?) we had
lots to talk about. Ian had brought a guitar with them and was
learning to play, so Gladys showed him a few things. He played a
worship song or two that he had written, and Gladys and I played a few
songs as well. I had a harmonica with me, so we enjoyed an extended
time of free-style worship and prayer together. We were having such a
good time we didn't really want to leave. It turned out that Ian had
been trained for 3 years to teach in the Steiner schools for
education, but now after becoming a Christian he realized that the
erroneous principles of that system of thought would have to be left
behind. He was very interested in my experiences in Christian
education and hopefully I can connect him with some good sources. He
would really like to see a truly Christian school project get
underway. Gladys noticed that a young couple with their children seemed
very interested in us, and were listening to our songs and parts of
our conversation as well. We didn't have a chance to talk with them,
but it would not surprise me if we run into them again sometime and
see what doors the Lord may open there. Everywhere there is such a huge potential for a true move of God! In His love, Dick & Gladys Funnell http://walesawakening.org Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free Home: 504-466-2070 Cell: 504-343-2340 AIM: enjoying Him Support checks can be mailed to: Verbo Ministries - Wales (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area) P.O.Box 190 Kenner, LA 70063 . . . . Thank you!<bold> </bold>
After Two Weeks in Wales Dear Friends: Here we are still in the cottage in Cilgerran, and we are doing very
well. This is a nice little 2 story cottage, furnished and equipped
for visitors, with a lovely garden in the back. (Go to multimap.com
and type in SA43 2SL at top left to see where we are. Zoom around a
bit and explore!) The owner will be coming out next week for a couple
of days, so we'll relocate to Alex & Renie's farm for that time. Then
we'll return here for the time being until we find a proper place of
our own. We have now totally adapted to the time change, and that is a
great help!
May 13 - A visit to a new church This Saturday we drove our little car to Carmarthen. Gladys found
a crock pot, and I got a printer for our computer for my computer. I
was also trying to find a deal on a cell phone, and learning about the
different plans and options here. At least we have a number now that
works on the phone I brought from the U.S., but want to find another
one so that Gladys and I can keep in touch when we're in different
places. I am finding out that setting up things here are time
consuming, and so am just going to plug along and learn as I go. I will
need to establish the equivalent of our Social Security number here to
pay income taxes, and then learn the ropes of how to deal with that. I
had somehad pretended that I wouldn't have to deal with that kind of
thing, but even here in the U.K., death and taxes are sure things as
Later that in the evening I went to a meeting at a small church
started up recently in a village called Rhydlewis where Alex and renie
are now attending. It was a small group of folks looking for an
alternative from a "normal" church, and seemed like a very loving and
sincere group of believers that are also expecting God to do something
very out-of-the-ordinary in the U.K. and the nations of the world! May 14 - Our first Sunday in Cardigan This morning we went to visit the fellowship at the New Life
Christian Centre in Cardigan, where we have attended almost every time
we've been in Wales. It was good to see some old acquaintances and make
a few new ones. Gladys was particularly happy to have found a guitar
there to borrow for a while. That was a real blessing to her, and we
look forward to making use of it in the chapel!
During the worship there were several prophetic words given,
including a few for us. One was simply that the Lord was going to give
us what we have come here for, and in a measure far beyond our
expectations. There was another word for me that was wonderful. It
said, "As when an explorer goes to the North Pole or makes a new
discovery he plants a flag to claim it for his nation. In this same way
You have come to plant the flag and make the claim upon this nation for
the Kingdom of God." Amen to that!
And for Gladys a sweet elderly sister named Joy said, "When I
look at you I see a large basket filled to the brim with many jewels.
They are all of different colors, and sparkle beautifully with their
own light. These jewels are the many wonderful things that the Lord has
deposited in you to be shared with other people." So we were prayed for
and blessed and received into this nation by the church here.
After church we spent most of the afternoon with the Elsaesser
family, even playing a little volleyball in the sunny weather. My 57
year old knees resented it a little bit the next day, but it was fun!
Then I visited a bit with friends who have come out from Birmingham
every other weekend looking for a house to buy, so I picked their
brains a bit and learned some from their experiences.
In the evening we spent a few hours at the Chapel Cilfowyr. It was
the first time we'd gone together with gladys, as her adjustment to the
time change of 6 hours has taken longer than mine. It was good to pray
and worship together, and begin to settle into the chapel again
together. There is such an ease to just flow into prayer and worship
there. As the time goes by, we wonder how long we will be alone here!
