Friends and Praying Saints:
Through the Lord's amazing goodness, once again we were able to
visit Mallorca. After what has been a very busy time, we managed to
take a week in some warmer weather. We just got home again Saturday
night, and it already seems like a dream that we were actually there!
In a land where summers are tipically hot and dry, farmers have
build hundreds of these stone cysterns everywhere to hold water for
irrigation. They are reminiscent of the Lord's promise to us to be our
supply of living water in the middle of a dry and thirsty land. And
more than that, His desire and is that we in turn supply those around
us with this wonderful gift of hope
and trust in Him.

The whole island is covered with countless windmills from times gone
by. They were used to pump water for irrigation before electricity took
over, and most of them are no longer in use. I couldn't help but notice
the small crosses on the tails. Like the windmills themselves, they are
a poignant reminder of how people no longer feel the need to seek the
Lord. This is not only tr
for Mallorca, but is endemic the world around in this modern day and
Thankfully though there are signs of a lively, if not numerous,
Christian community on the island as well. This time we were kindly
hosted by friends we have made there on our previous visits there, and
we able to spend time together. It was our pleasure and privilege to be
able to share and encourage them in their faith, and see
of God's blessing in their lives.
Talking with another young friend one evening, he explained how many
younger people who are tired of the world's ways are starting to seek a
spiritual element for their lives. However many are drawn towards
Jehovah's Witnesses or even Islam rather than to the church. The age-old Catholic tradition has no attraction for them, but it is relationship with Jesus they
need, not religion.
Please remember to pray that the spirit of God would move on this
dry and thirsty land in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. And also
pray with us that men and women everywhere would learn to lift up holy
hands in worship to our Holy God and Father!
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
We have had exceptionally good weather
the past few weeks, and lots of visitors too. And so it has been
perfect for taking people to some of our favorite places to pray. This
group of eight ladies from Singapore spent two days with us. Here we
are at St. Govans Chapel on an amazing day.
We first visited this "thin place" over
six years ago (See the story from March 24, 2009 here).
It is always an inspiration to just come and pray in this spot that has
been saturated by powerful
prayers starting about 1500 years ago. What a privilege to introduce
God's people to this bit of holy ground!
next day we took time to visit and pray in three other chapels,
including our own Cilfowyr. It is wonderful to think just how many
people have joined us here for
over the years. Those prayers just keep adding up, and one of these
days there will be a marvelous response from heaven!
Then last Saturday was the
Pembrokeshire Prayer Breakfast which has been running for several years
now. It was very well attended with representatives from all over the
county. We live in the northern part by Cardigan Bay, and it
encompasses the
tip of Wales. For reference, the county is just half the size of Rhode
Yesterday we were joined a few members
of a team from Singapore that had been ministering to Chinese churches
in Germany, and to visit Wales for a few days. One of them stayed with
us last year, and we were blessed meeting his friends who led the team.
They were being shown around by
friend from near Cardiff and we arranged to meet here. We had a special
time of sharing and prayer at the old chapel by the sea at Mwnt.
These are a few of the many things that
have been going on lately. It seems the pace is picking up again, and
we are in touch with friends that are involved praying in other places
around Wales this week too. It has been such a blessing to help connect
people. One says, "Great time, and it brought tears to my eyes. It was
a privilege to participate. For first time I have taken part in open
air prayer with a group so I am an apprentice intercessor. Thank you."
What joy to see the Lord continuing to
build up the army of praying saints here in Wales. We are so thankful,
and expectant for more of God's endlessly amazing goodness and grace!
Dick & Gladys
Praying Friends:
You will remember that last month I mentioned we had gone the Bible
College of Wales to hear Rick Ridings of the Succat Hallel Prayer
Center in Jerusalem. I recently got the recording, and he was happy to
let share some segments of what he said. They are both important and
very encouraging!
