Friends and Prayers:
On my way to the chapel yesterday morning I found myself singing an old song,
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." While I was
singing, it suddenly dawned on me the importance of this confidence that comes
from a real and active relationship with Jesus.
Then I remembered this photo I took of a jay that was visiting our bird feeder
back in the bitter cold of December. I was surprised by how strange looking
he was, and it took me a moment to see what was going on. Somehow the upper
part of his beak was missing.
I haven't a clue how that could have happened. It seems impossible that somehow
it could have been yanked off, because something would have had to hold the
rest of him against the pull. Anyway, in spite of his handicap, he seemed to
be surviving quite well. I've posted a video
clip that shows how he manages to eat with only half the originally-issued
equipment. The Lord is taking care of him!
Then, I felt the Lord showed me something about this in relationship to the
coming revival. The key to its staying power will be that people will be drawn
into a deeper individual relationship with Jesus by God's grace through the
Holy Spirit. Gatherings of the saints will obviously have an important role,
but frequent personal communion will be the source of ongoing strength for all.
I believe there is a good lesson here for us. It may seem sometimes that there
are too many obstacles in our path. The bible is full of examples of saints who
have faced opposition. (Check out Hebrews 11 for quick overview.) But there
was always a way forward, just like for this poor bird. The Lord is faithful
to watch over us through thick and thin.
The words of Job have come ringing through loud and clear to me in the past
couple of days. "For I know that my Redeemer lives,
And He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this
I know, That in my flesh I shall see God." We can press onwards
because He is with us. And there is great strength and joy in pressing into
His presence! The lyrics of the song I mentioned are beautiful, and you can
see them on
this site:
Thankful for His everlasting care,
Dick & Gladys

Praying Friends:
We got a email from a dear friend in Louisiana today that was of great encouragement
for us. So I thought I would just pass it along in hopes that you are blessed
by it as well.
I am writing you because I had a beautiful dream that connected me to the
both of you. In my dream I saw a large mansion that I knew belonged to you
both. When I went inside I was in this long hallway. I saw these huge portraits
on the walls of farm land, wheat fields and barns.
One painting I saw had an orange-red background, like a sunrise, and I saw
wheat bundles. Then I saw the inside of a barn or storehouse with a purple
background, like a sunset. Then the picture began to move, I saw tons of hay
and grain being dumped into the barn!
Whatever you are doing, the Lord is definitely watching! I know you will
see this harvest soon.
So for us this is another timely reminder of God's amazing faithfulness, and
we are so thankful for His goodness towards us! I know that all us need a little
heavenly pat on the back from time to time. Actually, I think we need them more
than we like to realize. And this is where God's kindly attention towards us
can be such a blessing and strength to us!
This word seems so fitting to Paul's exhortation in Galatians 6:7-9, "...
for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh
will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the
Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for
in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
In another email that we got yesterday from someone we don't even know said,
I have been praying for my area for God to move and save people, I have
been praying for a 'revival', a word which often pops up when I am praying.
I decided today to look this up on the Internet - and here I find that God
has sent you, and is building up intercessors throughout our land.
I am very excited about all this as I now see what God has drawn me into.
I too am an intercessor and have been praying for a revival. So I want you
to know that I too am praying for this country of mine. We desperately need
a revival and it scares me the way our country is with it's downward spiral
away from God's laws. We live in frightening times - but they are also exciting
What a blessing to know that we are all involved in this great move of God.
There are thousands of saints working around the globe where souls are pouring
into His kingdom. Others of us are watching and praying, working and waiting
for His promises to manifest. So let's keep on pressing into His heart for this
hungry and thirsty world!
Overjoyed by His hope within us,
Dick & Gladys

Friends and Prayers:
Days are getting noticeably longer now, and early morning frosts are no longer
a daily occurrence. Gladys is happy about that, and the ducks next door are
too! So I'm glad I grabbed this shot of these miniature bunches of moss on the
wall when I had the chance two weeks ago!
I am always astonished by God's incredible attention to details! Each one of
these tiny stalks are perfectly clad in ice crystals, each one different from
the others. And they can only be appreciated for a short time before they melt
away. What a simple gift to see!
And on another level, how much greater detail and attention is dedicated to
each of us, God's human creatures? The lifespan of the frost, or the moss, is
miniscule in comparison to ours. And yet each of us have His attention in a
way that is impossible to truly comprehend.
David puts it beautifully in Psalm 139. (Read the whole Psalm when you have
a chance. That should give your prayers some new depth!)
1 O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
2 You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
3 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
5 You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
let's take another step into a larger scale yet. This is a composite view of
man's movements through the skies of today's world. Each yellow dot is an airplane
full of people. And here is a link
to the video that shows a 24 hour observation by satellite of all of the
large aircraft flights in the world, squeezed into just 1 minute 11 seconds.
It is a real eye opener. It takes thousands of air traffic controllers to keep
an eye on all this activity. Sound like a big job?
Now, just as the Lord was pending on David's every thought and action, so He
is with each one of us. And not only that, but every single person on this planet,
24/7. Paul says in Romans 11:33, "Oh, the depth of
the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His
judgments and His ways past finding out!" What an amazing God is
He that loves us and gave His Son for us, that we might become His sons and
One of the things that most impressed me while watching this video is this
marvelous fact. When the Revival that we are praying and believing God for begins
to break out, you can get an idea of just how fast it can spread around the
globe! Isn't that exciting?
Just imagine the saints of God, boiling and bubbling over with the power of
the Holy Spirit in their lives, getting into these airplanes! Remember how almost
everywhere Jesus went, multitudes gathered to Him? And so when when we, His
body, start doing "greater things" through His power, zipping back
and forth around the globe, it is going to be pretty wild. So there's something
else to be praying about. Are we getting ready?
In thankful wonder at His unsearchable greatness,
Dick & Gladys