Welcome to Wales Awakening

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A gift of Mediterranean sunshine...

majorcasunrise13.jpgDear Friends and Saints:

We just arrived home again Thursday night after three weeks away, which explains our long silence. This was the fourth time  that our wonderful friends have given us use of their timeshare in Majorca. Back in May they called to tell us the Lord had impressed on them that we would be needing a break in November, and had reserved it for us.

The Lord knows far better than we do what we need and when we need it. And it couldn't have come at a better time, after being fairly restricted due to the medical treatment I was under for my eye condition. So it was a great time to enjoy some rest and a total change of scene and circumstances.

The first few days were wet and wildly windy, but then we had week of beautiful warm weather. What a treat it was to go out and spend earlymajorcabeaches13.jpg morning times in mild temperatures and beautiful places, admiring God's awesome handiwork of nature!

There is an interesting parallel between Majorca and Wales. Both places are blessed with extreme natural beauty, and yet both are in dire need of the Light of the Gospel. The old traditional Catholicism of Spain just doesn't have much relevance to life there, any more than the old empty chapels and churches do here in Wales. So the need for revelation and revival is great.

For Gladys it is especially nice to be able to carry on a conversation in Spanish with everyone she meets! She delights in that, and the ease with which she can talk to people about the Lord. And most of the folks that work at the resort are from Latin America and that is an instant point of connection as well.


We have had the privilege of meeting and making friends with Christians there, and have been mutually blessed with times of fun and fellowship. We had many times of sharing meals in their homes, and plenty of time to talk and encourage them, as many are fairly new believers. During one of those times a friend stopped by to visit, and after listening and sharing, we prayed for her, and she wound up praying and accepting Jesus as Lord of her life!

I also had an opportunity to give a short message in a Sunday  meeting, and that was a blessing. It was a real blessing to see how readily God's majorcameals13.jpgword was hungered after and thankfully received by those present in this small church family.

We are amazed at the Lord's goodness and provision in being able to have such a time as this. We have come home really refreshed, and ready for this next season of what God has in store for Wales. Things are beginning to move ahead more rapidly and there is a palpable excitement among intercessors and churches in many places across the land.

Please keep Gladys in your prayers this Monday. She will being going in for a capsule endoscopy to try and identify the cause for her ongoing stomach problems. Last year after the h.pylori infection was eradicated we thought things would improve, but her discomfort persists. It has been four years now that she has suffered from this, and we really covet your prayers for her healing and release from this difficult burden.

Thank you very much for your continued interest and prayers,

Dick & Gladys


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