Welcome to Wales Awakening

Monday, January 29, 2007

Let us not grow weary in well doing

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Just as we were headed for door last Sunday morning, the phone rang. A friend was calling to give me a word the Lord had given him for us, and prevailed on him to call me that very minute. What timing! It was no coincidence that I was going to share briefly with a fellowship we visit regularly, and this word fit exactly what I had on my heart. Galations 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." And I knew this word was for specifically them that morning.

So once again and continually, the Lord keeps us on the edge of our seats as our "adventure" in Wales unfolds. I had been reading through Ezra and Nehemiah, where the virtues of persistence and obedience are so well exemplified. A specific segment that blessed me was Nehemiah 2:4-5. When the king asks him to make a request, " ... I (Nehemiah) prayed to the God of heaven. And I said unto the king ..." In a breath's time, he says an all-important and history-changing prayer!

He was living "instant in prayer", just as Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:12. He lived in a close enough relationship with the Lord that he was able to have a significant interchange with the living God in an instant. The kings reply was God's immediate answer! Now that is efficient prayer. And that is the kind of fellowship God desires with us. And that is "well doing" at its highest level, worth pressing into and not growing weary of!

As we press onwards in our revival prayers for Wales, we are greatly encouraged. In spite of the fact that the condition of most churches and chapels here is disheartening, and of little or no influence on the needy world around them, we have an enormous and lively hope! Isaiah 51:3 says, "For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody."

And in chapter 58:12 the Lord promises this: "And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." So we would like to encourage you today to pray for Wales and the nations and your neighborhood! Repair the breach, restore the Paths to dwell in. May the light and love of Christ shine through you today and always!

In the joy of His service,

Dick & Gladys


Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Prayer Meeting That Shook The World

Dear Friends and Praying Saints:

I just received this from a friend. I don't know know if he wrote it or not, but it is quite a statement. I read it aloud this afternoon at the chapel and was overwhelmed by such a simple and direct prayer. We trust you will also be touched and quickened to pray with the same fervor!

A small group of people in 1898 met on Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 to pray. They met at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago to cry our for an awakening. Within a short time, the group grew to 300 passionate intercessors. A few members remained to antagonize and intercede into the early hours of the Sabbath morning. R. A. Torrey joined this small group to pray for a world - wide revival. During that intense intercession, Torrey asked God to send him around the world. Within a weeks of the close of the prayer meeting, two strangers approached Torrey and asked him to come to Melbourne, Australia to preach.

These two men had left Australia months before in search of a man that they believed God would use to bring revival to their nation. Upon meeting Torrey, they felt they had found God's man. The result of that Chicago prayer meeting was an invitation for Torrey to come to Australia. Torrey arrived in Australia in 1902. 15,000 tried to pack themselves into a building that could only seat 8,000. 8,000 conversions took place in that one meeting. For six months, Torrey and Charles M. Alexander traveled from town to town preaching. Revival swept the nation. Torrey believed that the key to the awakening was prayer.

A lady in Melbourne read his book on Prayer. She was so moved by his teaching on the subject, that she organized her friends into prayer circles. The groups grew to 1,700 bands meeting regularly to pray for revival. This move of God spread into Britain, Ireland and into other countries. By 1904 30,000 of God's people were enrolled in daily prayer groups. Their prayer was "Revive thy work, Oh Lord." These prayers resulted in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 1905 in Wales, Britain, America, in India and China! Wales was rocked by a mighty awakening. London experienced a five month long revival. A mighty choir of 4,000 made Londoners wonder what music must be like in Heaven!

It is estimated that Torrey and his partner Alexander led over 100,000 souls into the Kingdom of God. All this had its beginning in Chicago with a small group of people praying, "Revive thy work, Oh Lord!" May God raise up such prayer warriors in our day who will daily cry out, " REVIVE THY WORK, OH LORD!"

