Saints and Praying Friends:
Today we had the opportunity to join a prayer meeting at the Bible College
of Wales in Swansea. There were over sixty people gathered there who are really
serious about prayer. We arrived when the meeting was well underway and the
atmosphere was alight with the fervency of powerful intercession.
I first read the book, Rees Howells: Intercessor, about ten
years ago, and was incredibly blessed by it during the time Gladys and I were
praying about our illogical calling to come and pray for revival in Wales. This
man's story of absolute faith in an absolutely amazing God was an enormous encouragement
and helped fuel the fire already burning in our hearts.
I've wanted to visit this very place ever since we moved here in 2005, and
today was a real joy. The purpose of the gathering was to pray that this very
special property, which is currently for sale, remain a place of prayer for
Wales and the nations. There is a powerful heritage of intercessory prayer here,
as well as the Bible College of Wales that functioned here from 1924 until recently.

After lunch and a time of worship and sharing, we divided into groups to walk
and pray around this large campus and buildings. As we neared the main gate
I felt we needed to anoint the hinges with oil. Through God's wisdom someone
had some with them, and so we poured the oil on the hinge pins. As we did so
there was a tremendous release of joy and freedom for the gates to swing easily
again, letting people in and out - in for getting filled with God, and out again
for spreading His life and hope to the nations.
During the years of the Second World War, the future of Britain and other nations
was determined not so much by military prowess but rather by what went on inside
these gates. Countless thousands of people were protected and delivered from
the onslaught of Hitler's armies, and many key events during the course of the
war changed course supernaturally as a direct result of the prayers of Rees
Howells and his staff, students and other intercessors at this place. (If
you have never read this book and want to learn about the power of prevailing
prayer, you really should make time for it. You can find it used on the web.)
the way the future of nations was so affected from prayers within this place,
now its future depends on the prayers from outside. It is currently for sale,
and as prime real estate it could easily be bought just to turn a profit in the
financial world. But many people here and abroad feel the destiny of this property is clearly
to remain within the Kingdom of God. Exactly how it all works out in His hands,
but your prayers for His purposes for this place will definitely make a difference!
This monument was put up as a declaration of the source of this place and its
spiritual heritage. The property itself, and other adjoining properties were
purchased through absolutely amazing faith. On our walk we paused to pray around
this reminder of Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider. I've posted a video
clip that will hopefully convey a bit of the flavor of todays prayers here.
Please add your faith to ours that the destiny of this hallowed place does
not lie in the hands of the hightest bidder, but in the hands of the One who
set it apart according to His design in the first place. Please pray that this
be one of the properties that will be redeemed from an uncertain future, and
dedicated again to the Lord's work, as it says in Jeremiah 32:15, "Houses
and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land."
With profound thanks to the author and finisher of our faith,
Dick & Gladys
Praying Friends:
There has been so much going on in world in recent days that I have found myself
at a loss for words. What began as a natural disaster in Japan and what is now
a full-blown man-made disaster in the Middle-East are just the headlines. And
between the mainstream media and the internet we can easily become overwhelmed
by bad news.
God's Word is The Antidote
Philipians 4:6-9 says, "Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is
anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."
Keeping the right perspective can be a challenge in times like these. But
according to James 4:14, the big picture is pretty simple. "...whereas
you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even
a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."
We can easily get stirred up about what happens among the nations. But God's
heart is so big that He is concerned with individuals - every one of us.
few days ago I was reading in Exodus chapter 28 about God's instructions to
Moses about the Aaron's garment. Verse 29 says, "So
Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment
over his heart, when he goes into the holy place, as a memorial before the LORD
continually." It took me quite a while to get through this verse
as I realized this was a figure of Jesus, our High Priest, with our names written
on His heart since before the founding of the world, and when He bore our sins
and griefs on Calvary's cross and paid the price for our forgiveness and our
eternal life as well.
One by one, He knows us by name, and calls us patiently. If a man will but
turn to Him, "Then He is gracious to him, and says,
'Deliver him from going down to the Pit; I have found a ransom'"
(Job 33:24)
As hard as human circumstances may be, for individuals or thousands at a time,
there is one recourse Who will never fail us or turn us away if we turn to Him.
Let our prayers be for those whose lives are being shaken and devastated by
all these tragic events. And specifically we can pray for an unprecedented boldness
and anointing for Christians in the affected areas to share with compassion
about the redeeming blood of Jesus. There is a ransom!
By grace, keeping our eyes on Jesus,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Prayers:
The annual National Prayer Breakfast of Wales was held this morning in the
Millenium Center by Cardiff Bay. Among the 200 plus in attendence were members
of Parliament and the Welsh Assembly, ministers, clergy and Christians of diverse
occupations from all over Wales.
The theme was Transformation, from Romans 12:2, "And
do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind..." The main speaker took us from some wonderful testimonies
of dramatic personal changes by the power of the Gospel to the challenge of
transforming groups, communities and nations.
