Praying Friends:
This has been the first real summer we've had in about five years, and this
month of July has zoomed past. We've had five weeks with hardly a drop of rain,
so it was a pleasure to welcome this little shower. We find ourselves surrounded
by a rage of color and growth everywhere, and of course the wonderful warm weather
that we've been longing for has been superb!
A special treat for us was to enjoy the beauty of summery Wales with our daughter
Grace. After she a week in Kenya for her work with Catholic Relief Service,
she had a week vacation to come and stay with us. After a bit rest and relaxation,
we just spent time together and did a little local touring.
She even enjoyed helping us catch up on some much-needed work in our vegetable
garden. Then Saturday we put her on a train back to London from where she flew
off to her next assignment in Malawi for another week before returning to Baltimore,
which is now her home.
I mentioned in my last update, we were looking forward to the Celebration for
the Nations, and were able to participate in the beginning meetings, and the
last couple of days after our daughter's visit. It was wonderful to experience
corporate worship with over 1000 people! It was such a contrast to the fairly
traditional hymn-based worship we find in most of the congregations here. There
were many worship groups from different nations, and so a wonderful variety
of expression.
particular dance from Korea was beautiful, and you may enjoy watching at this
were people from about twenty nations, with the majority from South Korea, and
all with a heart for revival. The concentration of worship and prayer was powerful,
and each day brought special blessings and dynamic prayer on many fronts.
One of the main prayer points was for the believers in North Korea, and that
the power and blessing of revival might break into the incredibly difficult
circumstances in that nation. Another main focus was for revival here. As I've
mentioned before, we are seeing some good things taking place, but there is
a growing fervency in intercession to see real a breakthrough in Wales.
We find great encouragement in being with such a large number of saints who
are serious about prayer and have sacrificed time and finances to be a part
of this important gathering. Each year the prayer has gotten deeper and stronger,
and we can see the fruit of that prayer around us. The changes in the spiritual
atmosphere since we first moved here eight years ago is evident, and very much
welcomed by all concerned and involved in prayer and Christian work here.
We know in Whom we have trusted, and will bring to completion His work in our
lives, our nations, and our world. Thank you for keeping your prayers going
heavenward with our own,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Saints:
Only 10 days to go until the 7th and final Celebration for the Nations. Since
the first one shown here in 2007, this has been a wonderfully encouraging annual
event of worship and prayer.
As we draw close to this year's Celebration, there is a sense of fullness and
expectancy in the air. Be sure to check out the recent
update on their website so you can get a more complete idea of what I'm
talking about. If you live anywhere near and are able to come for even a part,
it is well worth the effort!
Indeed there is lots going on, and fields are growing fuller and the harvest
is drawing closer. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Cwmbran continues apace,
with over 600 people converted now after three months, and many more people's
lives changed and drawn into a closer walk with Jesus.
Our friends at the nearby Ffald-y-Brenin retreat centre have also been very
active and report,
"This Land of Revivals is being stirred again. Our forefathers spoke of
‘tokens of blessing to come’, an assurance that God is on the move
and ready to fulfill his promises. Is Wales about to see another awakening?
The signs suggest that this may be so. Now is the time to pray. To hold on to
his promises and not let go until he shakes this nation once more. ‘Lord,
we have heard of your fame; we stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Repeat them
in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.’
Habakkuk 3:2
So please be encouraged and challenged to pray for Wales in this season for
the coming harvest. We know that it is by His grace alone that we will see the
fulfillment of what He has promised. Let us not grow weary at the task before
us, but press in with renewed vigor and determination until we see His name
blessed and exalted among the nations of the earth.
Persevering with you for the King of Kings,
Dick & Gladys
Friends and Prayers:
It's hard to believe we're already in July, but like they say, "time flies
when you're having fun!" And with this group of young people from Northern
California, we did have some of that! They came here en route to a mission in
Kenya to spend time in prayer with us, and do street worship and evangelism.
We were originally going to host ten of them between our house and the cottage
across the road where we stayed when we first came to Wales, but logistics made
it more practical for all sixteen of them to stay with our long-time friends
Alex and Renie. That was courageous grace, and all enjoyed the time together,
reminiscent of old communal ministry days!
of community, we have found out about an intentional "eco-community"
that borders the farm of some friends nearby. Please join us in prayer for an
open door to reach out to these people who are wholly dedicated to an "alternative"
lifestyle. We know that the only worthwhile alternative is is turning-it-all-over
to Jesus!
On a personal note, it has been three weeks tonight since I've been home from
my ten days in hospital. I am still in recovery mode from this steroid treatment
for my double vision.
This Thursday I have an appointment with the neuro-ophthalmologist
who has been treating me, and would like to ask for your prayers that the Lord
give him some divine wisdom, in spite of his claim to be an avowed atheist!
We are trusting that the remaining six weeks of treatment produce the desired
effect and my vision be completely restored and even improved!
I received a card from friends today that quoted this scripture from Deut. 13:12. "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, Who shelters him all the day long; And he shall dwell between His shoulders."
Now that is a great place to be indeed!
Thank you again for your care and your prayers!
Dick & Gladys