Praying Friends and Saints:
In the last couple of weeks we have heard some very encouraging prophetic words
for Wales. We received the latest one from the pastor of a small church in North
Carolina who first contacted us in early January. I have posted the three of
them online at:
words are more than encouragement I believe they are a challenge for us to get
our hearts, and our heads, around what God has planned for this tiny nation.
These words are like seeds for the soil of prayer. It's like turning over and
preparing the earth for a garden, and it means taking time to really grapple
with these issues in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We also want to let you know about two special prayer events coming up here
in Wales. The soonest one is a Day to Pray for Wales announced
here. (Click image to visit their website) This event has been quite recently organized
and is getting lot of interest and support. We would like to encourage you turn
join it if you live within driving distance. That would be anywhere in Wales!
next event is an international gathering for worship and prayer - The
Celebration for the Nations. We have been involved with these saints and
friends since the beginning, and have been greatly encouraged and strengthened
over the years. This will be the seventh year it has taken place, and this time
will last for ten days. Like the first year it will be held again in
tents at the festival fields in Llanelli.
Please start praying for this wonderful event. And perhaps you will consider
coming. Even if you live outside of the U.K., there are six months to make plans
for it, so ask the Lord about your possible participation in this gathering
of worshipers and intercessors from around the world!
Blessings of grace and power in prayer in Jesus' amazing name,
Dick & Gladys

Friends and Prayers:
Well, so much for tiny flowers, green fields, and my career as a meteorologist!
Our "mild winter" became a world of white two days after my update
last week. But I'm not complaining, I actually love the snow.
The first snowfall was mostly melted off in a couple of days, and then we had
some more this week. It is always a breathtaking change to see the world robed
in a white cloak. And watching the transformation as the snow falls has always
been a delight as everything receives little stacks of crisp, pure whiteness.
It highlights the words of Isaiah 1:18,
now, and let us reason together,' Says the Lord, "Though your sins are
like scarlet, They shall be as white
as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as
Yesterday it snowed all day. There was no wind at all and it came down so gently.
At times the flakes were huge and soft looking, and at other times they were small,
shiny and seemed to fall by the millions. We were praying via Skype with our
friend Brenda in France
we watched. It seemed to make such a good model for prayer as we asked the Lord
that His grace and goodness might fall on people in just such a way, and that
His forgiveness and salvation fall as people open their eyes to see their need
of His saving grace.
As completely as the snow paints any scene with its whiteness, so the love
of God in Christ Jesus can transform any and every human life. Be it a cold
and despairing heart or a caring and gentle one, He can turn darkness into light
and meet loneliness with His love.
What a joy to know the promises of God, and that His love and His care for the
lost of this world don't change like the weather. That is the confidence and
strength of our prayers for Wales and the nations. Thank you for joining your
prayers with ours as pursue the desires of His heart.
Dick & Gladys
Praying Saints:
In the blink of an eye we find ourselves in the second half of January. How
on earth did that happen so fast? I suppose it's the same way that I've now
passed up the 65 year mark - bit by bit!
Tiny flowers are venturing out in this relatively gentle winter, and we are
hoping it stays this way. Light morning frosts and temps in the upper 30's are
better than some of the hard freezes we've had in previous years.
At the rate time is moving, spring may be closer than we think. There is talk
of snow flurries for today, but as long as
the fields manage to stay green rather than white, I'm sure we'll be quite alright,
along with the flowers showing up hopefully around the countryside.
In my current reading through the book of Acts, I was particularly blessed
by verse 31 in chapter 9 that says, "Then the churches
throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking
in the fear of the Lord and in the
comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied."
Keeping that balance is such an important and life-giving practice for us.
A healthy fear of the Lord is absolutely vital to us. Keeping the Word of God
in the forefront of our hearts by regular study helps to nurture that fear and
maintain a godly perspective of our human frailty. On the other hand our relationship
with the Comforter, and His gracious dwelling within, provides us the wonderful
knowledge that we are "accepted in the Beloved."
