Friends and Prayers:
"I am the Light of the world,"
Jesus says in John 8:12, "... he
who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light
of life." Hallelujah, what an amazing and glorious fact! And not
only do we have this Light of life, look what he says
about us in Matthew 5:14. "You are
the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;"
That makes me wonder, "Just how much do our lives really shine into
the surrounding spiritual darkness?" This is not an easy question to
answer, but it should challenge us to a bit of introspection. Do we
shine and just are not aware of it? How can we shine more?
I read a clue to the answer this morning in Exodus 33:15-16. When
Moses was talking with the Lord, "Then
he said to Him, 'If Your
presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here... Is it not
by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people,
may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of
the earth?'" So the more time we spend in His presence, the more
we may be distinguished from unbelievers. Wouldn't it be amazing if the
body of Christ shone like this? Then we would see the "nations run to
our light!"
week our friend Sue from England came to spend a few days with us to
pray with us for Wales. Before driving out to this lighthouse at
Strumble Head last Wednesday to watch the sunset, we stopped at
Llys-y-Fran Reservoir for a picnic lunch and a look around. Still very
full from all the rain we've had in recent months, the water was coming
over the edge making amazing designs and tremendous sounds. It made for
special time of prayer. You can get an idea if you watch the video at
this link.
As we prayed and watched and listened, it became our prayer for
God's blessings and glory to absolutely rain down, and His reviving
Spirit to pour out on all flesh. It was such a powerful picture of
Jesus loving the church, giving Himself for it, sanctifying and
cleansing it with the washing of water by His word. Shouts of prayer
and tears were drowned out by the awesome manifestation of His presence.
It has been a full and busy ten days here. The previous Saturday we
went to a special prayer
at the Methodist Chapel in Woodstock, just a few miles from the
Reservoir. There were some people from the vicinity as well as folks
from other parts of Wales. All have carried a burden to see revival
sweep through this land again, and it was a special and powerful time.
Though we were from many different places and backgrounds, the unity of
spirit was precious and we did some wonderful praying amidst worship.
We also broke bread in this historical place where bread was first
broken by believers in the mid-1700's!

And on Thursday night some friends from the Forge School of Faith in
Llanelli came for a few days, and that was a special blessing. They
stayed in the cottage where we first lived when we moved Wales in 2005.
Their main purpose was to have a time of retreat and spend time in the
Sunday afternoon they went with us for a time of prayer at the
chapel. It is always a joy and encouragement to have visitors join us
and add their prayers to ours. As we look back over the years there has
been a constant flow of people from many different nations that the
Lord has drawn to contribute their prayers, and tears, for the coming
Welsh revival.
It is much like the picture of the reservoir - prayers for revival
have been building up for this land since long before we arrived. And
just like the water building up behind the dam that had been dry for a
season, there will come a day soon enough when it will start to pour
over the top, and this land will once again know the time of visitation
is here, and the Light of life will shine like the lighthouse and the
sound of His praises will once again resonate throughout the land, and
touch the nations with God's glory.
We are so thankful for the privilege the Lord has given us to be
here for such a time as this!
Dick & Gladys
Praying Friends:
I love this photo that a friend took of a day-old lamb. Its
expression of innocent curiosity and wonder struck a chord somewhere
deep inside me. Reflecting on it I realized that it was a wonderful
picture of how we can and should behold the Lord. Just the fact that he
knows us and loves us is marvelous beyond words!
Phrases come to mind such as, "Oh
taste and see that the Lord is good..." or "When I consider the heavens, the work
of your fingers... what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit
him?" (Psalms 34:8, 8:3-4)
Or when Moses says to himself, "I will now turn aside and see this
great sight..." in Exodus 3:3. And later on in Exodus 15:11 he
says, "Who is like You among the
gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in
praises, working wonders?"
There is an indispensable aspect of simplicity that we need to
maintain. Jesus says it quite clearly in Mark 10:15, "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does
not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter
There is nothing very simple about our lives in this modern,
connected world. We are bombarded daily by countless things trying to
grab our attention and draw us in and convince of us about some idea or
sell us something. I think in earlier times people tended to look for
distractions, but now distractions seek us out. It takes an effort to
stay focused and keep our hearts directed toward the majesty of God and
His mindfulness of and love for mankind.
In the midst of his suffering
and his wrangling with his friends, Job seems to keep his wonderment at
the handiwork and sovereignty of God in the forefront of his thoughts
and declarations. In chapter 26 he says, "...He stretches out the north over
empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing... Indeed these are the mere
edges of His ways..." And then in His response to Job the Lord
says in chapter 38, "Where were
you when I laid the foundations of the earth? ...who laid its
cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of
God shouted for joy? ...from whose womb did the ice come forth, and who
has given birth to the frost of heaven?"
Then the Lord commends Job to his friends in chapter 42:7, "... for you have not spoken of Me
what is right, as My servant Job has." It seems to show that
keeping the correct perspective on Him and His works as a "central
theme" or "home base" for our heart and thoughts is important.
Maintaining that makes for fertile ground when it comes to our
spiritual vitality and strength in prayer.
As Paul exhorts and encourages the Corinthians in their walk with
Christ, he says in 2 Corinthians 6:12, "You are not restrained [or limited]
by us, but you are restrained in your own affections." And his
words in Colossians 3:1-2 point towards the same thing. "If then you were raised with Christ,
seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the
right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the
As I've mentioned before, we are living in times when there are
critical decisions to be made in the US and the UK that will greatly
affect our future. And as distractions reach a feverish pitch around
us, it grows ever more important, and more challenging, to keep our
eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May He
strengthen our spirits and heal our nations, and bless us with "...
with gladness and simplicity of heart." (Acts 2:46-47)
Dick and Gladys
Friends of Wales Awakening:
If you've been with us for a while you will recognize the name Celebration for the Nations,
a week-long gathering for worship and prayer for revival in the
nations. We have been friends with the organizers of the Celebration
since they began organizing and praying for the first event held in
2007. You can read about that one in the entries for August 1st and 6th
in our Updates archive here.
A Celebration was held every year in Llanelli, South Wales for 7
years. Then last year it was in South Korea, and now this summer The
Celebration will take place in Israel. We wanted to let you know about
it, and perhaps the Lord would lead some of you to attend. It promises
to be a very special time, and in a very special place!
This is what they say about it. "July 31st – August 6th we will be
gathering at the very highest point on Mount Carmel. The same God who
answered Elijah with fire, and with a mighty outpouring of rain on the
thirsty land, will answer us! We will worship Him and cry to Him for
healing and salvation! Only Jesus holds the answer for broken nations,
be they Wales, Korea, Israel or any other."
Please visit their website for complete information at,
and be sure to read the latest news. We will certainly be praying for
all the work involved in organizing this wonderful gathering, and
invite you to join us in prayer for them.
No matter where we are, we know the Lord attends our prayers. As it
says in Hebrews 4:16, "Let us
therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may
receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need."
May God's grace and blessing be with you more and more each day,
Dick & Gladys