Thank you for joining us in this prayer for the nations of the world. We are in such desperate straits without the light of Christ shining into our hearts with His overwhelming and undeserved love and mercy. "Shake us Lord!"

Dick & Gladys


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Home again in Beulah!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

When our plane took off from Boston Thursday night, it was with a sigh of sorrow at leaving our children again, but mixed with anticipation of getting back to Wales. And when we landed in London, and then hours later crossed over the Severn River into Wales, I marveled with joy once again at the amazing grace of the Lord in calling us here to stand in the gap and pray. Then last night when we walked into our house in Beulah, we knew we were really home!

Back in November I wrote how we were first counting the weeks and then the days until our departure to visit family and friends. And we really did have a wonderful time, especially with our kids. We realized too that another month would not have been enough to spend time with all those that wanted to see. But the curious thing was that after a few weeks, we again found ourselves counting the days until we got back home!

We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends here. We were met by our friend Kumar at the airport in our car. He had dropped us off in December, and kept the car at his house while we were gone. There he cooked us a wonderful breakfast and sent us on our way. Way better than any valet parking! An hour or so later, another friend called on my mobile phone to see that we had gotten in alright, offered to pick up any groceries for us we might need, and said how they missed our weekly prayer times together. And when we walked in the house, we found a note from our neighbor who had been watering our plants, and a beautiful replacement for one that had not survived.

Then this morning I was woken up by the postman who was making delivery two packages. One was a wireless router from British Telecom, which means I may get high-speed internet after 15 months. The other was from another friend who sent me a book called "Tales of an African Intercessor" and two CD's of Duncan Campbell talking about his experiences of and lessons from the Hebrides Revival of 1948, which will help fuel the fire here. Also included was a check. In all of these details we can only wonder at God's love and meticulous care for us, and we are gratefully assured He is watching over us.

I left Gladys home napping - trying to get the jump on jet-lag! I've come to the chapel and right now is one of my favorite times here as the twilight settles in around the hills and fields. The wind is racing around outside, droning through some of the windows with funny vibrating sounds, and the ticking of the old clock is keeping time to the song. Now in darkness I can see two new tiny green lights on the ceiling from emergency exit lamps that were installed during our absence. The whole electric installation was revamped, and even here we see God's precision in timing, as the work would have interrupted our prayer time here for weeks!

The Lord is absolutely good, and we are filled with joy and thanksgiving to be here once again. This chapel is really home to us now, and we look forward to the coming times of a mightly roaring wind and the sounds and the songs of revival. "Let it come Lord, let the world know, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

With love and blessings from Beulah,

Dick & Gladys

For more information about our intercessory mission to Wales,
please visit: http://walesawakening.org


Friday, January 05, 2007

Have a blessed 2007!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

Welcome to 2007. I find it hard to believe that it has arrived already, but here we are! We hope your new year is filled with blessings and an ever deepening understanding of His grace.

During my time of prayer and studying the word the other day, I found myself wondering about the coming year, and what should be the tone of our prayers. And the Lord put in my heart his answer to Josiah from 2 Chronicles 34:26-27. "But as for the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the LORD, in this manner you shall speak to him, 'Thus says the LORD God of Israel: "Concerning the words which you have heard - because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you," says the LORD.'"

So as we start out this New Year, we'd like to encourage you to let this be part of your attitude in prayer as well. It was because of this that the Lord heard Josiah. And as the evidences of a world in need of Christ mount up continually around us in both our local and international surroundings, may we ask that His grace and love abound in us and through us as light into a darkened world.

We have had a wonderful time with the three our of children here in Louisiana, and enjoyed a Christmas dinner with our sons' girlfriends as well. But are really looking forward to getting home again now to Wales and the intercessory work the Lord has privileged us to undertake. We thank you for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf, and for Wales and the nations as we seek for God's outpouring in our times.

Every blessing to you and yours in 2007!

In His love and service,

Dick & Gladys


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