That is marvelous comfort indeed, especially during His dealings with areas
of our lives that are in need of change. That old chorus, "From glory to
glory He's changing me..." comes to mind.
Like the cycles and changes of
colors in nature, the ongoing process of being transformed by God's grace is
one of dying and making way for newness of life, time and time again.
This past weekend we met together with friends in Llanelli and stayed overnight.
I visited a Presbyterian church where some other friends go, and enjoyed their Sunday morning
service. The scripture over the archway is such a powerful exhortation, and a
marvelous declaration as well. "...Oh, worship the
Lord in the beauty of holiness!" 1 Chron.16:29
When we allow His word dwell in our heart and to change us from within, we
find ourselves being sanctified by the word, just as Jesus prayed in John 17:17.
That in turn gives us more freedom to draw close to Him in worship and intimacy,
and feel the depth of His comfort and love.
Although it isn't always free of pain or discomfort, it does yield "the
peaceable fruit of righteousness" as Hebrews 12:11 declares. And that in
turn better equips us to worship in a deeper and purer way. It becomes a "delicious
Not only is it good practice for heaven, it allows His light in us to shine
out into a world lost in darkness. And as we continue to make room for Him to be lifted up
in this way, He will draw men to Himself.
And that is our chief desire as well as His.
Dick & Gladys

Dear Friends and Prayers, Happy
New Year!
We just returned home to Wales Friday, after a great time with two of our four
children in Munich. We received a wonderful gift from friends that made our
trip possible, and the Lord's timing was perfect!
Our daughter Grace had just finished a six month contract with UNICEF in Monrovia,
Liberia, and was on her way back to the States to discover her next work situation.
And Dicky, alis Richard, was just finishing his six months working with one
of the Bosch design teams in Munich.
We got to spend nine whole days together, and hadn't enjoyed that much solid
time together since moving to Wales in 2005. As you might imagine it was a huge
change from our rural countryside to the heart of a major European city. Fortunately
we stayed just one block from the beautiful English garden, so were able to
find some respite from man-made surroundings.
walks and prayer times provided me with totally different scenery and noise
levels than what I am accustomed to, but we had a thoroughly enjoyable time.
Having our own private tour guide was a great blessing, and we saw more than
I can elablorate on here. Besides just being with our kids, a few highlights
were the Deutsches Museum and a marvelous performance of Beethoven's 5th and
9th symphonies by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra.
I was surprised to find so many large Catholic churches everywhere that we
visited, and gained some insight into the past influence of the church in this
part of Europe. Sadly now the influence of Christianity and biblical values
has been left far behind, and these grand buildings and monuments are a stark
reminder of the country's' need for the Gospel of Jesus. In spite of Germany's
fairly strong economy, I was aware of a sort of coldness that gave evidence
of a mostly secular society. Jesus is the only hope for real transformation,
both of people and cultures around the world.
The monument in the distance at the left is alled the Angel of Peace, and in
early morning the title seemd quite fitting. A few days later however, on New
Year's Eve, it become quite another scene as you can appreciate here in the
photo below. When 2013 came rolling in at midnight, the whole city of Munich
was going wild in a pandemonium of revelers in every gathering place availble
throughout the city. Rather than organized professional displays, everyone that
could had bought fireworks of every size and type and were setting them off
as fast and furiously as they could! It was great fun if you like that sort
of thing, and perhaps a bit dangerous as well. You can see and hear a sample
in this short video.
We are truly grateful for a wonderful break with family, and now are back home
and looking forward to what the new year brings. With the temporary distraction
of festivities behind us, the needs in the world around us are as serious as
before, if not moreso. And the need for dedicated prayer and crying out for
God's mercy is ever more important.
Today a friend emailed us a scripture from Ezekiel 22:30 that says, "So
I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before
Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."
That is the same verse the Lord gave me ten years ago when we started [praying
about coming to Wales. And we are happy to say that in today's world, there
are many many saints of God who have been "found" of the Lord and
are on duty in the nations of the world in response to His calling.
Thank you for taking part with us in this glorious work of prayer!
Dick & Gladys