Friends and Saints:
The swallows have been back around the chapel for several weeks now,
I've watched several
broods grow up in this storage room over the years. But the door has
been repaired so last summer there were none born here and the nests
are untouched.
This morning almost as soon as I was inside they were insistent on
coming in and having a having a look around. They are surely searching
for a place to raise their young this year and checking out every
possibility. I suppose these are some that were raised here and just
wanted to check out the old homestead.
It always amazes me how these birds can migrate so far away and then
come back year after year to the very place where they started out.
They were so bold I admit I even wondered if they remembered me because
they saw me every day when they were growing up!
While I was thinking about this, Proverbs 22:6 came to mind. "Train
up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not
depart from it." How many of us have children for whom we hang
on to
this promise, and pray they will come into a deep and living
relationship with our Heavenly Father?
And likewise, just how many are there in this world that have
started out on the road with Jesus as children or adults but have
drifted away from Him. Perhaps they accepted Christ in a church or
chapel or a campus ministry but the busyness of life has got them
sidelined. They may believe somewhere down inside but are keeping a
safe distance.
So this just came as a timely reminder this morning to be regularly
praying for the "homing instinct" to kick into gear for all those that
have known the love of God but are not walking with Him now as they
could and should. May the Lord draw them to Himself anew.
We wish you every blessing in Jesus' name,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
Here we are having some wonderfully nice weather, enough so to tempt us
down to the beach with some friends over the weekend. We hadn't been to
this favorite spot for a couple of years, so it was a very day out!
We want thank so many of you who have been praying for our health
situation and give you a little update. As welcome as this weather is
to us, even moreso is the gradual improvement of Gladys condition.
While we were in Singapore she was given some recommendations to
eliminate root vegetables from her diet as well as add a supplement and
it is seeming to make a difference!
While there in March she began to take small liberties with the
deliscious oriental cuisine, and found she could tolerate a few things
better than before. And now since we've been home she is taking it slow
in adding things, experimenting as she goes, but has been able to enjoy
still more variety.
It has been a delight to see her enjoy some things she hasn't been
able to eat for years, and we are so

thankful for these simple fruits of God's goodness! Please continue
to prayer for her total restoration in this area.
Meanwhile my situation stable, but still needing much improvement. I
have been on medications for six weeks for the myasthenia gravis and
the problems I was having with breathing, swallowing and talking
thankfully are cleared up. However the double vision continues, and
though the weakness in chewing is improved, there is stil
l room
for improvement. As much as I would love to sit down to a good steak, I
don't think I could handle it yet unless it were one of those legendary
melt-in-your-mouth types!
I have an appointment to see the specialist in Swansea tomorrow morning,
and I think that he is going to make an adjustment in the medications.
The plan is to get me off of steroids and onto something else, so
please pray he have wisdom from the Lord to make the right decision. 
Thank you so much for your concern and your prayers. We know that
our lives are in God's hands and that as we press on into this
priviledged calling to pray for this nation, He is watching over and
caring for us!
The Lord gave Gladys a scripture for my brother this morning
regarding healing, and I want to share it here as well and take it for
ourselves and any others that may need a touch for the Lord in this
"Behold, I will bring it [the
city] health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the
abundance of peace and truth. And I will cause the captives of Judah
and the captives of Israel to return, and will rebuild those places as
at the first." Jeremiah 33:6-7
Trusting in He who alone is worthy,
Dick & Gladys

Praying Friends and Saints:
At the Ffald-y-Brenin Prayer Day last Tuesday, the first
Tuesday every month, Roy shared a word that The Lord gave nearly eleven
years ago at the Flames of Fire Conference in 2003. It was important
for us to
hear it again as it strikes such a chord with what we have been doing
here all these years - nine years yesterday in fact!
This word was given during the singing of "I Hear Thy Welcome Voice"
in Welsh, "Mi Glywaf Dyner Lais."
"The Heart of Wales is not an area of land in Mid Wales. lt is the
Welsh-speaking community. The Welsh-speaking community is the Heart of
Wales, and it holds a special place within My heart. "Return to Me,
of Wales, l have not finished with you. l love you. l have plans for
How l love you, Heart of Wales. How l desire your worship. How l long
to receive your prayers and commune with you once more. Turn to Me and
"Hear, land of Wales; pray for the Heart. Be reconciled with the Heart.
Cry out to Me for the Heart.
"As the Heart returns to Me I will release blessings upon the whole
"But seek Me first, not my blessings."
And I saw:
ln Wales, the land reverberated to the song as buried echoes were
ln heaven, there was a hush as angels bowed their heads in adoration of
the Lamb;
ln hell, alarm bells went off and there was pandemonium.
And God said:
"This song is anointed as a vehicle of return for the Welsh community."
Roy Godwin, 2003
In the context of this and many other prophetic words, a partial
collection of which I've gathered here at the Words
About Wales
page, there is increasing sense of encouragement and expectancy among
God's growing army of intercessors throughout the land. And of those
that the Lord continues to bring from other nations to pray, both
individuals and and groups, many carry this same awareness that
"something" is happening. There is a group that has been coming to pray
in North Wales from the USA for over ten years and always has found a
stubbornly resistant hardness over the area. They were here just
two weeks ago and immediately sensed that the hardness is now gone!
week we spent a day with a small group of leaders from a large church
in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. With our friend Huw we met them in Swansea
and took them to Moriah Chapel of the 1904 Revival where after some
worship we listened to some of the history from a gentleman whose uncle
traveled and sang with Evan Roberts. From there we drove to our house
for lunch and fellowship, and then went to Cilfowyr chapel for an
amazing time of prayer and worship - wonderful worship, and awesome
prayers. Here is a video clip that contains a spontaneous and moving rendition of the Lord's Prayer that we trust will bless you!
During my readings in Isaiah last week I re-read this portion from the
previous day. The phrase "From the
terror of the Lord And the
glory of His majesty" appears three times in the chapter.
"This will be the end of their
go into the clefts of the rocks,
And into the crags of the rugged
From the terror of the Lord
And the glory of His majesty,
When He arises to shake the earth
mightily." Isaiah 2:21, (see also vs. 10, 19) (NKJV)
( hide from the terror of God,
from his dazzling presence, When he assumes his full stature on
earth. The Message)
This seemed highlighted to me as a specific and
tactical prayer. So as we pray for the "Heart of Wales" and the rest of
the nation, let
us ask God to show the glory of His majestry that melts men's hearts of
resistant and sin-bound hardness when He rises to shake the earth
mightily. Verse 20 says, "In that
day a man will cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold."
And the Lord asks at the end of verse 22, "Of what account is he?" What
modern idols drive God-less man today? May
"... the terror of the Lord And the glory of His majesty..." break through the walls of worldly delusion,
bring the senseless to their senses, and cause them to acknowledge
Jesus as our only Saviour and steadfast hope forever!
Thank you for standing with this nation in prayer, and may the grace
of the Lord Jesus be with you,
Dick & Gladys