Wandering through some friends' garden the other day, I was captured by the
sight of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. This process happens countless
millions of times in the natural world every year, but it is not all that often
that we get to see it up close.
It is spectacular to watch as this little creature slowly extracts itself from
its enclosure in a totally different form than when it went in. This is sheer
genius of micro-engineering, complete with hydraulic systems to pump the wings
into full size, onboard fuel reserves, and motor and navigational systems all
ready to go!
However amazing metamorphosis may be, it can't compare to the salvation of
a human soul. Colossian 1:13 says, "He has delivered
us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of
His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."
that is transformation worth talking about! It is far more than only a change
of character and lifestyle, it is a change that transcends temporal boundaries
and gives us birth into God's eternal kingdom. Jesus says in John 3:15, "that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." That
is a much bigger step than from crawling to walking!
Newness of life surrounds us as spring turns into summer and lush growth is
everywhere. It is a constant reminder of this wonderful reality - that Jesus
can move people who are lost in and consumed by sin from death into life. This
is the good news of the Gospel.
What we see taking place around us is accompanied by growth and movement in
the spirit as well. There is a continuing surge of expectation that God is up
to something. Many people are being called into prayer, and others are getting
involved in ministry outreaches. We also keep hearing from folks from other
parts of the world that are interested in Wales, and some have even moved here
in readiness to serve when and as needed.
A friend of ours just returned from South Korea, and told are there are over
30,000 people there praying for revival in Wales every week, and that number
is increasing. So we are encouraged and looking forward to what each day brings.
May your heart be drawn closer to the Lord day by day, and may His leading
in your prayers and lives bring you strength and joy in your service to Him.
Many blessings as we seek to exalt His name together,
Dick & Gladys

Friends and Praying Saints:
Seven years ago today we landed at London's Heathrow Airport to start this
amazing adventure in Wales. Leaving our home, our kids, and our loved ones behind
was one of the most difficult things we have ever done. I can still vividly
remember waking up early that morning and saying to myself that this was "the
worst day and the best day of our lives!"
The Lord has been so incredibly faithful to us during our time here. And just
as He promised Gladys when she was seeking a personal confirming word for herself
about our move, He has looked after our children better than we ever could done!
Seeing them just now was still further testimony of His care.
In Mark.10:29-30 Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say to
you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters... or children
or lands for My sake and the gospel's, who shall not receive a hundredfold now
in this time ... and in the age to come, eternal life."
God in His goodness given us a beautiful home to share with friends and visitors,
and we are so glad to be home again. But also, just as He said, the Lord has
given us countless friends around this land that have offered and opened their
houses to us as well and made them "ours" when we are there!
been quite busy since we got back to Wales last Thursday night. I was out on
the streets of Cardigan with the Teifi pastors till early Sunday morning. Our
team had some very good encounters with some of the young people out to party,
so please pray with us that our words take root in their lives.
And this week are enjoying a visit from our old friend Francis Anfuso and his
wife Suzie. With the help of their friend Joel, they are filming an hour-long
documentary about the 1904 Welsh Revival and encouraging serious prayer for
an even more serious need of a fresh outpouring of God's spirit.
The first two days of indoor filming were overcast and very rainy. And though
this morning didn't look much better, outdoor scenes are planned for the rest,
and look at the day the Lord prepared for us! The film will be released in August.
You can see a brief introduction about this project on his website.
Next week we will head north to Blaenau Ffestiniog for the monthly meeting
there. We've talked
our friends there, and they are very much encouraged by the arrival of the new
minister at the Anglican Church there. It seems evident that God's plans for
that area are beginning to take on some tangible evidence! We look looking forward
to seeing our friends there again, and enjoy hearing what has been going on
there since our last visit in February.
We are glad to begin settling back into our routine here. Our times of prayer
at the chapel have been much missed, and it is a joy to back where we most belong.
While we were in Boston, our friend Brandt Gillespie filmed an interview with
me about how the Lord called us in 2002 to pray here for the coming Welsh Revival.
If you would like to see that, it is available now on the web at this
Thank you so much for standing with us over the years, and praying for us and
with us for His purposes to be carried out in this precious land.
May His best blessings be with you and your loved ones in Jesus' wonderful
Dick & Gladys