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Friday, November 30, 2012

Good news, and changing seasons for prayer

Dear Praying Saints:

The water level in the Teifi River is about 14 feet above normal level Monday morning. As you can see, another foot or two would have it on the road surface of this bridge built in 1799. The pointed buttresses split and channel the water into the archways beneath and strengthen the structure as well.

You may have seen on the news some of the problems this very wet season has caused across the United Kingdom. November rainfall was twice the average amount and heavy winds over the past week have stripped the trees clean of autumn colors.

We received a good report about Ken Peers from his wife. She says, "Thank you all so much for your prayers. Each day Ken is going from strength to strength. He is managing to hold a cup for himself, his speech is a lot clearer and he can remember a lot, but he still has a little confusion. He has now been moved to the stroke unit to start physiotherapy and they will see how much or what part of the mind has been affected. He was without oxygen for at least 10 minutes when he had the heart attack. They said he would be in the hospital at least another 2 weeks. God is good. He is the restorer! We give Him all the Glory for what He is doing and has done.
Mary & Ken."

Tomorrow Gladys and I will be going to a "school of prayer" with friends that we've been praying with every week via Skype. Along with fifteen others from different nations they will be sharing in a community lifestyle of prayer, intercession, worship, meditation on the scriptures and listening to God and learning together.

We are really looking forward to this time spent in an up-close communal situation with people who are committed to learn about a life of serious and sacrificial prayer. In order to maintain our daily times of prayer at the chapel, we plan to go only for the first and last three days of this two-week experience. We'll be staying with friends close by, and no doubt it will be reminiscent of our beginning years as Christians in the 70's.

As times and seasons change around us, prayer is becoming more and more crucial all of us, and even moreso to the world around us. Thanking for joining your prayers to ours!

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Urgent prayer needed now, please join us!

Dear Partners in Prayer:

Please pray for healing for our friend Ken Peers. He suffered a severe heart attack Saturday night, and as of last night is still in an induced coma. Also please keep his wife Mary in your prayers during this difficult time of waiting and praying.

Ken was our first contact when we visited Blaenau Ffestiniog after the Lord showed me a vision of a glory-filled cloud of revival poised over the town. He lived there for over 20 years, and at one time or another shared the gospel with almost everyone that lived there. It was through his help and friendships that we organized the monthly prayer meeting that has been going on there for three years now.

We are going up there today to the meeting for the first time since July, so it will be good to catch up with our praying friends, and also to pray especially for Ken's recovery to wholeness. We also look forward to a chance to visit briefly with our friend who moved there last spring with his family as the minister of three of the area's churches.

I also would like to give you a short update on our prayer meeting at Moriah chapel. We were pleasantly surprised to have over three dozen people show up. Many traveled quite a distance and that was a wonderful testimony of peoples hunger for an outpouring of God's spirit on this land once again.

Although we experienced technical difficulties with sound and video on our side, prayers on both sides of the ocean went on unhampered. We have heard from friends who watched via internet, and they were touched and encouraged as they prayed along with us.

Now with the current situation in Israel and Gaza, plus and other terrible conflicts in the Middle East, there is much need for serious prayer. Today's world is in such great need of real intervention from heaven. Thank you for being part of an army of prayer warriors that God is raising up around the globe. I believe that the time of weekend reserve duty" has come to an end, and that we are all being called into active duty to pray!

Let's bombard heaven with prayer and see heaven bombard earth with overwhelming grace and mercy!

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Putting our trust where it belongs!

Dear Praying Friends:

After last week's election results in the U.S.A., a lot of folks were elated, and a lot of folks were deflated. Had another man won, the result would still be the same - some elated and some deflated.

In the losing camp we can hear words of doom and gloom. In the winner's camp, after the elation wears off, if it hasn't already, the nation's many serious problems quickly come to the forefront again.

Psalm 146 says in verses 3 and 5, "Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.
Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God."

Looking at the big picture, in the long run, the Lord is where our only true hope really is. Changes of politics and politicians come and go, but the Lord makes changes in the hearts of men and women the world around that last for eternity!

The Psalm goes on to say about Him in verses 7-9, "Who executes justice for the oppressed, ...gives food to the hungry, ...gives freedom to the prisoners, ...opens the eyes of the blind, ...raises those who are bowed down; The Lord loves the righteous, ...watches over the strangers; He relieves the fatherless and widow..."

Doesn't that sound surprisingly similar to what people seem to be looking to the government for? To me it just underscores the fact that we as a nation are in need of serious prayer. What do you suppose would happen if we bombard heaven with prayers for our elected leaders?

If the church would spend a fraction of the time and resources on prayer that were spent on the election process, I believe we would begin to see the kind of changes we so desperately need. Let's try it and find out!

Overjoyed to know our trust is sure in Jesus,

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Come on, America. Wake up!!!

Dear Friends and Prayers:

I know this is a fanciful painting, but isn't this the correct attitude needed by everyone in positions of government and public service? This is what we should be praying for in today's election.

Our part is to cast our vote from a pure heart, the outcome is up to the Lord.

When the God made Nabuchadnezzar crawl around in the woods and the fields like an animal, the truth of what the Lord spoke to him finally found a place in his understanding.
Daniel 4:25; 32 "... until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses."

Our prayer is that America, and the nations of the world, wake up from the stupor which blinds us and understand the truth of our place before our Creator.

Psalm 135:15 and 18 says, "The idols of the nations are silver and gold, The work of men's hands.... 18 Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them."

Thank you for your prayers for today's proceedings and results,

Dick & Gladys


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