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Monday, March 28, 2005

Wales Update - Dissappearing Act!

Dissappearing Act

Tomorrow Gladys goes in for her U.S. Citizenship interview. Please keep her in your prayers to receive grace from the officials. We are going to ask for special consideration to have her scheduled to take the oath of Allegiance before we leave. Also please pray that all goes according to plan with our house sale as schedule a week from today. We will be moving into Grace's apartment with her this Saturday!

As our household goods diminish, and the piles of papers and files in my office are vanishing away as I sort, sift and throw out, I realize in the process how so much of the busyness of our lives is of no lasting significance. It really all seems to boil down to those we love, our family and friends, and those whose lives we have somehow touched through God's grace with His love.

So as we go through this process , I see the goal is to simplify and free ourselves of the many ties to our life here, and so be able to move to our new home in Wales with little to distract us from our work there. We joyfully see the fruit of labors here, our four beautiful children, now young adults, and the many loved ones who remain.

But now we can anticipate the joy yet to come as we open our hearts to the new ones to love as the Lord open doors before us. Our prayer is that we can keep things simple enough to have the workings of His love in and through us far outweigh the busyness of the practical matters of living in this world!

God bless us all!


Friday, March 18, 2005

Missouri to Tampa

Branson, Missouri to Tampa Bay, Florida

Dear Friends:

The pace is definitely picking up now. Last weekend we had a great time in Missouri with new friends at the Elijah List Conference, and were blessed by the preaching and teaching of Steve Schultz and Kathie Walters. It was very refreshing, with wonderful worship and presence of the Holy Spirit.

We had the opportunity to show our Wales Awakening DVD and many people were touched by it, cheering a one point , and weeping at others as the burden on the Lord's heart touched theirs. We received promises of prayer support and perhaps some financial support as well. But the most wonderful part is to see people encouraged to believe God for bigger things. It dovetailed perfectly with the themes of the conference.

Today a couple hours we take off for the Tampa bay area, to visit an old Gospel Outreach friend and pastors Jerry & Mary Magliulo in Newport Ritchie. They have recently started up a new style church/coffeehouse ministry, and we look forward to our time with them.

Last night some folks from church came to take our bunk-beds, dining table and chairs, and a sofa, so our house is looking emptier. And tomorrow our daughter Grace with start moving things to her apartment in uptown New Orleans, so this moving stuff is really looking serious!

We were supposed to go to closing on the house sale next Wednesday, but that has been postponed a week or two as the buyers financing package is held up a bit. Please just pray with us that all will proceed without a hitch. We know it will, but it's nice to how your prayers as well, that it go quicker than expected.

Thanks as always, and God bless each of you!


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wales Update - Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider!

Wales Update - Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider!

Just a quick and joyful note to let you know that Sunday we received a wonderful blessing from the Lord. I shared with our Verbo church here at home. Most people have heard by now that we are leaving, but not many knew the whole story. So I just testified of how the Lord first showed me the vision of revival coming back to Wales and beyond 6 years ago. And then, how when we returned 3 years ago with friends from church here, the Lord called me to go there and prayer every day in the Cilfowyr Chapel.

I shared the precious burden of God's heart for the lost of that beautiful land, many were touched and tears flowed with His love. I had the opportunity to share several of the things the Lord has showed us: the miraculous baptism in 1932 and the promise of a new and larger outpouring, etc.

At the end, another of the pastors come up and invited those that felt led to help with our support to come forward for pledge cards and ask questions. We were overwhelmed by the tremendous response, and were crowded around by those want to help us. This wonderful manifestation of everyone's love and support was of great encouragement to us, and we are so thankful.

Afterwards when I looked over the cards, we received almost $1100 per month! Wow, Lord, You are AWESOME! Among them was one real prayer warrior, a sweet old lady from Guatemala, who is 89 years old, and who has been praying for us since we arrived from Guatemala 16 years ago with her sister who just turned 100!

We are now close to 50% of our projected budget! With just under 8 weeks left before our departure, tomorrow we head off towards Branson, Missouri for the Elijah List Conference there this weekend, and will stop and spend time with pastor Wayne Drain of Russellville, Arkansas and a few of his co-pastors on the way. We have no idea of what to expect other than to see God's love and care for us made more and more evident as we move ahead. Thank you Jesus!


Saturday, March 05, 2005

Minister's Entrance Visas for WALES!!

Minister's Entrance Visas for WALES!!

When I got home Wednesday afternoon, Gladys put our passports into my hands. They had just come back from the British Consulate with OUR VISAS!!!! Praise God for His wonderful goodness!! We are thrilled once again at how he is lining things up so perfectly!

Then that evening we went to look at the apartment where our daughter Grace will be living, and we will be with her for the month before we leave for Wales. When we were just leaving, a car drove up and a young man got out as was greeted by the owner. It turned out to be a friend of Grace's from Loyola, whose brother owns the house next door. And the brother's wife's sister also is another friend of Grace's! So isn't that amazing that she is already has friends as next door neighbors in this big city, even before she has moved in? This of course is a great consolation to us to have her in a safe place with people so close that love her. The Lord is awesome, and again we are overwhelmed at his care for each detail!

Then yesterday morning I got a beautiful email from dear friends here with a word from the Lord about obstacles melting away as we proceed. He said,

"I understood your children to be well established in all things as you continued on your journey to Wales. I perceived you as not having a care in the world as it pertains to your children, because they were left in the protective care of the Lord Himself."

Then he said,

"One of the obstacles I perceived was the aspect of financial support. Then I understood the Lord has already chosen those who must respond to this call, and they are not many, but they are those who will be faithful - not only to give, but as equally importantly to pray. Your dependancy is not to lie in what you can see or have at your disposal, but upon His UNSPEAKABLE RESOURCES."

Hardly an hour went by after I read this when I received a call from the assistant pastor of a large church asking where to send their monthly support checks to!

So again we are amazed, humbled, blessed and encouraged by what is a constant inflow of evidence that we are in His perfect will. God is SO GOOD! Oh that we might always remain pliable and willing to His every instruction each day!

God bless your dearly as we press on together to be fruitful for Him where he has each of us placed on this earth for His purposes!


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