Welcome to Wales Awakening

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Wales & Our Family Update

Dear Friends and Prayers:

     It has been a busy two weeks since I last wrote. There has been lots going on with New Orleans and our home church, so I want to just catch you up briefly with some new about that. As I mentioned in the last updates, both our sons in Louisiana are fine, and Michael has NOT lost his job, praise the Lord for that! Actually, Hammond where he lives is now twice the size, and the store there where he works is having record sales, even more than Christmas shopping season! 

     Grace who was living in New Orleans is still waiting and watching to find out what happened to her home. Her job won't be there for her until January, and her roommate moves to Houston this week to continue her medical studies there, so she is really left in uncertainty along with the countless thousands of others affected. Please keep her in your prayers.

     Many of our church have relocated to Houston, and other cities in northern Louisiana. Many will not return after the fall semester ends in January. A few others have gone back, and many are still out of communication. This has put a huge strain on our churches running operations, although there is a small crew there now operating a food and clothing distribution center in coordination with the Kenner Mayor's office. As I mentioned, this also has adversely affected the  support for our mission here, and if you would please prayerfully consider coming to our aid during this time, it would be very gratefully accepted.

   The main administrator who remained in my job is still in Houston, has enrolled in school there, and may wind up staying also until January. So our fund raising office operations are running there temporarily until things get better defined. In light of the difficulties we were facing with communications, mail down, phones out, etc, it is much easier to comprehend the magnitude of problems facing our government! Please use the blame game going on to motivate you to pray for the authorities dealing with this crisis. And now wisdom about the next approaching storm!

    Here in Wales we are stilling waiting to move into our home, and have been working on the outside, which has been totally neglected for over a year, while the work goes on sporadically inside. Hopefully things should be ready by early next week. We'll have to do painting ourselves once installed, and hope the landlord will replace the very old and badly soiled carpets. But in comparison to many back home, we are thankful to have a safe dry and warm place to call home. Days are beginning to be chilly, and autumn has definitely arrived as of last Friday, when we woke up to temps in the high 40's!

   Our prayer times in the chapel have been good, and we have taken friends along a couple times. They have all been impressed by the presence of the Lord there, and so we are encouraged as we continue on. This past Sunday at the monthly meeting, there were over 20 people, as a few members of another chapel that just closed down came along. We feel a bit more received and it seems members are warming up to us slowly as they realize we are not just casual visitors. Most know we are coming to pray regularly in the chapel, and though they don't understand this, they seemingly accept it without question. It is a slow process, but we know the Lord's hand is on this place and these people.

   We have two invitation to visit small prayer groups in North Wales, so we look forward to sharing our vision anjd mission, and encouraging them in prayer for God's coming move in this land!

Thanks you your prayers on our behalf, and your notes of encouragement and care in this difficult time on our home fromt!

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell


You are no doubt aware of the disastrous situation in New Orleans, and this has put us into a difficult situation. Thankfully our offices there are unharmed, but we will have to define some thing yet. The temporary center of operations in Houston is running, but mail has still not gotten through. To facilitate things, I would like to ask your special cooperation with us. 

Because the U.S. Post Office in Kenner will be closed until further notice, the easiest solution, and actually the best even in the long term, is to use the Automatic Bank Draft system. Our office has been using this for over a year now with great results. 
With Automatic Bank Draft, you can send your donations electronically through your regular checking account, saving both time and expense. 

    You specify who you want your support to go to, and the monthly amount that you want your bank to withdraw from your checking or savings account and forward directly to the Verbo Ministries.
    You select the date below on which would like the withdrawal to be made from your bank account. The transfer will take automatically place on that date, or the first banking day thereafter.
    Each month, the transaction will appear on your bank statement. Of you would like a receipt as well, please specify below via US Mail or email. Annual statements will be mailed each January.
If you have any questions after you’ve enrolled, just call us at 1-877-723-4129.

Please fill out ALL the following information and forward this email to:   admin@verbo.org with a copy to me, or you can copy and paste just the part below..
City, ST  Zip:
Verbo Acc't. Number (if known):

Mission or project designation:
Other Desig (if any):
Monthly amount:
Preferred transfer date: (mark with an "X", or just delete others)
5th.       15th.      25th.
Bank Name:
Routing Number (9 digits):
Account Number:
Savings      or checking        (mark with an "X", or just delete other) 

Additional comments or instructions:


Thanks very much, and God bless!

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit

Cell in Wales: 011-44-7796-316626

    Our new home address is:
Genaur Glyn
Newcastle Emlyn,  SA38 9QB  
Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to:
Verbo Ministries - Wales  (Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area)
P.O.Box 190
Kenner, LA  70063

Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our kids are safe! - Please pray for New Orleans

Our kids are safe! - Please pray for New Orleans

Dear Friends:

As you might imagine, it has been quite a tremendous week so far. First of all, we want to thank the many of you who have enquired about our family's well-being! Both Michael and Dicky, having been living in their university towns for the past years, are physically fine. Dicky is in school, and has his job, so that is a blessing. Michael had decided to take this semester off and work full time. Hammond, where he lives, will continue to be without electricity for at least a few weeks, and most likely Mike's job is gone, at least for a few months, so he has headed north to Boston with his roommate and friends to take a break last we heard.

Grace was the only one actually living in New Orleans. You remember we were living with her in an apartment in "uptown" New Orleans after we sold our home. She doesn't know yet whether she lost everything or not - but her job is certainly gone for the foreseeable future. The Lord told Gladys that He would take care of our children, and here is the substance of that in action: since Sunday, doors were opened at Dicky's girlfriend's home in Lafayette for both Grace and her roommate. Then they were given an apartment at an aunt's as long as necessary. And now tomorrow she is being flown to Connecticut with her roommate by her parents, which is a real blessing. It is a great comfort to see how the Lord has been so very faithful in this respect. We are extremely grateful.

As for friends and loved ones in our home church in Kenner (New Orleans suburb) is looks like most people have probably lost everything, homes, jobs, etc. It will be a major job the community itself to begin to recover. We still don't know where most people are, but do believe that everyone got out OK. We are working on a plan to establish communications, and so help begin to put things together again as a fellowship, at least by phone and internet, and localized cell groups in different parts and cities where people have found refuge. What a challenge for so many people city wide. But the Lord is good always, and His mercy endures forever.

Our financial support will be affected, as many of our supporters were from our church there, so your prayers and any extra help you could offer would be of great assistance. We still don't know if databases will be recoverable or not, so we may need to rebuild everything form scratch, as all our Verbo missionary and project support came into a post office that is now flooded. As soon as we can establish a new mailing address where to send your contributions, we will contact you with the information.

Thanks so much for your prayers for us and Wales, but especially now for the 100's of thousands "New American Gypsies", the refugees from the Gulf Coast. We believe and pray the Church will come into a new awareness of its role as ministers of hope, both spiritual and material, in a very confusing and unprecedented situation for so many people.

In his love and service,

Dick & Gladys Funnell

For information on our mission to Wales, please visit


Cell in Wales: 011-44-7796-316626

Our new home address is:

Genaur Glyn


Newcastle Emlyn, SA38 9QB

Wales, U.K.

Support can be mailed to:

Verbo Ministries - Wales <x-tad-smaller>(Please write "Wales" clearly in Memo area)</x-tad-smaller>

P.O.Box 190

Kenner, LA 70063<bold>

</bold>Office: 877-723-4129 Toll Free


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