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Friday, April 22, 2005

A whirlwind tour of the West Coast

A whirlwind tour of the West Coast

Dear Friends:

This last week has been a blur of highways and loved ones. We arrived last Saturday in Portland, Oregon, and have visited old friends, most of whom we have known for over 30 years. The highlights of our trip have been every day and each person we have seen. To find them still passionately loving the Lord and serving Him with gladness after all these years has been a wonderful encouragement to us.

Many with whom we've shared have the same sense of expectancy as we about what the Lord is preparing for the coming times. It is not just about Wales, but the nations of the world. There is a shifting of people and their viewpoints about our role as the church in these days. We are being called upon to engage in a deeper walk of faith and action, and many are responding already. Others have expressed a desire and determination to be obedient, and are waiting for His leading. These are exciting and challenging times.

One particularly moving experience for me was a visit to The Lord's Land in Mendocino. This is where I came to the Lord nearly 32 years ago, broken, empty, and desperate for God in my life. To stand on the ground where I was rescued and redeemed and by God's love and forgiveness was overwhelming. I could once again feel the freedom I received in Him. And reflecting back on how His goodness and grace have filled my life with such love and wealth of experiences and left me undone. Here I am all these years later, still deserving of nothing, and yet overloaded by His blessings.

For years I have wanted to bring Gladys to this place in particular, and show her the beauty of the land and the surrounding northwest countryside. I had forgotten how beautiful this area is, and we have enjoyed our time immensely. And as we now realize that in two weeks we will be leaving for this next great adventure, we are pinching ourselves to make sure we are not dreaming!

We return home tomorrow, and Monday get to finalize the sale of our house. There is still lots to be done, but we are definitely coming down the home stretch now, and we are thankful and excited.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and support. We are constantly in awe of His goodness!

Love and blessings to you,

Dick & Gladys


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Gladys is a real Gringa now! - Departure delayed 1 week

Gladys is a real Gringa now! - Departure delayed 1 week

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Well, as of a few hours ago, Gladys is now a full-fledged U.S. Citizen. Praise the Lord for His goodness in providing the connections and timing necessary to get this done before we leave.

Tomorrow leave fly to Portland and will spend a week visiting and driving down through california to L.A. from where we will fly home again the next Saturday. We will be visiting friends and making contacts for our last round of fund raising. We are trusting the Lord to open the doors and make connections with folks that will help us cover what is still needed to make our budget. We know with certainty that it is all in His hands!

We have decided to postpone our departure one week, so will now be leaving on Saturday May 7th, arriving in London May 8th in the morning. I realized that after this next trip, we would have only had 4 days to finish weeding through our stuff, my paperwork, etc, and getting rid of the remaining unnecessary items. That is a time consuming project, but needs to be done. This gives us enough time do everything without all the pressure of such a tight deadline.

Thanks again for praying and staying in touch. Your support means a great deal to us and we are very grateful to you all.

God bless you,

Dick & Gladys Funnell


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wales Update - last rounds

Wales Update - ¡Las últimas vueltas! (the last rounds!)

We have had a blessed time here in Texas, and go home tonight. Friday Gladys gets sworn in as a U.S. Citizen, and then will get her US Passport by the end of the afternoon!

Saturday we leave for Portland and drive down thru California to L.A. visiting old friends and making some new ones!

That's all for now, before my battery gives out. The Lord is covering us in His awesome grace. Thank you so very much for your prayers!

Dick & Gladys


Saturday, April 09, 2005

One less obstacle!

One less hurdle between us and Wales!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

Just a quick update to say that our congressman has intervened with the local Immigration office and they have offered to have Gladys take her Oath of Allegiance next Friday! The Lord is ever faithful. Is it coincidental that our daughter Grace babysits for the Congressman, and was able to hand my letter to his wife Tuesday morning? I don't think so!

On the house sale, the paperwork has taken another delay, but it is just a matter of the buyer goingthrough the necessary steps. They are more anxious about it than we are. We will most likely close on Monday April 25, and we leave on the 30th. Well, that may be cutting it close, but it will work, so we bless the Lord for his faithfulness on every front!

More later. We take off for the Dallas area tomorrow morning, and will be sharing in the Hilltop Church there Sunday, visit some old friends, and then back again Wednesday.

It all going by in a blur, but we are blessed to be coming down the home stretch. Thank you all for your continued prayers!

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Goodbye St. Rose! Today we moved out of our home of almost 12 years in St. Rose, Louisiana. What a blessing, this adventure is really getting underway! We moved into the uptown district of New Orleans, and here I am at an internet cafe sending out this email. There is no phone at the Grace's apartment yet. So here I am a city boy, my goodness, I never thought I'd live to see the day. praise the Lord it is just for a month! Four weeks from today, God willing, we will be winging our way on the next phase of our lives, and are blessed by our awesome God to be so privileged to serve as intercessors in such a needy land. Thank you for your prayers and support!


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Gladys is almost a "Gringa!" Gladys is a "Gringa!" Hello to all, and thank you for your prayers. Gladys passed her interview and test on Tuesday, and has been approved for her U.S. Citizenship. Thank you Lord! I made an appeal to man who interviewed her about getting sworn in quickly, and he offered to do what he could and was going to call me Wednesday, but we never heard back from him. Now we are waiting to get the notice about whether they can get her scheduled for the oath of allegiance ceremony before we leave. A dear friend from our church here is going to that on April 14th, and we hope that Gladys can get that same date. We have a friend at church who works with an immigration law firm here, and one of her colleagues is going to see if she can do something too. So please keep praying for this situation! I just got off the phone with the attorney's office that is handling the closing for our house sale, and it looks like next week things will be finalized. It is awesome just to watch this all happen around us. Gladys and I have been working hard getting stuff out of the house. So very many little things, my office full of papers, etc. It has been a real purging of all kinds of stuff. Tomorrow we actually move out, and will hopefully will have lots of help friends from church and Grace's friends from school, etc. Thanks again for all your support, as we watch the Lord continue to open doors and get everything into place.


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