Friends and Prayers:
About ten days ago Gladys and I starting reading a small book called
The Revival We Need.
It was written in 1933 by Oswald J. Smith, a Canadian minister, and has
been reprinted not long ago.
Reading it has been both an inspiration and a challenge. Several
times we've had to stop and just weep, or pray, or both. The sections
on the importance and absolute necessity of prayer is confrontative,
and good for us to hear.
Chapter 1 starts, "It was 1904. All of Wales was aflame. The nation
had drifted far from God. The spiritual conditions were low indeed.
Church attendance was poor. And sin abounded on every side.
Suddenly, like an unexpected tornado, The Spirit of God swept over the
land. The churches were crowded so that multitudes were unable to get
The author
cites many stories that clearly show the fruits of powerful, agonizing
prayer. One point that particularly struck us was the fact that
preachers didn't have to beg people to respond to alter calls. Many
times they never even got that far because the Spirit brought such
conviction of sin on people they ran forward to find Jesus!
is a quote from Chapter 5 on Conviction:
"The chapel was crowded to excess. The Word was 'quick and powerful,'
numbers 'were pricked in their hearts,' and in the agony of conviction
cried mightily for mercy. Midnight arrived and the penitents were still
upon their knees, resolved to plead till they prevailed.
"As one and another found peace through believing and withdrew,
others whose hearts were stricken filled their places. So intense was
the Awakening, that though the Squire had retired, the alarmed and
sorrowing people could not be induced to leave the chapel, but all
night through, and all through the following day and night, the prayer
meeting continued without intermission." - Memoir of Squire Brooke.
Here is
another excerpt from the same chapter describing events during the
Irish Revival of 1859. "...convicted persons fall with a deep groan,
...with the intensely earnest plea, 'Lord Jesus, have mercy on my
soul!' The whole frame trembles like an aspen leaf, an intolerable
weight is felt upon the chest, a choking sensation is experienced and
relief from this is found only in the loud, urgent prayer for
"Usually the bodily distress and mental anguish continue till some
degree of confidence in Christ is found. Then the look, the tone, the
gestures, instantly change. The aspect of anguish and despair is
changed for that of gratitude, and triumph, and adoration. There is no
appetite for food; many will eat nothing for a number of days. They do
not sleep, though many may lie down with their eyes shut."
We are finding this little book to be a great encouragment as well
as an exhortation to seek a deeper place in prayer, and to see results.
There are a few copies available on ( and (
We don't know exactly what it will look like when the revival comes,
but we know it will bear wonderful fruit in countless lives and
families, as well as for God's kingdom!
We hope this encourages you in prayer and causes you to press deeper
into God's merciful heart for today's needy world. May the Lord bless
you richly,
Dick & Gladys
Praying Friends:
This morning as we got out of the car and headed to the chapel we
could hear a flock of Canadian geese flying somewhere nearby. After a
long while they finally came over the treetops and right past the
chapel, and then veered off in another direction.
They were flying around seemingly disoriented, as if knowing they
needed to go somewhere but not really sure where. A while later we
heard them come around again and then their honking faded off into the
We had just been reading in Jeremiah 44 where he was speaking to the
Jews who had fled to Egypt from Jerusalem. And in a funny but sad way
these geese seemed to portray the same kind of picture - going one way
and another, trying to find some illusive destination, but ignoring its
Jeremiah reminded the Jews that they were there in Egypt because of
disobedience to God's commands, and tried to warn them of further
disaster if they persisted in turning their backs on the Lord. But
sadly their response in verses 16-18 was, "We will not listen to your messages
from the Lord! We will do whatever we want. We will burn incense and
pour out liquid offerings to the Queen of Heaven just as much as we
This same attitude also struck home in regards to the
people of today's world. Everyone is looking for some sense of
wellbeing or happiness, but know one wants to hear about God or Jesus.
They go from place to place, and one goal to another to find it. They
pursue what they think will be best for them. Some find what seems to
be a good place, and others find disillusionment and try something
else. But in the big picture, it is all temporary, lasting perhaps a
lifetime before the inevitable...
Some are openly defiant towards the moral dictates of a "supreme
being somewhere" and deny His existence. Others easily say, "Oh yes, I
believe in God..." but follow their own desires and never even try to
learn more about Him. But many sadly don't know even know that there is
a loving God, and that He is the only source of true and everlasting
I was out on the town in Cardigan Saturday night with the Street
Pastors and it was the same scene again. Groups of mostly young people
drifting from one pub to the next, or from party to club, looking for a
good time and where to go next. Many wind up in bad places with a
headache the next morning, or worse. And so goes this world of
temporary stopping places and disintegrating values. There is such a
heartbreaking need for the Savior.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29, "Come to me, all of you who are weary
and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you
will find rest for your souls."
If people could only see that knowing and loving God and following
His ways is the only source of lasting contentment. And that carries on
way beyond our final earthly breath - joy unspeakable anf full of
glory. That's why the David says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." in Psalms 34:8.
In light of the times we are living in we want to encourage you pray
with us that the reviving work of the Holy Spirit empower believers to
share the Good News and bring a glorious awakening the lost and
dying of this world.
May the Lord bless you and your loved ones as you pursue His will
and purposes for your lives and your part in reaching other with the
amazing love of God through Jesus Christ,
Dick & Gladys
Friends of Wales Awakening:
There are some things about harvest time that are always inspiring.
The first is just this amazing testimony of God's provision for us, and
all his creatures. You add some seed to a bit of dirt and air, sunshine
and water, and He makes food grow right up out of the ground. That's a
miracle in itself.
And it is not
just a little bit - God makes enough food to feed a whole world full of
people. Just this one field next to the chapel produced about 35 tons
of barley
this year. That's a lot of barley cakes!
The next thing that always strikes me is the picture of the incoming
harvest of souls for God's kingdom.
the grain pouring from the combine harvester into the wagons is such a
great picture of the coming of revival. The beautiful golden straw here
since been baled to be used for bedding for livestock, and the
wagonloads of grain have been safely stored away.
This scripture in Luke 3:16-17 comes to mind. "John answered, saying to all, 'I
indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose
sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will
thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His
barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.'" It
is a sobering reminder of the big picture of the Lord's agenda.
It's a good thing that people are responding to His invitation to serve
Him with their lives.
recently enjoyed a visit from this young family from Singapore. Four
years ago Jeremy and Rachel stayed with us and were praying about a
calling to the UK. We also prayed with them regarding their desire for
a child. Joyfully bringing with them the fruit ours and many others'
prayers, this time they came back with their two year-old son! They are
again seeking the Lord's clear direction for their lives here. Please
hold them in your prayers.
We also had a brief visit with some young people from Humbolt County
in Northern California who came to serve at a Christian summer camp. It
was great to spend time with these sincere young folks who have
dedicated their lives to the King of kings and invested their time and
money to join forces with other believers here for a short-term mission
was a blessing to be able to take them to the monthly Ffald-y-Brenin
prayer day, and then on to see a little of the beautiful Pembrokeshire
countryside at the Strumble Head lighthouse near Fishguard. You just
just see the lighthouse perched on the bluff to the left and the ferry
to the right heading off for the southeast coast of Ireland. We also
had a nice time of prayer in the chapel, where two them had been a
couple of years ago with a larger group that spent some time here.
It is very encouraging to discover more and more young people who
have taken God's call seriously to serve Him in missions. We are
privileged to be living in these days. They are not easy times in many
parts of the world, and the need for the light of the Gospel is getting
greater with each passing day.
Please join us in praying that the Lord of the harvest send more
workers into His harvest. Thank you!
Dick & Gladys