There was a great sunset out over the hills above the Irish Sea, and at
last when the red sky paled into dusk (at about 9:45 pm!) we went back
to our cottage to rest. May 15 - Our first Welsh Lesson! After dropping off the copy for ad in the local paper, looking for
a house to rent in the countryside, we went to our first Welsh Lesson!
It was just Gladys and myself with our teacher, Rhianon Thomas, a sweet
young lady who we met on an earlier visit here. Her other student was
unable to come so we had her undivided attention, what a blessing! Our
task was to learn all the letters in the Welsh alphabet, and how each
one is pronounced. To our great relief, this is a very phonetic
language, like Spanish, and the letters always have the same sound.
Several of those sounds are very different than English, but
happily they mostly are the same sounds as in Spanish, only written
differently. So that will be a tremendous help, as Rhianon told us that
most English-only speakers struggle with the new unusual sounds. It
turns out that one of the nearby towns, Llechryd, is a great name to
practice on. Another fun one is this one, have a go at it: Eglwyswrw.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as simple as it looks!!
These one-hour-per-week classes are free at New Life church, paid
for by a grant from the government. However, when sessions end for the
summer in a few weeks, we hope to be able to study with Rhianon as a
private tutor for more hours each week, and perhaps even daily. That
would be a real blessing, as I know that the ability to flow in the
native tongue of the people in the area makes a big difference in being
able to share with them. I find myself with a great hunger and
curiosity to learn. Please pray the Lord give us special grace ion this
area. How I would love to be as fluent in Welsh as I am in Spanish!
The rest of the day we spent doing several errands. Gladys was
finding things for the kitchen that we will need, and just getting
familiar with the shops in town where we will be getting things we
need. I had some errands to do at the bank, and a few computer parts to
track down, as well as parts and filters for our 1990 Hyundai Pony. A
good oil change and tune up should give us better gas mileage - crucial
at nearly US$ 7 per gallon! Until we are able to find a newer and more
permanent vehicle suitable for longer trips and able to carry people
and things, this little putt-putt serves us quite well. Thanks again for your interest and prayers, on our behalf and for Wales! In His love, Dick & Gladys Funnell
1 Stabal y Bryn
High Street
Cilgerran, Carmarthenshire
SA43 2SL Wales U.K. Mobile Tel. 011-44-7796-316626
Dear Friends: This is just a rough sketch of our first few days. It has been amazing to find the Lord's goodness in every step of the way! April 10 - Waves of grief, waves of joy! At 6:45 when the alarm went off this morning, I was in the deepest of sleep in a faraway dream. When I came awake, I remembered this was the day I've been dreading for three years - the day I would have to leave our children behind. I couldnt stop the tears from just running out. After a few minutes I got up and went out to wake Mike, as he had to get up and leave to study for an exam. When he saw the tears streaming down my face, he gently reached up and wiped them away, and closed his eyes again. I didn't want to stay there, so went out on to the porch to be alone with God, and just wept and wept with sorrow. I said "Lord this is so hard to do, and yet you know I will do it, for the joy set before us in the coming move of Yours, but this hurts so deeply. Immediately I felt HIs response to me was that this pain was to help me understand how his heart feels at having to leave behind so many of his daughters and sons that He came to rescue, and yet they so turn their backs in on His offer of love, peace, purpose and joy to all who will come to Him. May 11 - Arrival in the U.K. Gladys and I landed this morning at London's Heathrow Airport, and had a beautiful sunny day to drive west into Wales. As we crossed over the Severn River we said to each other, "Welcome home!" We arrived at the Elsaesser's farm and had wonderful warm greeting from Renie, Alex is away at a conference until tomorrow night. After the noise of uptown New Orleans where we have lived for the last 6 weeks, the gentle noises of this incredibly beautiful countryside was indeed rewarding! As we drove down the lane, it was like coming home to family. Here on this farm 3 years ago is where the Lord called me to come here and pray every day in the old Cilfowyr Chapel. And amazingly, now here we are to stay and do just that! Lord, what joy of the calling! How marvelous is Your name in all the earth! After a short nap in the sun, we went to the Tesco supermarket here to do our first shopping, and then made our way to the cottage in Cilgerran where we'll be staying until we find a permanent rental. Please pray with us for this need. After a bowl of soup, Gladys went to bed, she didn't manage to sleep on the plane. I felt a strong urge to drive out the the chapel to pray a bit, in spite of my tiredness from the trip. There outside was my friend Marion, the caretaker, and in our brief chat I discovered he wanted to sell his old car, a '90 Hyundai, for just under $350. So the Lord already provided me with transportation! Tomorrow I'll return the rental car that would have cost us $400 for a week, and now for less than that price I have