Praying Friends:
Reading through 2nd. Chronicles last week I was deeply moved by this section
in chapter 17: "6 And his heart took delight in the
ways of the Lord ... 9 So they taught in Judah, and had the Book of the Law
of the Lord with them; they went throughout all the cities of Judah and taught
the people.
10 And the fear of the Lord fell on all the kingdoms of the lands that were
around Judah, so that they did not make war against Jehoshaphat."
When the foundation of the faith of the nation was re-established and the truths
of the Word of God were duly taught throughout the kingdom, reform came. And
not only that, surrounding opposition ceased! I found myself overcome by a tremendous
grief in prayer as I recognized the opposite is true in our lands today.
The fundamental Christian values that have undergirded our society in America
and Great Britain are fast disappearing. Not only are they not being taught,
but are actually disparaged and derided with impunity. More than that, they
are even legislated against and punished by law.
The tragic events that unfolded last Friday in a Connecticut elementary school
are stark evidence of a fatal disease in our society, emphasizing this very
situation. A spiritual cancer is sapping the vitality of our countries and destroying
them bit by bit.
The central focus of this Christmas season immediately upon us is that Jesus
Christ came into the world to save sinners. The power and the impact of His
life, death and resurrection are the message of the Gospel and the hope of the
world. Our need for Him as individuals and nations is desperate at this hour.
May this Christmas and New Year be marked by our sincere prayers for a people
and nations to be turned to the Lord, our Hope and our Redeemer. And please
remember in your prayers also those in Connecticut and around the globe whose
families and Christmas have been deeply and indelibly marred by an increasingly
Christ-less world.
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
Enjoying a bit of winter sunshine makes a cold day seem warmer. And in the
same way God's amazing love warms our hearts no matter what the weather is doing!
"...because the love of God has been poured out in
our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:5
This beautiful land is such a reminder of His love. And it just seems impossible
that so many people can live here, surrounded by such evidence, and not understand
this simple truth.
The joy of beholding such wonderful views becomes strangely mixed at times
with grief over the millions of blinded souls that can't see His love behind
it all. And that in turn fuels our prayers for God's mercy to be poured out
once again upon this "Land of Revivals."
This season brings on a similar phenomenon. Throughout most of the western
world, and other places as well, comes this day called Christmas. Although cloaked
in materialism and consumer frenzy, the story that started it all is sovereign
truth. God sent His Son into the world to save sinners and give us eternal life.
too is fuel for prayer. In spite the all appearances, Christmas is not about
green trees and tinsel and gifts. Rather it is about God's awesome plan of redemption.
The greatest gift ever given was His son Jesus who came to die on a tree that
we might have true life forever, and a living hope that never fades away like
a calendar day.
Let's pray that thousands or even millions of people around the world find
Jesus as Lord for themselves. He is the source of life and the giver of eternal
treasure, our Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father.
We wish you all a very joyful Christmas time with your friends and loved ones,
and pray you have a happy and blessed New Year!
In the amazing love of Christ,
Dick & Gladys