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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Urgent prayer for healing needed please!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

One of our dear friends, Julia, was taken to the hospital for increasingly bad headaches two weeks ago. And still they have not been able find what is wrong. She gradually has been getting more and more unresponsive to visitors, and I learned today from her husband that she has been unconscious since yesterday. She was moved to a different hospital where there are neurological specialists on hand for further analysis.

We've known this family since we first moved here four years ago. They gave us a place to stay for nearly two months while we were trying to find permanent lodging, and quickly become dear friends and prayer partners. We would be very grateful if you could uphold the whole family to the Lord. Their son is currently at university and their daughter is in high school, and we know this must be very difficult for them. Please pray that their faith be strengthened though this.

Also, could you please pray for our friend Diane, who has been struggling with either chronic fatigue syndrome or ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) for the past seven weeks. I just spoke with her and she is not getting any worse, but not making any improvement either. She is considering looking into some alternative medicine treatments and would be very thankful for our prayers for healing and guidance.

Finally, although Gladys has been doing much better over the last few months, just about ten days ago she began to feel her energy level diminish. Perhaps the good weather inspired too much work in the garden and she overdid it a little. And with travel just three weeks from today, she really could use a boost from the Lord!

A very sincere thank you, and may God's blessings abound in your lives!

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Whirlwind of Prayers!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

God's goodness and loving kindness has again has left us blessed and overwhelmed. Having spent the past few days with these amazing intercessory saints from South Africa has been invigorating and touched us profoundly.

They came to West Wales with a single-minded determination to get as close to the heart of God as they possibly could. I saw them this morning like a team of wild horses pulling a plowshare deeply across the heart of this land in the spirit, cutting down to where the living waters of revival lie waiting below the surface. Their hunger for God's outpouring in Wales, South Africa and the nations was wonderfully inspiring!

Sunday morning we accompanied them to St. Llwchaiarn's Church in New Quay where Monique, sitting with Gladys, took part in a family service for Mother's Day here. She shared a moving dance depicting a little girl responding to the invitation of the Lion of Judah, embracing him in trust and adoration. They went on from there to the Tabernacle Calvinistic Methodist Chapel where the first glimmerings of the Welsh Revial started in early 1904. Afterwards we met again in our chapel for a time of spontaneous worship and prayer.

On Monday morning we took them to Ffald-y-Brenin, a very special retreat center in the Preseli Hills nearby. We no sooner arrived at the top of the hill than they were out of the cars to behold the breathtaking views. They immediately produced several incredibly beautiful prayer flags and were flying them in the bracing wind and praying aloud. We could only join them, and they gave me a flag that shows a huge white cross and multitudes of saints from every tongue, tribe and nation dressed in white garments and worshiping the Lord in unison. Here is one of the others that we thought was exceptional. As the wind raced past us, it seemed all our collective cries and prayers and declarations of the flags themselves were being drawn right around the world, joining in with the prayers of thousands of saints worldwide!

Then we went out to a high knoll that overlooks the Gwaun Valley where we had an incredible time at the foot of the cross. I'm sure the groanings and fiery tears of our intercession rattled the gates of hell and loosened its grip on this precious land. And as we embraced the rocks and the ground beneath us in the agony of travail, we were also swept up into the resounding victory of Jesus as He finished the eternal work of redemption at Calvary's hill.

We finished our visit there with another marvelous time of prayer and worship annd just sitting in the presence of the Lord in the unique beehive chapel. It was difficult to leave there, but we needed to have our lunch and move on to our next "appointment".

Several times on Sunday, I felt strongly impressed upon by the Lord that I was to take them to St. Govan's chapel on the southern coast of Pembrokeshire. So when they told us Sunday night that they weren't "finished their assignment yet", and driving the distance didn't deter them in the least, I knew this was the right place. I'd never actually been there but have felt drawn towards it for quite a while, and now surely this was God's time. And was it ever!

The moment I looked over the edge down to this tiny chapel nestled into the rocks dropping steeply down to the crashing surf below, I was overcome with an unexpected surge of intense emotions. Suddenly aware of the monumental significance of this place of prayer that was established fifteen centuries earlier, my knees almost buckled under me as I realized that this surely must be the real birthplace of the Welsh revivals! The humble man Govan spent the latter years of his life here in a crude hermitage cell, praying and worshiping, preaching and sharing the love of his Savior in this part of Wales.