a great little car a month or two while I take the time to find just what we need, and then can probably sell it for the same price, or just give it away! Isn't the Lord awesome? Inside the chapel I felt that somehow this place really is our goal. This is where we have come and prayed so many times before, but always had to leave again. Now we won't need to go home again, because we are, right here! As I went up into the pulpit to pray I noticed the large Welsh bible opened to Psalm 103. "BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL...." so I did for a sweet while, reading the Psalm out loud in first person and the worshiping in His goodness. How blessed I am to be able to come here and intercede so that this land may know and taste that His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting! May 12 - Waking up home in Wales! What a blessing to wake up to the same little garden and the songs of the birds and the blue skies of Southwest Wales. We got an early start to return our rented car to Carmarthen, about an hour to the south, made a few small purchases, and got my cell phone activated with a new number. If you'd like to give me us call, email me and I'll send you the number. We then rode a bus back to Cardigan, and got a beautiful tour of the country on the side roads into many of the smaller villages on the way! My first stop was to try and find insurance for the car, and I was bowled over by the quote I received, So then we visited our friends at the Cardigan Christian Centre, and were left in the church office, and while Gladys took a nap stretched out on 2 swivel desk chairs, I got busy on the phone to shop for insurance. To my surprise I found myself talking to a lady in South Africa! As we went through a long sort of interview process to get all my details, she asked me why we had moved to Wales. So of course I had to tell at least a little bit. It turned out she was a believer but not a church goer, and shared with me had been struggling a bit with depression. She told me that during the course of our long interview, complicated by the fact that I had a foreign drivers license, she received a great amount of joy and peace, and I even had an opportunity to pray together with her. So I am going to keep her in our prayers and she will be praying for us. She said I had made her day, and she made mine - she saved me over 65% on the cost of my insurance! Isn't it awesome how God can turn an ordinary commercial transaction in to international ministry? My friend won't be able to give me the car until tomorrow, so we bussed back to the cottage in Cilgerran/ While waiting for our bus, another big bus came to the stop across the street, and much to my surprise the driver shouted out, "Hey Dick!" It was a Christian friend we have met before, so we swapped cell numbers as he collected fares from the boarding passengers/ The home again where Gladys made a nice dinner, and then hastened off to bed at 7. I walked the 2 miles out here to the chapel. On the way here I met a farmer taking feed across the lane to his 5 cows. he told me he takes care of his aging mother, who must be well into her 80's judging by his age. Heshared of how hard it isfor himj, I guess he is alone, so there is perhaps another door to share some encouragement in the Lord. Now I have been praying and singing and having such a good time with the Lord. He is SO GOOD! We are constantly overwhelmed at His constant blessing. "What is man, that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?" But it is getting dark, and I hope I can find a ride back home! What a full day and how joyous be be here and feel the peace of not having to leave again. It is like starting life all over again with Gladys, beginning with nothing, and yet we have so much rich treasure in Him. Thank you Lord Jesus! In His great love for you, and for Wales, Dick & Gladys
Departure for Wales! Dear Friends and Prayers: After a wonderful time with family and friends over the weekend,
tomorrow takes us on the next big chapter of our lives. Amidst a
flurry of different emotions, we have said our goodbyes to so many
loved ones here, and will be busy today taking care of last minute
details, both large and small. I can only say that His grace is
sufficient, as it always has been, and ever will be. It seems I could stay for another month and surely find things to keep
me busy, but the time has come, so off we go. We covet your prayers
during the next days and weeks as we make our way into settling in
Cilgerran near Cardigan for the first few weeks. We will have to find
a car to purchase, and a permanent home to rent and furnish, and a
myriad of other things to attend to. But during this all, we'll get to
spend time praying in Cilfowyr Chapel. I think that will really be our
home base, even when our domestic life is established somewhere. That
is the central point of this whole venture, and we look forward to and
embrace what the Lord has for us there. We thank and bless you for your prayers and interest in our calling,
and will keep you posted as time and place permits in the coming days. In the adventure of His service, Dick & Gladys Funnell http://walesawakening.org Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free Home: 504-466-2070 Cell: 504-343-2340 AIM: enjoying Him Support checks can be mailed to: Verbo Ministries - Wales (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area) P.O.Box 190 Kenner, LA 70063 . . . . Thank you!
