Saints and Praying Friends:
Thanks to so many of you who have asked about Gladys and prayed for her health
situation. We just want to bring you up to date and let you know what is happening
now. Your prayers have been working, and please don't stop!
Overall Gladys has been much better, for which we thank sincerely God for His
mercies! She has been able to gain back a little weight, which has been a real
help during the colder season, which thankfully has been very mild this year,
so far.
However she still has frequent pain and discomfort in her stomach and elsewhere,
and has to keep a very restricted diet to avoid flare-ups. We changed to a different
specialist in September, and he confirmed that the helicobacter pylori infection
is still there. It is a resistant strain, having survived two
rounds of multiple drug therapy a year ago.
After eliminating the possibility of it being a colon problem, next week she
will be going in for an endoscopy and biopsy. They will culture the samples
to establish what drugs will really knock it out. It is difficult because she
is allergic to penicillin, which is one of the main antibiotics usually used
it is treatment.
So we would like to ask you to please keep Gladys in your prayers on Tuesday
morning for the procedure itself, which is not at all pleasant. Then please
pray that the medical staff would be given grace to successfully grow the culture
and the wisdom to discover what exact antibiotics will positively eliminate
this long-standing infection.
Also please help bless her by praying that the administration of a multi-drug
therapy for two weeks will not have any adverse effect on Gladys' system, but
that it will have a totally lethal effect on the bacteria. It has been over
three years now, and we are really looking forward to her being free of this
infestation of nasty little bugs!
On a lighter note, we are making plans to travel to the U.S.A. to visit family
and friends in mid-March. We will be based near New Orleans for three weeks,
and are looking forward to seeing Michael and Lauren, now into their second
year of marriage. And it will also be wonderful to see so many friends and loved
ones in our home church where we shared ministry for over sixteen years, as
well as friends and supporters in northern Louisiana and Texas.
there we will fly to Washington D.C. and stay with our daughter Grace, and with
my niece and her husband while Grace is in Scotland with work. Gladys also has
relatives around Washington who are so much fun to be with. Dicky will also
be around for a few days too. Then we'll go to New England to visit my sister
in Connecticut and brother in Boston, and other friends in the area.
It will be a busy six weeks, and we hope to encourage many people in prayer.
And not only prayer for Wales but also for our beloved America whose people
so desperately need a touch from God.
It seems funny, but as much as we really look forward to seeing so many loved
ones, we don't like to leave Wales. Our hearts are now so bound up with this
land and its people here that we would rather just stay. We don't want to miss
anything that God is doing! But we can't do both, so we will joyfully land in
warm Louisiana weather in just over six weeks!
Thank you so much for your care and your prayers,
Dick & Gladys

Praying Friends:
There is something about the world of nature that always draws my eyes and
interest. Perhaps it is the fact that there is constant change everywhere -
in the cycles of growth and seasons, the skies and the landscapes.
We are surrounded by such admirable beauty, and it all seems to highlight God's
infinite love and majesty. And as much as the natural world reflects this, it
seems to speak continually of higher beauty and a deeper wisdom when it comes
to His dealings with men.
Nothing on this earth can compare with God's plans and designs for those He
loves and for whom He sent Jesus to redeem from their sin. The scriptures are
full of visions and descriptions of things far greater in His kingdom. And we
are living in times in which we see the fulfillment of His plans drawing ever
Romans 8:18-19 says, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present
time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us.
For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing
of the sons of God."
the year begins to unfold before us we also find ourselves entertaining this
earnest expectation. I think it is an important element of our lives and prayers.
It is a curious balance because in and of ourselves we can't do anything to
make something happen any more than these camellia buds can shake off their
icy cladding and push out their flowers.
Like the scripture says, it is a waiting game. But it is how we wait that is
important. That is where we do have some sort of control. We can temper our
attitude by constantly and conscientiously allowing the word of God to renew
our mind. With the Holy Spirit as our helper we can steer our words and thoughts
towards being pleasing in His sight. And if they truly please Him, there's a
good chance they will please us, and others as well.
We have just gotten in from the monthly meeting in Blaenau Ffestiniog. We stay
with friends here who bless us with wonderful hospitality and make it trip here
possible each monthly. We were delighted to have three new people join us, and
had a really good time of intercessory prayer for this town and the area.
We also heard some very encouraging pieces of good news. The first was that
Christina, one of our first-time visitors shared that this Friday she is starting
a Christian Union here in the secondary school in Blaenau with more than 16
students. This will be the first time in many years that there has been one
in the local school. Please remember Christina and the students in your prayers
this coming Friday!
Another was that last night there was a joint meeting of the three local church
councils where the new minister is coming in the spring, and there is joy and
anticipation in the camp. After several years of waning attendance and interest,
that is really wonderful to hear. It evidences the fruit of the prayers, not
only of our small group but others who have been praying here far longer than
We can see a tinge of color through the coldness that has held Blaenau in its
grip for years. The hardness is starting to soften, and believers from the area
can sense the coming of change! Thank you for joining us with your prayers for
this town and for the rest of this small but significant nation.
We thank our faithful God for all His goodness,
Dick & Gladys

Friends and Praying Saints:
A thistle gets a head start on the new year, spreading out its tender leaves
in what looks like a furry but prickly white winter coat. It is quite small
and delicate now, but by mid-summer grow quite tall and will definitely force
you to change your course!
This year is still brand new like this plant, and as it develops before us,
it may also oblige us to make some changes. I think those changes will help
draw us closer to the Lord.
It is awesome see how the Lord keeps encouraging us on with gestures and expressions
of His amazing love and purposes for us, and for Wales. These past weeks have been
filled with some unexpected blessings from the Lord.
One particularly powerful source of encouragement and exhortation is a recent
prophetic word. It was sent from Israel to our friends at Ffald-y-Brenin, and
I am taking the liberty of sharing it here.
My beloved Welsh people. I sit in my little apartment in Ashkelon, Israel
and just weep over this email about a stirring of the Holy Spirit in Wales.
May you be mightily moved to prayer and may your voices again be raised in
song. May the Holy Spirit brood over you even as the fog hovers over your
hills and valleys.
May the old men dream dreams and the young men have visions and may your sons
and daughters prophesy again.
May the passionate prayers of your forefathers be answered and the 3rd and
4th generations be stirred
to be mighty men and women of God.
Listen, can you hear that sound? 'Tis the sound of many waters - 'tis
the sound of voices praying and crying aloud to God for another mighty visitation
And I can tell you that as sure as I sit here and weep and type, that there
will indeed be a visitation that will shake the nation. You shall again have
such anointed choirs singing that people will be broken and moved upon as
they listen to you sing. Your young people will be burning fires going all
over spreading the fires of revival - faster than a forest fire - mightier
than a hurricane - swiftly will they run and all will be consumed by their
Your precious kids with their piercings, tattoes, punk dress and hair - the
most anointed of all! Your elderly who thought themselves consigned to nursing
homes, will instead be on fire for God and truly their latter years will far
outshine their early years.
Catch the vision, proclaim it, believe it for it shall surely come to pass.
We are glad to note how the Holy Spirit highlights the importance and power of
prayer. We continue to meet or hear of others the Lord has been calling into
"active duty."
We see how God is waking and wooing His church, and reaching deep into people's
hearts and fanning embers into flames. We also know He is starting new fires
with the light of life where there has been none before!
"More, Lord Jesus" is our cry! "Come and rain righteousness
down upon the nations of the earth in our day."
May God bless, strengthen guide us all for the glorious task before us,
Dick & Gladys