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Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas travels, and an amazing video!

mtzionmensdinner.jpgDear Praying Friends:

Somehow Christmas is suddenly upon us. Here is evidence from last week when I took part in a great Christmas dinner with the men's group at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Cardigan. With the unseasonably mild temperatures and nearly six weeks of seemingly constant rain, it just doesn't feel like winter. But the numbers on the calendar and this event are convincing enough.

I don't know how this year has slipped by so fast, but it's almost gone. It seems that each year gets just a little bit shorter. And speaking of short, today is the shortest day of the year. And that is always an encouraging sign because it means the days will gradually start getting longer and spring is on the way again. Yay!

bethlehemstarDVD.jpgTwo years ago in one of our December updates I mentioned an amazing video called The Star of Bethlehem. I've seen it again recently and thought it would be worthwhile sharing it another time with you now. If you didn't have a chance to see it then, we heartily recommend setting aside an hour to watch it this year.

It is wonderfully refreshing to see something that we have known to be true by faith stand up to this test of scientific scrutiny. It confirms and inspires in a way we are not accustomed to and is very thought provoking. Here is the link to the video. Also, there is a special 2-minute extra clip about an amazing event that took place in the heavens at the time of the crucifixion which is just phenomenal.

dickngladys12-2015.jpgA couple months ago we received an extraordinary blessing from the Lord that enabled us to travel during the holidays. So we've made plans to stay in London with friends this Thursday night, and then fly to New York City on Christmas afternoon. We are delighted and excited to spend this time with our youngest son and daughter who have been sharing an apartment in Brooklyn since August. We will also have a chance to see other relatives and friends there, and so are just thrilled and thankful for God's extraordinary provision and goodness.

In light of the days we're living in, it is a supreme privilege to have Jesus, our Prince of Peace, in the forefront of our hearts and minds. And we want to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very blessed and profoundly meaningful Christmas this year. May your time together with your nearest and dearest be filled with His love and grace.

Dick and Gladys


Thursday, December 10, 2015

An exceptional dream - tens of thousands of sheep!

sheepinroad.jpgDear Friends of Wales Awakening:

A few days ago Gladys had quite an interesting dream. We were on the main highway in mid-Wales that heads south from Machynlleth towards Aberystwyth and Cardigan, and there was a massive flock of sheep being driven right down the road. She was clearly aware of the number in the dream but when she woke up she wasn't sure whether it was 45,000 or 85,000 sheep!

All along the route there were Christian brothers and sisters from all the different churches and chapels and fellowships that were helping to handle this very long and massive drive. At every crossing and intersection, each farm lane and gateway, the saints were working together to keep the sheep contained on the roadway.

The destination was Ffald-y-Brenin, a well known Christian retreat center in our area which I've mentioned several times before. It is nearly 70 miles and would have taken a few days. The dream ended with a clear picture of this huge flock going up the steep road to the retreat center and completely filling the all the surrounding fields in the area.

It was a very exciting and encouraging dream. While praying and asking the Lord about the meaning, a few things became very clear. Machynlleth has been a very dark place spiritually for many long years, hardened to the Gospel and a center of occult activity. On the other hand, Ffald-y-Brenin is a place of great Light. Known as a "thin place" where the barrier between heaven and earth seems to fade away. Many thousands of people have visited there to seek the Lord, and there are hundreds upon hundreds of testimonies of amazing healings and divine encounters. And so this dream is a wonderful picture of the coming of revival - people coming out of darkness into His marvelous light!

Another thing that was glorious to see is the cooperation of so many Christians of all different streams. They were all working together in this incredible effort, blocking every area where the sheep could go astray. Many had their arms outstretched or linked together, and others shook empty bags to make noise and startle the animals back towards the main flock. This wonderful orchestration of the Body of Christ is nothing but the work of the Holy Spirit bringing into fruition His amazing plans for this tiny nation, and the world.

One more thing that seems pertinent about the dream is the numbers. Somewhere in that 45,000 - 85,000 range is the total number of people who attend church here in Wales. That would include many from  generations of family memberships in traditional denominations and associations as well as newer groups birthed out of revivals of the past, plus newer contemporary fellowships that have started up in recent decades.

The prospect of the Lord moving sovereignly over all His church in such a way that they are drawn out of complacency and traditional ladybug.jpginactivity into a new depth and vitality of relationship with the Holy Spirit is very exciting. That in turn becomes a lively commitment to service that will impact the unsaved in their communities as they see the goodness of the Lord and are drawn to His light, as described in Isaiah 60:2-3. "For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising."

While spreading apart the stems of parsley this morning to get some tender shoots, I discovered this ladybug, or ladybird as they're called here, clutched tightly to a leaf hibernating for the winter. Yet another reminder of what we believe the Lord has in mind. "For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land." Song of Songs 2:11-12

We want to share this to encourage you to step up your praying that the Lord pour out His Spirit and revive the sleeping church and awaken the lost of this world. Let's go all out, lets get those sheep moving!

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Join us in a powerful new Prayer for Wales

thanksgiving2015.jpgDear Friends:

We had a small gathering of very dear friends last week to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. On the left with their daughter Alissa are long-time friends Alex and Renie. We have known each other for 42 years, and it was while visiting them in 1999 that the Lord showed me the vision of the coming Welsh Revival, and subsequently called us to Wales.

And then two of our local friends, Moira and Arlene, both of whom are "retired" farmers whose grown children run the farms. They are both wonderful praying friends with amazing hearts of love for the Lord and His people. We have SO much to be thankful for, and are glad that every day is one of thanksgiving for His endless goodness and mercies!

In last week's update I mentioned that we had visitors from Israel and Austria. Daniel Capri, the Israeli brother, shared a powerful prayer for Wales the Lord had given him before coming. So I would like to share it with you, and ask you to consider praying this aloud and declaring the included scriptures with us regularly.

          Awakening Revival prayer for Wales & the Nations
Mighty God & Heavenly Father, in the name of YESHUA, hear and fulfill our prayer for awakening revival,
So that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear You!
So that all the peoples of the earth may give all praises, all glory and
all honor to Your Holy Name!

* Oh, Lord give attention to your servant’s prayers here in Wales.
Hear our cry, from your dwelling place in heaven! Hear our plea for your mercy over Wales, the UK & all the Nations of the earth!

* Oh Lord, my God, Your peoples have been defeated in living in the realm of your glory!
Oh Lord, my God, Your peoples have been defeated in living in the presence of your holy awakening revival!
They have been defeated, because they have sinned against you!
Not allowing You, Holy One, to birth the awakening & lead it!sunatlast.jpg

* Forgive! Forgive! Heavenly Father, forgive us! & Help us to turn back to You, Oh Lord!

* May our eyes be opened again towards You as Yours are towards us, both in this place and around the world day and night.!

* Arise Oh Lord! Arise Lord God, and come to your resting place, you and the ark of your might.

* May we, your priests, Lord God, be clothed with salvation! May we, your faithful people rejoice in your goodness.

* Lord God, do not permit us to reject Your anointed one & Remember the great love promised to David your servant.  

          Psalm 24:1-2, 7-10
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; or he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come into Wales,the UK & all Nations of the Earth! Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in Wales,the UK & all Nations Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory.

Now this is the most amazing thing that we can be thankful for - He is the King of glory!

Dick & Gladys


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