Welcome to Wales Awakening

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Home once again. But have CANCELLED June 19th. prayer meeting!!

Beloved praying Friends and Saints:

Please Note: We are having to cancel the meeting announced for this coming Wedsnesday June 19th here at Cilfowyr Baptist Chapel until further notice due to the following circumstances.

First and foremost I want to say how grateful we are to all of you who have been praying for my (Dick’s) health and wellbeing. We arrived home Monday night after a ten day stay in the hospital, and what a wonderful blessing to be here again!

In my May 17th update I mentioned that I was undergoing a strong course of steroids to treat the problem with my eyes, but at the time I had no idea what lay just ahead. We were in a whirlwind of activity while hosting international visitors when I found myself suddenly overcome by extremely adverse side-effects to the medication.

The reaction was so severe that I needed to be hospitalized in order to stabilize the condition. Gladys was able to stay with good friends close to the hospital in Llanelli where I was under medical care, and thank the Lord our youngest son Richard was able to come and help Gladys because she doesn’t drive here. So his visit was a real Godsend!

The end of the matter is that it will take another month or more to recover from physical exhaustion and other side effects of the steroid treatment, which will continue for another eight weeks. So your continued prayers and expressions of love are of great value and highly appreciated by us both. We really do appreciate hearing from you, but please do understand if you don't receive an individual response during this time.

We are so privileged to be surrounded many wonderful friends who have helped Gladys through what has been an especially difficult time for her. Your prayers and practical support are very deeply appreciated. And to the many that have called or communicated via internet: your love and concern have made a huge difference and we give thanks to God for making us part of His wonderful Family!

Meanwhile the Lord has continued to do some amazing things here in Wales, and we look forward with anticipation to what is yet to come.

Thanking God because His mercies are new every morning,

Dick & Gladys


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