Friends and Prayers:
Having grown up beside a small river, I remember being fascinated by coracles
ever since reading Treasure Island as a child. Now here I am over half a century
later living next to the Teifi River in the "coracle center" of the
"land of revivals!"
Last week was Cilgerran Festive Week, with different events going on each day.
Saturday was the day of the coracles races. Having missed them in previous years,
I couldn't resist going down to have a good look this time around.
I haven't yet actually gotten into one of these little floating baskets, but
am seriously entertaining the idea. Gladys says she will wave safely from the
Another fun event was the Donkey Derby a few days before. We haven't been able
to see it before either because of other activities or too much
I must admit I was curious to see how they actually get donkeys to run where
they want them to go. I've posted
a video so you can get an idea of both of these local activities.
Life goes on all around us with its temporal joys and busyness. Summer holidays
here are drawing to a close, and crowded towns and extra traffic on the roads
and country lanes will soon get back to normal.
But "normal" is not going to last forever. Nor can this land, along with
many other nations in the western world, continue oblivious to the existence
and nature of God forever either. The stirrings in the hearts of God's people for His
coming move of revival are not going away!
We continue having opportunities to meet more people and hear of this growing
sense of people longing for more. Throughout many facets of body of Christ people
are engaging with God in prayer and calling for heaven to come close to earth
Jeremiah cries out in Lamentations chapter 5:19-22,
"You, O Lord, remain forever; Your throne from generation
to generation. Why do You forget us forever and forsake us for so long a time?
Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; renew our
days as of old, unless You have utterly rejected us, and are very angry with
us!" And so we along with many others join our hearts to that same
cry, "Turn us back to You!"
This world with all its materialistic self-seeking and co-existent injustice
is not a forever kind of thing! Only "You,
O Lord, remain forever..."
Another reading that has recently blessed and encouraged us is Psalms 37:20-22.
"But the wicked shall perish; and the enemies of
the Lord, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall
vanish away.
The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous shows mercy and gives.
For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth..."
We are accompanied by an ever-increasing number of people throughout this
land who are desperately seeking the Lord for Him to bless this little land
Wales and the nations of the earth. Whether we realize it or not, we too are
in a race. It is not just for a frivolous moment of fun or petty glory, but
a wondrous and eternal prize.
Almighty God and the entire heavenly host are cheering us onwards. His is
the glory and it's to Him we run!
With you through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Dick & Gladys

Praying Saints:
When we set our sights on something specific in our prayers, or we receive
a particular prayer assignment from the Lord, we can expect to find opposition.
And especially if it is big assignment, we will most likely find greater opposition.
So I just would like to share some encouragement with you we've been blessed
with recently.
God's word is our source of strength, and we find such amazing promises throughout.
Look at these verses in Psalm 91:1-2,7.
"1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.'
7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right
hand; But it [destruction] shall not come near you."
A few days ago they harvested the wheat in the field next to the chapel, and
to my amazement this one stalk was left untouched. At times in our life it might
seem that everything is just tumbling down around us, and that we'll surely
be swept away. Yet the truth in Christ is very different.
Jesus says in John 10:28, "And I give them eternal
life; and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of my
wonderful passage in 1st Samuel chapter 2 shows how God strengthened Hannah
in what must have been a very difficult time when she surrendered to God what
she has most longed for years - her first child.
"1 And Hannah prayed and said: 'My heart rejoices
in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies, Because
I rejoice in Your salvation. No one is holy like the Lord; For there is none
besides You, nor is there any rock like our God...
9 'He will guard the feet of His saints, But the wicked*
shall be silent in darkness. For by strength no man shall prevail. 10 The
adversaries* of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; From heaven He will thunder
against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth.' " (*
enemy tactics, opposition, mind storms)
There is always a way forward, and the Lord does and will provide the strength
to surmount any and all obstacles, even when it doesn't look like it. So be
encouraged today. Keep believing and pray large. We serve a mighty and awesome
God we love and serve!
In Christ through whom we can do all things,
Dick & Gladys

Partners in Prayer:
One of the wettest summers in years was good motivation for different Christian
groups and individuals involved in this year's Royal Welsh Show to pray for
good weather. Amazing blue skies and real summer temperatures were the Lord's
gracious response to weeks of prayer!
Because of the inclement weather some other large shows in England had been
canceled, and so there were record crowds at the showground this year. Just
try to imagine 241,000 visitors to a town of 3000 regular residents in just
4 days! It is quite a
piece of logistics.
Horse racing, sheep-shearing, log-chopping and scores of other activities and
over 1000 stalls selling everything from combines to cookie cutters make this
a massive event. Countless exhibitions of livestock of all sorts, handcrafts
and horticulture ensure the show has something of interest for everyone young
and old alike.
of our favorite places is the large tent with flower displays. It is hard to
imagine all this beauty happening just by chance! You might like to take a look
for yourself at a collection of photos at
this link.
With so much to see and ground to cover people are happy for a place to sit
down for a while and enjoy free drinks and a little live background music. This
was the fourth year that we've been part of a team that offers refreshments,
friendly conversation and prayer for people that stop by our stand. There are
other Christian stands around the showground and every year people's lives are
touched by God's love.
Another highlight of July for us was the Celebration for the Nations. We were
only able to go to the last day as it happened the same week as the Royal Welsh
Show. This scene of so many young people coming forward to present themselves
to the Lord for His purposes and service makes a
statement. In essence they were saying, "Here I am Lord, send me."
Those are words that I believe make God's heart rejoice, and make way for Him
to pour into each life the power and grace to fulfill His calling.
I think this is a declaration of what we will be seeing more and more as the
Holy Spirit continues to draw people into a closer walk with Himself. I look
at it as sort of a down payment. This is the kind of Christianity that we should
all be praying for, and what the world needs to see - not a periodic religious
activity but a lifestyle of commitment and relationship.
It was a marvelous celebration of God's goodness, and the joy in the last meeting
was contagious! Prayer times were powerful, and freedom of worship and dance
were breaking chains of bondage in the heavenly realms. I think a few bonds
of family of God were established closer to home as well! You can see a bit
of that in this video,
and hopefully you'll do a bit of rejoicing yourself!
May the Lord continually fill you to overflowing with His grace and love,
Dick & Gladys