"The book of Rees Howells' life had a huge impact on myself and my
wife many years ago. God really used it in a very powerful way to
inspire us to believe the Lord, that in our day and age we could see
the kinds of prayer happening that could shift cities, and shift
"I had a sense that the Lord was saying that this is a process of
re-opening the wells not just in this bible college, but really all of
Wales, and what a tremendous well that this nation was for the nations.
It has been a process, and it's like Isaac's servants that dug out the
stones that the Philistines had dumped in the wells of his father
Abraham. And they had to take them out one by one.
"I know many of you have been involved for many, many years in
out those stones, and cleaning out the well. And I believe even just in
the protocol of connecting today, you're connecting with Jerusalem and
Israel in a very tangible way. And I believe that is taking another
stone out of the well. And I believe it's adding to God's purposes.
After a time of worship, Rick prayed and declared what follows here:
"Lord as we prepare to come to the end of what is called a Shemitah
Year, in the understanding of most, a year of letting the
land go fallow, to restore and redeem the land, we come to the Jubilee
Year. So we proclaim today over Wales a Jubilee Year! Let this be a
year of reclaiming all that the enemy has stolen. Let it be a year of
returning all that has been lost or has been stolen or taken
away in
any way whatsoever. Let this be a Jubilee Year. Let it be a year of
freedom, a year of reclaiming inheritance.
"So we thank you Lord for a generation that will build upon this
great inheritance. Not only just look back at it as something wonderful
that You did, but to look at it as something wonderful that You did and
are able to build upon and to take further. So we declare today over
Wales, 'Wales, this is a Year of Jubilee! This a year of freedom! This
a year of restoration! This is a year of redemption! This is a year of
reclaiming that which the enemy has stolen!'
"We thank you Lord for the wonderful concept of this Year of Jubilee
in the scriptures, and we thank you Lord that it is something that we
are grafted into as gentiles. We're grafted into this rich root and
part of that rich root is the understanding that You are a God who
restores, who redeems, who reclaims, who cuts off that which the enemy
has done, which seems to be cycles of evil and difficulties.
"But You break those cycles and there can be new beginnings -
means new beginnings and breaking of old cycles. So we proclaim over
the families represented in this room a breaking of any kind of wrong
cycles, or repetitive cycles of sin, or repetitive cycles of family
relations breaking apart,
or whatever the enemy has
stolen in each of those areas.
"We proclaim over these families today - Jubilee.
We proclaim over this state - Jubilee.
We declare over the Bible College - Jubilee.
We declare over Wales - Jubilee.
"Jubilee ... Jubilee... This is a year of the Lord's favor. This is
year of the Lord's restoration, a year of the Lord's redemption. And
the redemption of this property is simply a sign from You, Lord. That
it would come right at this time, right at the time of Jubilee, is a
sign from You, oh God, that You have a plan for Wales that is not
things are yet to come. Greater things are still to be done.
We thank you Lord for the wonderful heritage, the wonderful past that
has blessed all of our lives so deeply. But we thank you Lord You've
not blessed us to just sit around and talk about the blessing, You've
blessed us to go forth with the blessing and be a blessing to the
we declare that Wales will once again be a great blessing to the
nations. Wales will once again be a great blessing to the nations.
Wales will once again have fresh songs of Life and Revival coming forth
that will go forth into the nations and bless those nations. We declare
this Year of Jubilee over Wales.
"Wales, this is your time, this is your hour, this is your Jubilee!
Arise Wales! Arise into your destiny! Arise into your calling! Build
upon the rich past to go forth into the future and into the purposes,
to not stop short of the full purposes of God. Not to bring forth just
30-fold or 60-fold or even 90-fold, but to bring forth the 100-fold
that God has planned for Wales.
"Let it come forth, we say. Let it come forth in the Mighty Name, in
the power of the Lord Jesus, of Yeshua, who is Lord of the Jubilee. Who
is the Lord who redeems, who restores, who reclaims. We thank You for
this oh Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, in the mighty name of
Yeshua. Amen."
Such a powerful word of encouragement and blessing. Thank you, Lord!
Dick & Gladys