By the time we got down to the tiny chapel, built by Govan's followers after his death, we were almost breathless, not because of the climb, but rather the impact this hallowed place had on us all. We spilled out the lower doorway onto the descent down towards the waters edge, each of us scattered to a place of solitude and wonder among the rocks and boulders as if by force of habit of the very place itself. The pounding of the waves reverberated through the small labyrinth of rocky towers and caves, as if lending themselves in unending accord to the chorus of prayer and devotion that has saturated this place for centuries.

We each spent quite a long time alone there, caught up in solitary prayer and reverie. I found myself standing in front of an old well halfway down the jumble of rock to the water's edge. It was covered by a small stone dome about four feet high, open on the side facing away from the sea. I leaned over the top and embraced it, and with my head on one arm I could only weep. It was as if I became one with the yearning of God's own heart throughout the ages for wayward sons and daughters to come home to His embrace. The rushing wind and the sounding sea were like the words of David in Psalm 42:7-8,
"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me—
A prayer to the God of my life.

This expression of David's heart is the only reasonable response to the amazing invitation of our loving God to forgiveness, acceptance and eternal life through Jesus His Son. How can we possibly ever thank Him for His mercy and goodness?

I don't know details of what experiences the others had, but we were all profoundly touched. Even if we had had the time, I doubt if any of us could have expressed last night what the Lord did in each of our hearts throughout what was a most amazing and blessed day!

After supper together in a restaurant in nearby Pembroke, we bid our wonderful and much beloved South African prayer partners a reluctant farewell, and sent them off to their next stop. This morning they met our friend Qday Lee of Celebration For The Nations, and then went to spent time at Moriah Chapel where the 1904 revival broke out in power and swept through Wales and around the globe.

As always, thank you for your prayers your continued interest as we look to the Lord together with fresh urgency for His presence.

Blessed and challenged beyond words,

Dick & Gladys

P.S. Celebration For The Nations 2009 is coming up in July. Don't miss it!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Special Saturday!

Dear Friends & Prayers:

The most amazing thing happened this afternoon! We were on the way to visit friends that have a bed & breakfast close by, and just before we went over the bridge, my mobile phone rang. So I stopped to answer, recognizing the number of the caretaker at the chapel, but the person who greeted me was a total stranger.

She said that herself and four other ladies had just come by the chapel to look for us, and that they were visiting from South Africa! They wanted to know if we were close by, and they could meet and pray and share with us. She also asked if we knew of a place nearby where they could stay! Is the Lord great how he sets things up or what? I had to laugh, and told them we on our way to check out the B&B for them, and would meet them in 10 minutes at the chapel.

When we got up there, Meirion had let them in the chapel, and they were just praying and looking around. When we stepped into the foyer, they came to meet us and it was just such a joyful encounter. They quickly explained that the Lord had directed them to England and Wales to intercede for the outpouring of God. in the land, and that part of it was to look us up, as they had found our web page before they came. They located the chapel, and so here they were to pray with us! They had had no idea where exactly the chapel was, or where they were going to stay, and yet their movements and ours could not have been better syncronized.

We spent nearly two hours sharing, praying and worshipping, and then praying some more in what was just one of those wonderful times that the Holy Spirit orchestrates. They prayed for us, and once again the Lord filled us to overflowing with some powerful prophetic words, encouraging and strengthening us. One specific prayer among many was for the Lord to fill us with His wisdom and discernment of the times! And just two or three days ago I had been reading the first few chapters in Proverbs and asking the Lord for those very things.

We had to tear ourselves away because we needed to get them to the B&B and were already were late. And then after a very warm greeting there with tea and cakes, they invited us to join them for breakfast tomorrow and spend more time together. So we will go with them to New Quay where they've been invited to a church service to share a some of their ministry at a church whose vicar we recently met. I've had a desire to go up there, but the opportunity didn't present itself until a couple hours ago. And so we will also have a chance tomorrow to pray for our new friends, as they would like to take back some Welsh " treasure" of past and future revival fire to their own country. So please pray with us for these commited intercessory saints and for South Africa!

So we are just blessed beyond belief, if there is such a thing. And we look forward to tomorrow and beyond for more of what the Lord has in store for Wales and the nations!

