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Friday, March 30, 2018

A vision on Good Friday changed my life 44 years ago!

goodfriday.jpgDear Praying Friends and Saints:

As a young Christian, I had an experience that changed my life forever. I thought I would share it with you today to encourage you and provoke some reflection on the significance of this day.

I had been saved for just over six months and was living on a discipleship ranch called The Lord’s Land, in Mendocino, California. It was Good Friday in 1974, and I had just gone to bed in the brothers’ dorm, the lights had been turned off a while earlier and all was quiet.

I remember lying there in the warmth and quiet and thinking contentedly about the day’s activities. And then suddenly I found myself in a different place. I was standing in a wood at night and there was a large circular clearing right in front of me. In the middle of the clearing was a massive cross, it must've been 30 feet tall and it was made of a searing white light, almost as if it were made of lightning, but it was a steady brilliance. I was overwhelmed by its glory and was immediately drawn into a place of wonder and worship. After a few moments of breathtaking adoration, I began to look at my surroundings.

The clearing itself and the woods around the edge were lit up by the light coming from the cross. I noticed that I was not alone, but was accompanied by lots of forest animals. There were deer and squirrels and rabbits and raccoons on the ground hello and owls and other birds in the branches of the trees. They weren't paying any attention to me, they were all looking at the cross, transfixed in worship just as I was. It was as if I was joined with all of creation in worshiping and longing for the consummation of this awesome sight, which lasted for some time.

crucifixion.jpgThen suddenly it once again everything changed. I found myself suspended in the air directly behind Jesus nailed to the cross. I was weeping with love and heartbreak, and I had a handkerchief and I was reaching around and wiping the sweat and the blood and the tears from his face. And then in an instant, I was directly in front of him, my face only a few feet away from his. As I gazed into his eyes I was overwhelmed by love and compassion and sorrow. And as he looked into mine I was profoundly touched by his love and forgiveness and tender mercy towards me.

I found myself saying to him, "Lord You need me. How You need me." I immediately was confused by the words that came out of my mouth, because I had wanted to say, "Lord I need you. How I need you." As I struggled to formulate the words again correctly, the Lord wordlessly spoke to me. He told me that the words that I had spoken were correct, they were his words, and that in fact, he did need me. All he was saying was that I love him and serve him and obey him. And he made me understand that as I, and others also, dedicate ourselves to do this, more and more people in this world would learn to know of his love and find salvation and joy and eternal life. And there was absolutely nothing in this world that I wanted more than to do precisely this in return for his immeasurable love and supreme sacrifice for me. There could be no greater and more lasting joy.

And then everything changed again. I found myself back in the woods at night, but it was a different place and a different feeling. In the distance, I could hear a sound which I recognized as something or someone running. I strained my eyes to see through the trees in that direction, trying to distinguish any movement. Soon enough I could make out a figure running towards me, and as it grew closer I could see it was a man running straight at me. As he got closer I could see it was a large and ancient soldier wearing a helmet and armor with a spear in his hands. Before I had time to think or do anything he was on top of me and ran me through with his spear and I died a very quick and painless death.

Frightened, I reached out to touch the sides of my bed to make sure I was still where I thought I was, but the vision did not change. I was back in the same place in the forest and another figure was running at me. This time it was a different soldier with a sword in one hand and a shield and the other. Before I knew it he was on top of me and had run his sword right through my heart. Again I died painlessly and then was again back in the woods. This scene was repeated several times, and each time the warrior was different. The weapons and armor were different, the features and skin tone was different, but the result was the same—I died every time.
As suddenly as this experience started, it was over. There I was back in my bunk and nothing around me had changed, other than that by now one or two brothers were softly snoring. Of course, I was quite astonished by all this, but as I prayed and asked the Lord what it was all about I was surrounded with perfect peace. I knew that his call to love God and serve him was clear from the beginning of my walk as a disciple. I also knew it would not always be easy and joy-filled every moment, but that Jesus said in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

We know that whatever we face throughout our lives, we will never be alone. Jesus promises us in Matthew 28:20, "…I am with you always, even until the end of the age."

We pray you have a glorious and joyful Easter!

Dick & Gladys


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Prayers bring revival closer, and a word for Wales!

pastorsatbcw.jpgDear Friends and Prayers:

This morning local pastors and leaders were invited to the Bible College of Wales in Swansea for a time of fellowship, sharing, and prayer. The directors shared some of their story and the vision for the college, as well as their desire to serve the body of Christ here and collaborate in God's plans for Wales and nations.

There was far more than what I have time to share here, but I wanted to pass along a few portions of the many prayers that were made here. Please read and pray with us for these things and whatever else the Lord may lay on your hearts.

