Friends and Prayers:
Monday night we arrived home in Wales after an amazing ten days in sunny Majorca.
One cloudy day out of ten was like being on a different planet, and the contrast
of a dry land versus a wet one was instantly noticeable as we stepped off the
Although it is only two hours to the south by plane, the growing season is
about two months ahead of us. Here the wheat harvest has already been taken
up, and the straw toasted to a golden hue by the blazing sun.
In another vivid contrast, the wheat field bordering the chapel was just filling
out its heads of grain in this photo taken only five days earlier. Depending
on this summer's weather, we may not see this color until middle or late August.
along similar country lanes to ours, I couldn't help but think about these the
difference and make a comparison about the spiritual condition in Wales. There
is still a process of growth ahead as the grain matures before it's ready to
be harvested, but the time is surely drawing closer.
Jesus said to the disciples in Luke 10:2, "...The
harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the
Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
It seems we constantly hear of people moving to Wales and engaging in prayer
and expectation. God is quietly making preparations, putting people in place,
so please keep on praying in line with Jesus' exhortation here!
For example, a few weeks ago I received an email from people opening up a cafe-bookshop
in a rural town, telling of some extraordinary happenings. "...we saw the
Holy Spirit touch some fifteen people as they entered the doors, old people
came in riding emotional waves of grace claiming that this was the long awaited
blessing of God after decades of prayer, an ex-soldier came in and broke down
crying - his hands began shaking profusely under the presence of God, etc."
As I said at the end of my last update, "Wales is responding!"
Someone else recently emailed me with a prophetic word that states in part,
"WALES is a place where God is gathering the nations for the outpouring
of His Spirit, that in turn WALES will be a Nation that has an ability to touch
the nations." And so only as the Lord can do, we somehow found ourselves
in Spain.
We stayed the first few days in the home of Javier and Maritza, who are leading
a small group in their community. It never ceases to amaze us how we can go
almost anywhere in the world and find that the family of God is already there
in some measure, and since our first visit last year we felt like we were "at
home" with friends.
evidenced in the pictures, Majorca is "a dry and thirsty land." This
is also true in the spiritual sense, and the members of this small fellowship
are growing in the Lord and a desire to see Him touch their land. They are they
are excited at the Lord's promise of a coming outpouring of His spirit.
having some personal time with several of the group, we had chance to share
in two of their meetings, and enjoy some local cooking as well.
Another joyful aspect of our trip was having several clearly divine appointments,
the most notable of which resulted in leading a forest ranger to the Lord. In
other incidents we found people with an unusual openness and eagerness to hear
about a Living God who desires real relationship with His people.
This reality of the Gospel is a very different message than the centuries-old
Catholic tradition here. And for people who are enveloped in Spain's economic
crisis and quick to talk about it, the good news of Jesus' love for them is
like a breath of fresh air!
We count it a joy and privilege to have visited Majorca again, but even more
so now to be back home in our beloved Wales. There is much to do in the remaining
months of summer, and we look forward to what more the Lord has in store for
us, and this nation.
As always, thank you for your interest in our work here. We truly value and appreciate
your prayers for us - they are a real lifeline!
Dick & Gladys

Friends in Prayer:
Psalm 102:15 says, "So the nations shall fear the
name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Your glory." This
is but one of so many wonderful promises of God's ultimate triumph that fuel
our hopes and our prayers.
Day by day as we see our world convulsed by greed and violence, sin and death,
we can find strength and courage for our inner man through these "...exceeding
great and precious promises..." mentioned in 2nd. Peter 1:4.
"For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens
... 'Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and
there is no other.'" Isaiah 45:18,22. So we pray that more eyes
be opened to behold His glory!
Speaking of nations, here is some news about two of our children moving away
from the good old U.S.A. Our daughter Grace has found a new position
UNICEF, and this past Sunday moved to Monrovia in Liberia, West Africa.
She'll be there for a year, and is excited at the prospect of a challenging
project. She will be working with the UNICEF’s nutrition team to help
establish various nutrition activities in different districts, as well as working
with refugees who are crossing the border from Cote d’Ivoire.
At the end of June, our youngest son Dicky is being relocated to Munich, Germany
by the company that employs him as an industrial designer. Moving from a beach
town of Southern California to the heart of a major European city will be a
big change and great experience for him.
He will be there for six months, though he hopes that it may develop into a
longer stay on "The Continent." (I realized that means the rest of
us just live on islands!)
This is great news for us because it means we'll be that much closer to two
of our kids, and hopefully we'll have opportunities to see them more frequently.
Seeing each other on Skype is a vast improvement over phone calls and email,
but still can't replace actually being together. Perhaps we'll even get to
do a European Thanksgiving in November!
And to finish off international movements, the Lord has graciously opened a
door for us to go back to Majorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean where
we were last October. We leave tomorrow for ten days, and will be spending part
of that time with a small group of believers who we met on that trip. Most of them
are younger, and have recently become Christians. We hope to be a real encouragement
to them and see them really engage with God's word for their lives, and so we appreciate
your prayers in that respect.
After seven weeks and eighteen beds in America, and guests with us every week
since our return in early May, we are also taking some time off just to have
a break by ourselves. God in His goodness has provided the same resort where we stayed last fall for
our 34th wedding anniversary on June 17th! With Gladys' much improved
health, we anticipate a wonderful time together.
As always, thank you for your love and your prayers. Wales is responding!
Dick & Gladys