Praying Friends:
Driving up to the chapel Monday after lunch to finish putting up our
"winter prayer booth" I saw these two curious clouds. They were quite
distant from any others and were the only ones like this and stood out
dramatically. With their comet-like tails, it looked as if they
suddenly were being moved by an invisible hand, leaving a trail of
evidence behind them.
As I pondered this interesting scene I began to reflect on our lives
in Jesus, and how before we knew Him we were like all the other clouds
just floating along through the atmosphere of life. We lived "conformed
to this world" and fit right in, unnoticed and unfruitful for our Maker.
But oh what a difference when Jesus comes into our life! Paul's
exhortation in Romans 12:2 says, "And
do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove
what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
When we give way to the wind of the Holy Spirit and He begins His
amazing work of transformation, changes begin to take place and we know
something is happening. Those changes should be apparent to those that
know us too. And just like these
clouds stood out so clearly, our lives should reflect something moving
in and through us that is not of ourselves.
Peter 1:3 declares our
position very clearly. "Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His
abundant mercy has begotten us again
to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead." And he goes on to say in verse 4, "to an inheritance incorruptible and
undefiled and that does not fade away,
reserved in heaven for you."
It is that incomparable hope that puts the wind in our sails. The Holy
Spirit moves in our lives like that invisible hand, and makes it
evident to the world around us that we have something different.
Peter continues saying in verses 7b-8 that in spite of our faith
being tested various fiery trials, "...Jesus Christ, whom having not seen
you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy
inexpressible and full of glory." Here it is – that joy
of the Lord that strengthens us, that makes us stand out!
Further along in verses 13-15 The Message says it this way, "So
roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to
receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives. Don't lazily slip
back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like
doing. You didn't know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of
life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness."
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in America. And we have received such
an amazing gift of abundant life in Jesus! Certainly among all the
wonderful blessings we enjoy, these truths are some of the things to be
most thankful for during this season!
They can also serve as a good reality check, and provide us with a
guiding perspective point during these coming holiday times when
consumerism and festivities can so easily pull us all over the place.
Does our profound thankfulness to God for His goodness keep us in
balance and shining as we should?
There is no nationally celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the UK.
Please pray with us that a permanent and proactive attitude of
thankfulness to The Lord for such plentiful spiritual benefits, and the
resulting joy, be a readily noticeable characteristic of the Body of
Christ here and everywhere.
May the highlighting of the Holy Spirit make us stand out for His
name's sake,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
We have just returned from a wonderful two week break in Majorca.
This was our fourth time there, thanks to some dear friends who have
blessed us this way, and once again are astonished by and thankful for
God's amazing goodness to us!
We had some beautifully clear and warm sunny days, and some rainy days too,
but compared to almost solid rain in Wales, we were in glory! In one
mountain pass we drove over there was leftover snow or hail from the
night before, so we knew summer was long gone for sure!

We took the opportunity to drive around parts of the island we
hadn't visited before. It is always so refreshing to explore new places
and admire the variety and the beauty of God's creation.
Something else that makes our visits extra nice especially for
Gladys is that everyone speaks Spanish. Although she is quite
proficient in English, there's something about speaking in your native
tongue that just makes communication flow more easily and naturally.
Perhaps in a way it is similar to finding ourselves in fellowship with
believers as opposed to dealing with people in a totally secular
situation. We speak the same language and share the same beliefs and it
makes us feel at home.
 It was good to visit friends
from our previous trips, and to meet some new ones as well. On Sunday
we visited a small fellowship where some friends are now going and
enjoyed another sampling of the Body of Christ in the Mediterranean.
What a privilege and gift!
It is always nice to travel, but it is always nice to come home
again as well. We are looking forward to the days ahead, and fully
expectant of more of God's goodness not only in our own lives, but this
beautiful land that the Lord has made our home.
Blessings to you in Jesus' amazing and life-changing name,
Dick & Gladys
On Saturday, November 12, every grocery store in that town was emptied "of everything that was in an eatable state" by people coming to the meeting. Now the entire atmosphere of the district has changed. "Some devotional solemnity has possessed the inhabitants, and all the talk is of the Revival. Prayer meetings are held in some houses in the town all day long. The longing of the people for the salvation of their relatives and others is uncontrollable." [22] Young people held open-air evangelistic meetings outside of public houses ("pubs") and in local gypsy camps, with many persons confessing Christ.
The chapels were overcrowded hours ahead of the scheduled services. Seeing no hope of getting everyone into even the larger new Chapel, Evan Roberts asked that the old Chapel be opened as well. Saturday evening Sidney Evans (who had been greatly touched by God under the preaching of Seth Joshua two days before Evan Roberts crisis experience) preached in one chapel while Evan Roberts preached in the other, both places experiencing "an indescribable state of spiritual commotion."