Continually bolstered up by His amazing love,

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

West Wales Tri-County Prayer

Dear Friends and Prayers:

Last Saturday's prayer meeting was a very special time in a beautiful place with perfect weather! In this picture, the daffodils in the foreground are in Cardiganshire, the hillside is in Pembrokeshire where we live, and the point of land to the left is Carmarthenshire where the Cych joins the Teifi River.

Pastor Gareth Morris of Cilfowyr Chapel gave a warm welcome to the group of about twenty intercessors from different parts of Wales. Then there was an initial time of worship and prayer, followed by a brief perspective on our prayer objectives for the day, and logistical information as to plans for moving between the three adjoining counties.

Then in several cars we drove the few miles to a footbridge that crosses over the Teifi between Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire. Gathered on the span with a fine view the three counties, we began by a bit of worship and then released prayers and declarations over this large area which comprises West Wales.

From there we all walked into Cardiganshire where there were more targeted prayers for that specific county. Scriptures were read and prophetic words were pronounced, and the residents of that county were prayed for by the others present. Then all together we prayed for the two neighboring counties across the rivers and pronounced blessings of the knowledge of the Lord and revival into the hearts the people of each one. From there we went to Pembrokeshire and then Carmarthenshire and did basically the same for each locale.

Of course there was far more said and done than I could possibly cover in this short space, or even remember. But one of the main focuses of our prayers was for a genuine unity among the different groups of Christians in this area. This is an issue that has affected the body of Christ not only here but everywhere, and prayers for repentance and reconciliation were made with power and conviction.

Jesus addresses this very matter in His prayer in John 17:20-21, "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." It is an important issue indeed, and I believe that the diverse collection of people from different backgrounds all praying this together added strength to our prayer.

We wound up spending more time in each place than originally planned, which was really a blessing, and evidence that the agenda was the Lord's. From our last stop, we all returned to the chapel for lunch, and then met again to share impressions that different ones received. Then we took communion together which was wonderfully significant in light of what we had accomplished. At that point I was given the opportunity to briefly share how the Lord first showed me a vision of the coming Welsh Revival in 1999 and then how He subsequently called us here to pray. It is always moving for me to recount the amazing story that has had us here for nearly four years now!

For both Gladys and I, the time in the chapel was a tremendous blessing and encouragement. After sharing, we were prayed over by everyone and received a real strengthening and affirmation in the Lord through prophetic words and the love of the brethren. Just to have a gathering of such dedicated prayers and intercessors in our own little corner of Wales where we pray every day was more blessing than I can find words to express here.

Our heartfelt thanks to all who came, and also to those of you who regularly pray for us and for Wales from many nations around the world.

In the hollow of His hand,

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Cleaning!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

Last month I mentioned the Tri-County prayer meeting this coming Saturday, and so we are busy this week getting things tidied up at the chapel. The members have kindly allowed us to use the facilities for the occasion. This is the vestry is where we'll gather for refreshments and fellowship between sessions.

We are looking forward to what will be a day of prayer and worship focused primarily on West Wales. It is particularly encouraging to us to be joined here by many intercessors from other areas in Wales. We know the Lord has specific plans for this area - that is the very reason we have been brought here. So we believe that this singular event will make a significant and powerful contribution His work here.

Something else we are looking forward to now is an upcoming visit back to the U.S. After having to delay the trip we had planned over Christmas, Gladys is doing much better and so we've made arrangements to spend a few weeks in Louisiana to visit our son and our church and friends. From there we will be in Washington, DC to visit our daughter who has been there since last June, and then to visit our youngest in North Carolina where he moved a year ago. Gladys also has relatives in the Washington area so that will make it especially fun for her. And I hope to have a chance to see my own brother and sister who we haven't seen for a couple of years now. How time flies!

Besides these things, is one more thing that we are looking forward to even more! And that is the day when the Lord breaks forth in power upon this land and the knowledge of His presence covers the earth like the waters cover the sea. The crashing of even small waves in a calm sea against this rocky coast nearby is awe-inspiring. You can imagine what this might look like when the surf is really big! And the tremendous sound it makes is a breathtaking reminder of His unlimited power.

It is sobering to consider the amazing sacrifice of such an awesome and omnipotent God who came in mercy to rescue the peoples of the earth. And it is wonderful to know that our prayers and hopes and future are linked to His plans of redemption for all that would turn to Him.

Thank you for your prayers, interest and support as we look to Him in expectation of things to come.

May the Light of Life shine in your hearts always,

Dick & Gladys


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