Our house is really SOLD! & 3 day delay Dear Friends: Today the sale of our house was finalized Thank you Jesus, just in time! Also, because we're flying on a "space available" basis, we had to
reschedule our departure until Tuesday. When we booked this flight,
didn't realize this weekend was Mother's Day, so the chances of our
making the flight were practically none. So now, we get to spend
Mother's Day together with 3 of our 4 children, so it turns out to be a
blessing in disguise. And having 3 extra days is also a blessing in that it gives us a bit
more time to finish up so many details still to be dealt with. So we
are thankful for it all, and again amazed at God's steadfast goodness. Thank you again for your prayers on ourbehalf! In His love for you, Dick & Gladys
Wales - 1 week to go . . . ! Dear Friends & Prayers: It is hard to believe that in one week from tonight we should be
winging our way across the Atlantic Ocean! It was three years ago that
the Lord first spoke to me about taking this step. Now here we are at
the brink of this adventure, challenged and trusting in His grace for
every aspect. Today we have spent with our two youngest sons, Michael
22 and Dicky 19. It got hard as I was divvying up my tools between
them, and suddenly the reality of our separation hit home. That's part
of the price we must pay, and know the Lord will cover us all through
the transition. Your prayers will be much appreciated in this respect. We still haven't closed on our house - it's one thing after another
that just doesn't line up, but we trust week we'll see closure on
that. Otherwise we'll just leave a power of attorney to get the thing
done. This, and a myriad of other things that seem to come swarming to
the surface of my "to do" platter have made the days very full. I
think finally getting on the plane will be a great relief. I've been meaning to send along this prophetic word given to Jean
Darnall in the 1970's. Some new friends sent me her autobiography
called "Heaven . . Here I Come" and directed me to this portion.
Suddenly the vision appeared within my mind. It had come
twice before. I saw the British Isles glistening like a clump of jade
in the grey seas surrounding them. It was a bird's eye view Looking
down I saw Scotland, England, Wales and to the northwest, Ireland. The
tree tops upon the hills and the clustered clouds hid the people.
Suddenly small, flickering lights appeared. they were scattered all
over the isles. I came closer to the land. The light was firelight.
There were fires burning from the top of Scotland to Land's End on the
tip of Cornwall. Lightning streaked downward from the sky above me. I
saw *it *touch down with flashing swiftness, exploding each of the
fires into streams of light. Like lava, they burned their fiery path
downward from the top of Scotland to Land's End. The waters did not
stop them, but the fire spread across the seas to Ireland and to
Europe! 'Lord, this is the third time you've shown me this vision during
prayer. Could you give me the meaning of *it?' *I asked, deeply moved
by the Holy Spirit. He revealed to me that the small fires all over
the land were groups of earnest, hungry people who were being drawn
together by the Holy Spirit to study their Bibles and to pray For a
visitation of the Holy Spirit, the words 'pockets of power' were
impressed upon my mind. 'I'm empowering them by my spirit and I'm
teaching them by my spirit about my gifts. They are being led by my
spirit to repentance, reconciliation and a deeper relationship with
the Body of Christ. These people are meeting in homes and churches.
I'm not leading them out of their relationships in the home and the
church, but into a deeper involvement in both. They are to bring
renewal, new life, in preparation for what is to come. 'What is to come, Lord?' I asked, wondering why he should show this to
me. 'I will penetrate the darkness with a visitation of my power. With
lightning swiftness I will release the power of my spirit through a
renewed people who have learned how to be led of the Spirit. They will
explode with a witness that will touch every part of the society of
Britain. I am strategically placing them to touch the farms,
villages, towns and cities. No one will be without a witness whether
they be children in the schools, farmers in the fields, workers in the
factories and docks, students in the universities and colleges, the
media, the press, the arts or government. All will be profoundly moved
and those who are changed by my power will alter the destiny of the
nation' 'And the streams of fiery light into Europe, Lord?' My mind seemed to
see an army of all types of people moving into the continent with a
compassionate ministry. This ministry was not mass meetings, led by
powerful personalities, preaching to spectators, but participating,
caring communities involved with each other at a grass roots level,
sharing the love of God everywhere. I saw the empty cradles of
Europe, her churches, holding a new generation of Christian leaders'.
Although the imagery is different from the first vision the Lord
showed me six years ago, the message is the same - that revival will
break out in the UK and then move over into Europe. This came as a
great confirmation to me, and again reassuring us that we are on the
right course. This and so many other wonderful words and encouragement
from the Lord and others have given us the strength we need to press
on through these last momentary difficulties and emotional tides. We are blessed and honored by your trust and support, and most of all
by the Lord's calling us to this exciting journey. Thank you once
again for your prayers, and we look forward to hearing from you! May the Lord Jesus bless you and your loved ones greatly, Dick & Gladys Funnell
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