Many people who had come to criticize and scoff were completely carried away by the now irresistible influence present in the meeting and gave themselves to Jesus. "Among them was a Government official, who a few nights previously went to Brynteg to see Evan Roberts, the lunatic. That night, Roberts gazed at him, and his piercing eye left a deep impression on his mind. Tonight he is wholly conquered".[23]
In Saturday night's service the voice of Sam Jenkins, who would become known in the Revival as "the Welsh Sankey" (after D.L. Moody's music leader) was heard for the first time. Jenkins was so overcome with emotion that he broke out singing from the gallery (balcony)"Saved by Grace." The hymn was picked up by the congregation which sang it over and over again.
 It past five o'clock Sunday morning before the meetings dispersed, first to their homes and then to their regular Sunday services. People who had come from a long distance had lost all consciousness of time, and felt no inclination to go home.
"Taking in this meeting and the whole of Saturday, we can say that this day liberated all the spiritual power in Loughor to its utmost extent, and it was the means of spreading the fire to the surrounding districts. Those who came to the meeting from different towns and neighborhoods were most of them filled with a desire to experience the same thing in their respective churches, and in a few days their desire was realized."[24
On Sunday morning the 13th every church in that area was again full. Eyewitness reports of that Sunday can only begin to describe the indescribable as the Spirit of God began to move and breathe new life into old congregations: “Young men and women were so completely roused, so quickened in their spiritual experience that they could not possibly remain passive in their seats. Thrilled with an exuberance never experienced nor even dreamed of, they felt compelled to give expression to the joy that was carrying them forward triumphantly, regardless of custom or tradition. Orthodox services were out of the question. Choruses were sung. Incomparable old Welsh hymns, taught them in their tenderest years and expressing the evangelical faith of the saints of bygone days, were repeated over and over again. The words possessed a new meaning in the light of new experience. Prayers, animated by a burning passion, such as were offered, had not been heard by that generation - living, powerful, fervent intercession that brooked no refusal . . ."[25]
------------------------------> This is the last installment of Welsh Revival Day-by-Day. We are sure you have been blessed by these amazing testimonies, and there are many more to come. If you haven't already done so, please be sure to download and read the whole book. You will be inspired and challenged!
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
Remember, this it is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
As glorious and wonderful as these testimonies are, we firmly believe that there is much more to come in our times that will make these stories seem like kindergarten stuff! There is a growing awareness among praying saints and prophetic people not only in Wales but around many nations of the world that "something" is up! We, the Body of Christ worldwide, are hungry for His coming move. May our intercessions also "brook no refusal!"
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Friday, November 11, 1904
In the course of a conversation with our representative on Friday afternoon Mr. Roberts said that he believed we were on the eve of one of the greatest revivals that Wales had ever seen . . . . "There can be no question of the reality of the visitation."[20]
On Friday, November 11, prayer meetings were held in private homes around Loughor with people praying for the salvation of friends and family members. That night some 800 people crowded the new Moriah Chapel, as it was larger than the old Moriah church, disregarding time, hunger and physical fatigue. Many ministers from the local area attended the meeting.
The outstanding feature of the meeting was the "terrible bending" of a great number of people. "Some were on their knees for a long time, unable to utter a word, owing to their soul's distress and agony. Others did their best to help, and lead them out of their pitiful state. Some fell helplessly under the powerful, divine influence, and others cried groaningly, so that one could hear them from a great distance." [21]
The service went on in this "boiling spiritual condition" until five o'clock on Saturday morning. Afterwards, a local minister declared that the community had been converted into a praying multitude.
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When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
Remember, this it is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
Tomorrow will be the last of these daily installments. We hope you've been encouraged by them. God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Thursday, November 10, 1904
In a column that appeared today in the local English-speaking newspaper:
Congregation stays till Half-past Two in the Morning.
A remarkable religious revival is now taking place in Loughor. For some days a young man named Evan Roberts, a native of Loughor, but at present a student at Newcastle-Emlyn, has been causing great surprise by his extraordinary orations at the Moriah Chapel, that place of worship having been besieged by dense crowds of people unable to obtain admission. Such excitement has prevailed that the road on which the chapel is situated has been lined with people from end to end.
Roberts, who speaks in Welsh, opens his discourse by saying that he does not know what he is going to say but that when he is in communion with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will speak, and he will simply be the medium of His wisdom. The preacher soon after launches into a fervent and at times impassioned oration. His statements have most stirring effects upon his listeners, many who have disbelieved Christianity for years again returning to the fold of their younger days.
One night, so great was the enthusiasm invoked by the young revivalist that, after his sermon which lasted two hours, the vast congregation remained praying and singing until two thirty in the morning. Shopkeepers are closing up early in order to get a place in the chapel. Tin and steel workers throng the place in working clothes. The only theme of conversation among all classes and sects is "Evan Roberts." Even the taprooms of the public-houses are given over to the discussion on the origin of the powers possessed by him.