After the breakfast segment, we moved to an auditorium and watched a very creative
presentation of individuals throughout history who have brought great transformations
to society. They were ordinary men and women who through God-inspired ideas
and convictions applied their faith and life's work to bring about extraordinary improvements.
very moving part was a when map of Wales was projected onto the floor and plates
filled with coal were placed around it and highlighted as a prophetic act, and
prayer was made that the Lord would ignites His fires throughout the land. It
is interesting to note that two times now in about ten days the map of Wales
has been prominent in corporate prayer!
The whole morning was interspersed with wonderful worship, and several times
we prayed for specific things in small groups of 3 or 4. There were also some
live interviews with people to whom God has given creative ideas and they are
making a real impact in their communities. People's lives have been radically
transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ as the church is going into the streets,
highways and byways with the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
I have mentioned several times how the Lord is really beginning to stir things
up in Wales and many people perceive this change. And this morning's exposition
of more and more things going with and through believers was of great encouragement
to everyone. Of special importance is the collaboration of people from different
streams and backgrounds joining hands and hearts on the ground level, engaging
with the communities where they live.
area of powerful prayer was for the young people in the churches and the youth
of Wales. It was wonderful to see many of them serving throughout the morning,
and I believe God is beginning to draw young people into a kind of Christianity
that won't let them be constrained by old molds and wineskins. They are not
going to just sigh and resign themselves to a lifetime of same-old same-old
churchianity. Some walls are coming down, and not just for the young!
I couldn't help but wish there were a video that could capture the highlights
of this morning's happenings and be shown to a much wider portion of the church
here in Wales. Sadly there are many that believe that Christianity in the UK
is near the top of the endangered species list, but nothing could be farther
from the truth.
God has set things into motion here, the times have changed and it is getting
exciting. There will surely be great challenges ahead, but we serve a far greater
God whose heart yearns for His children to say like Isaiah, "Here
I am Lord, send me!"
May He bless us all with faith, wisdom and grace for the times ahead,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Prayers:
On Saturday we had the privilege of praying with a small group of intercessor
friends. I was particularly interested in this clay figure that Suzanne made.
The Lord showed her a vision of an immense angel that is a guardian over Wales,
and God's work and plans here. You may recognize that it is the exact shape
of the country! One of the first times I first saw the map, I clearly saw the
figure of the Lord himself dancing over the nation.
Zephaniah 3:17 Says, "The LORD thy God in the midst
of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will
rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." I could see
Him dancing for joy at what He knows is coming!
It was a wonderful time of fellowship and a special blessing to be with people
with such a heart for Wales. We were quite a mix of people from totally different
occupations - a packaging designer, a dairy farmer, a painter, a builder, and
a caregiver. And yet we were knit together in prayer in an amazing way!
Of course each of them are far more than what a single term can describe, unless
that term is "child of God!" And during our time together the fruit
of our different gifts and natures all blended together into some marvelous
and powerful praying. There is so much going on around Wales among the Lord's
people these days, and it definitely felt like our prayers were tapped into
the greater scope of what the Lord is doing here.
main focus of our prayer was for some evangelistic meetings that will be taking
place in three different towns in our area next month. One of the towns has
been known historically for being particularly resistant to the Gospel. The
evangelist who is coming actually preached there 40 years ago, and so please
help us pray for these three meetings!
Last week we were in Blaeanau Ffestiniog for our monthly meeting, and had a
very good time of prayer there also. Although I still can't define it, I know
the Lord has His eye on the place in a special way. And it is really interesting
to see how things are being connected. In my update last September I mentioned
some tent meetings that had taken place 30 years ago. Well, the evangelist was
Peter Scothern, who will be preaching in the meetings we were praying for Saturday!
also had the opportunity to visit and pray for one of the pastors of Blaeanu
who was in the main hospital in Bangor, North Wales. He has been struggling
for several years with colon cancer, and hopefully now is on his way to recovery.
So would you please keep Wayne Hughes in your prayers? Pray the Lord would fill
him with renewed vigor and strength, and also that his inner man be strengthened,
prepared and encouraged by the joy of the Lord for the work ahead.
Today we were at the monthly prayer day at FFlad-y-Brenin, and there were over
60 people present. It is always a blessing to pray with visitors from all over,
as well as us more local "regulars." Of particular emphasis today
was prayer for the many Arab nations around the Mediterranean that are in such
turmoil right now. Such widespread unrest is startling in our day, and is quite
serious. It provides extraordinary challenges and hardships, as well as opportunities,
for our Christian brothers and sisters who desperately need our prayers in these
days ahead!
The hope of newness of life as presented by the coming of spring is a reminder
of the sure hope we have in God, and His ever present love for the peoples of
the earth.
Thank you for joining us in blessing this world through prayers for God's mercy
and grace,
Dick & Gladys
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