Although barely in his majority, Roberts is enabled to attract the people for many miles around. He is a Methodist, but the present movement is participated in by ministers of all the Non-conformist denominations in the locality. Brynteg Chapel, Gorseinon is to be the next scene of his ministrations"[17]
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
Remember, this it is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
Thanks for following along this amazing story with us. God bless you,
Dick & Gladys
Wednesday, November 9, 1904
Roberts was now preaching nightly, chiefly concerning obedience to the Holy Spirit. On Wednesday the 9th in Brynteg, great crowds of people from around the country side crowded into the Brynteg Congregational Chapel to hear him.
Roberts stopped the Reverend Mr. Stephens from calling on anyone to open the service, and told him that his difficulty would soon be not to get people to take part in the meetings, but to stop them! The service was powerful, and the melting power of the singing was sweeping. Those present never forgot the powerful rendering of "Here is love vast as the ocean".
Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Loving-kindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood:
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten
Thro' heav'n's everlasting days.
On the mount of Crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide;
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above;
And heaven's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love. (7)
The meeting lasted till way past midnight (Roberts didn't open his Bible to read until midnight).
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
Remember, this it is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless you,
Dick & Gladys
Tuesday, November 8, 1904
"The Break"
But then the meetings got hard. On Tuesday night, November 8,
Roberts declared "We'll pray all night if necessary". Despite prolonged
prayers, "heaven was as brass above them". His mother left the meeting
at 3:00 a.m. declaring, "The people are sleeping, and it will soon be
time for them to go to their work". The meeting broke up around 4 a.m.
(Roberts later described it as "Praying hard until four in the morning
without any visible effect."[14]).
Evan, and his brother Dan who was now assisting in the
meetings, got home around daybreak. At 10:00 a.m., after only
four hours of sleep, they found their mother in the downstairs
parlor weeping for fear of her life, fearing that she had grieved the
Holy Spirit and that her sons were more zealous for the Lord than she
was. "What weighted on my mind," she said, "after leaving the
chapel, was the idea that Christ stood in the Garden in His agony, and
I not staying in chapel until the end of the service."[15] They prayed
and sang with her until she was comforted.
But that night "the break" had come. Revival had begun to
break out elsewhere, completely independent of Roberts and his personal
ministry. Pastor Thomas Francis spoke of the outburst of spiritual
energy which had been felt in nearby Gorseinon that very night, "In the
prayer meeting there was grave silence, with each child present in
communion with God, asking Him to send the Holy Spirit for Jesus
Christ's sake. God answered their prayer and He descended on sons and
daughters of all ages alike. We had never seen such weeping and singing
and praying before."[16]
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
Remember, this it is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
May God bless you with encouragement and fuel for revival prayer for your area,
Dick & Gladys
Monday, November 7, 1904
"Some Irresistible
The normally quiet evening prayer meeting at the Moriah Church,
announced for 7 p.m. was full. This was unusual for a week-night prayer
meeting. News of the previous meetings had become the talk of the town,
and now the growing crowds of people came with a curious anticipation,
not fully knowing what to expect.
Roberts arrived at 8 p.m. and preached on the last chapter of
Malachi. The meeting flowed with unusual power. Roberts urged all who
had not done so to confess Christ. After a number of them had
confessed, "the place became terrible." The congregation was
moved to tears and many cried out and wept in agony.
People present reported that they heard some powerful noise and felt
the place filled with the Divine Presence. "The people one after the
other fell in agony, because of their soul's condition; and it was
pitiful to see them."
Soon, Roberts asked the people to pray, "Send the Holy Spirit now,
for Jesus Christ's sake." He prayed it first, then asked everyone
present to pray it in turn. When the prayer had gone half way around
the room the second time, the whole congregation gave way before "some
irresistible influence." Many people groaned in agony, others sighed
deeply, some shouted loudly, "Pray for me," and a number of people wept
bitterly for their sins.
It should be noted that in this meeting, for the first time in the
Revival, the congregation sang what would become the most popular hymn
of the day, "Here Is Love, Vast As The Ocean".
By midnight the weight of the Spirit's influence became almost
unbearable and the meeting was "boiling with fervor." It went on until
3:00 a.m. before any attempt could be made to close it. [13]
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Sunday, November 6, 1904
On Sunday morning the Moriah Church had a previously scheduled guest
speaker. But afterwards, the people asked for a special evening meeting
with Roberts. One was quickly scheduled. That evening Roberts
spoke on "The Importance of Obedience." He emphasized, "I commit this
meeting into the hands of the Holy Spirit. Remember, the Holy Spirit is
not 'something,' but a person. By giving the meeting into His hands I
give it into the hands of a Person." [11]
In the meeting, which lasted for over six hours, Roberts went around
the crowd of people, urging them to confess Christ. The meeting closed
at eleven thirty. Roberts urged the sixty or so who had professed
Christ to remain. At midnight Roberts led the congregation in a round
of prayer for the Holy Spirit. Each person was to pray the same prayer,
"Send the Holy Spirit now, for Jesus Christ's sake." The second round
of prayer was modified to say, "Send the Holy Spirit more powerfully
now, for Jesus Christ's sake."
As the second round proceeded, two women were filled with the Holy
Spirit and shouted for joy. The sixty remaining people crowded
closely around Roberts. Pandemonium ruled, "Some were shouting, 'No
more Jesus, or I die!' Others cried for mercy.
The noise of weeping, singing and praising, together with the sight
of many who had fainted or lay prostrate on the ground in an agony of
conviction was as unbelievable as it was unprecedented." [12] The
meeting finally ended in the early morning hours. It was after 3:00
a.m. when Roberts arrived home. So ended the first week of the Great
Welsh Revival of 1904
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Saturday, November 5, 1904
There is no entry for this date in "When The Fire Fell", but here is
a bit of information from A Diary of Revival, by Kevin Adams.
On Saturday, Roberts wrote to a friend commenting on the changes in
his family during the week. In particular he says, "My sister, a girl
of 16, who before was a sarcastic peevish girl, has had a grand change,
and her testimony is that she is happy now, and that there is some joy
in her living. You can see the change in her face."
She later married Evan's best friend Sydney Evans and they spent
many years in the mission field in India. People going into mission was
one of the common fruits of revival and subsequent commitment to God's
Surely Evan had a lot going on in his heart and mind on this day,
perhaps of rest, after surely the most extraordinary week of his life
so far!
Back to our regular text tomorrow. God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Friday, November 4, 1904
On Friday morning, Roberts wrote to Mr. Hartley Aspden, the
Editor of the Sunday Companion asking for a cost quotation for
printing some "Revival Picture Post-cards". He added, "We are on the
eve of a great and grand revival, the greatest the world has ever seen.
Do not think that the writer is a madman".[9]
Friday evening's meeting was larger than ever, consisting of old and
young from various churches and denominations. Roberts himself
later described the meeting: "The great feature of this work is that
people are being awakened, and learning to obey. Those who have been
with religion have had quite a new and blessed experience. They never
thought what joy there was in an open confession of Christ. . . . I
called these meetings for young people; but old people flock with us. .
. . Last night we began at 7; finished at 10; and asked all who had
confessed Christ to remain. Then the Spirit came close to us. After I
had prayed, many of the people rose and went home, but about twenty
remained. And we had a testimony meeting - praising the blessed Spirit
for His wonderful work. The meeting finished, or rather closed, at
11:30. And we could have gone all night. Pray for our success. . . . I
believe a grand blessed revival is close at hand in the near future."
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
Thursday, November 3, 1904
On Thursday evening, he [Evan Roberts] spoke at the Moriah
Chapel upon the text, "Ask and it shall be given you." He exhorted the
audience that "These things must be believed, if the work is to
succeed. We must believe that God is willing and able to answer our
prayers. We must believe in a conquering Christ who is able to defeat
all opposition"[8]
He also taught the assembled believers to pray a prayer that would be
repeated at nearly all of Roberts meetings, "Send the Holy Spirit to
Moriah, for Jesus' sake." By the time the meeting closed at 11
p.m. twenty people had given public testimony of Christ as
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
November 2, 1904
On Wednesday evening, November 2, he spoke at the Libanus Church
in near-by Gorseinon (Pastored by Thomas Francis). After the meeting
closed, Roberts led a group back to the Moriah church for an "after
meeting." There Evan Roberts declared, "I have a word for you from
God." He proceeded to give them four points, which became the
basis of all his revival work:
1. You must confess any known sin to God, and put any wrong done to man
2. You must put away any doubtful habit;
3. You must obey the Spirit promptly;
4. You must confess your faith in Christ publicly.
The meeting was hard and cold, although witnesses said Roberts spoke
with great power. It finished at ten o'clock.
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
November 1, 1904
Pastor Jones was so impressed with the power in the meeting he invited
Roberts to speak again several times that week. On Tuesday,
November 1, the village was agog with curious excitement. That
evening he spoke at the Pisgah Chapel, which was a branch of the Moriah
Chapel, closer to the Roberts home. When Evan Roberts arrived for the
pre-arranged service the chapel was already besieged with curious
worshipers who hardly knew what to expect. Roberts spoke on the
importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Six people made a
public confession of Christ in the meeting which lasted for three
hours, from seven until ten p.m.
------------------------------> Scroll up to see the next installment...
When The Fire Fell
By R. Maurice Smith
This whole book is a free download as a .pdf file, courtesy of the
author, and is available at this link.
God bless!
Dick & Gladys
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