“Lord I just pray right now, Lord I call on your spirit now, to flow over every person here in this land, Lord. You are moving in mighty power, make them know the new wine, make them know that You know them, Lord. Just come Lord. We need your presence Lord, we realize we can do nothing of ourselves. We need You, Lord. You’ve said in your word that the branch cannot produce fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine. tegrynview.jpgAnd Lord we need your presence. Have your way, Lord. Make Wales, make this people, become your dwelling place, in Jesus’ name."

This was a wonderful prayer delivered in spontaneous song. "Lord of glory, Lord of mercy, we come before you now. Let there be a drawing in this land, let there be drawing in your church. May your blessing, glory, honor, and power be seen in our land. We cry out. We cry out to you. Renew your work in us, O dear Lord. Name the name of Jesus, name the name of Jesus. Lord of all, worthy is He."

"Father, I pray this morning in the name of Jesus, that you would answer His prayer in John 17:22, '...that they may be one just as We are one.' And Father, we pray for unity in your body. Father, we pray for unity in your church. Father, we pray in the name of Jesus that you will be our wish, but you will be our desire, that you will be our peace. You have said when you are lifted up that you will draw all men to yourself. Jesus, may you be lifted up. We pray that you may be the most important person, that you may be the most important item in our lives, and in our churches. Father, break any walls of the separation, break the divisions, in the name of Jesus."

arrive-beulah.jpgNear the end of the prayer time, the Lord reminded me of this picture I took on the day we arrived in Wales to establish our residence on May 11th of 2005. He brought to mind the scripture in Isaiah 62:4 which says, "You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, Nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; But you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; For the Lord delights in you, And your land shall be married."

"Coincidentally" in this photo, the entrance on the right just ahead of the car was to become our real first home here after five months of temporary lodgings. I thought that was why the Lord had me stop and take this photo. But I believe what He showed me today is the real prophetic significance.

What the Lord spoke into my spirit this morning was that Wales will be married. The land of Wales will become part of the bride of Christ as it is engulfed in the coming revival that now seems tangibly closer than ever before!

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying with us for Wales, and for the nations of the world still waiting to be drawn to Jesus, the Son of the Living God,

Dick & Gladys


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Faith and patience overcome adversity. And Day of Prayer for Britain

frozendaffodils.jpg Dear Praying Friends:

I mentioned two weeks ago that we had several days of very hard freezing weather. It was sad to see our poor daffodils flat on the ground and then get covered in snow. We weren't sure they would survive or not.

Then again this past weekend we had another cold spell and more days with below freezing temperatures. But happily, in spite of the persistent cold, they're making a good comeback and look almost as if nothing at all happened. And of course, there's a lesson here for us as well!

Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." And just like these daffodils look frozentwicedaffodils.jpgpretty much fainted, and even frozen into their fainted condition, they overcame their hardship.

We know according to God's promise here that wait too will overcome our hardships if we do not faint. And by grace even if we do find a little bit, the Lord is faithful to pick us up again and give us the strength we need each day.

Just to add a little more emphasis this, it says in Hebrews 6:12, "...that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." So as we carry-on in our particular places and assignments that the Lord has given us, just small and frequent right choices can keep us positioned to walk in the promises of God, no matter what situation seems to be causing us difficulty at any given time.

Speaking of assignments, tomorrow at the Emmanuel Centre in London there will be a Day of Prayer for Britain, organized by David Hathaway's Eurovision Mission to Europe. There will be other groups joining them from different places around the UK. The main focus of the meeting will be prayer over Brexit, for unity among Christians here, and for biblical reformation in the church. Following is a short list of prayer points.

  • prayfortheUK.jpgDeliver us through Brexit and protect us from evil powers.

  • Raise up men like Wesley, Spurgeon, Moody and Billy Graham in our nation and in this generation.

  • Give new power and faith to our Spiritual Leaders and revive us by the Holy Spirit.

  • For a 2nd Reformation which will bring us back to the Bible and restore the spirit of intercession.

  • For Israel and Netanyahu and their recognition of the Returning Messiah.

  • Use Britain to deal with the Russian threat and once again take her position as Spiritual Leader.

  • Strengthen persecuted Christians worldwide and give us freedom of speech.

We would like to encourage you to please pray for this event as you can throughout the day. As we join together in prayer, we know the Lord will move. Remember the words in James 5:16 that says, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

Thank you so much, and God bless you,

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Brecwast Gweddi Sir Benfro... A first ever!

brecwastgweddi.jpgDear Friends of Wales Awakening:

Saturday morning we went to the Brecwast Gweddi Sir Benfro, Pembrokeshire Prayer Breakfast.  We've been to several prayer breakfasts here, both local and national, over the years. However this is the first time that one has been held specifically for the Welsh-speaking Christians here in their own language.

There were nearly 200 in attendance and it was wonderful to see such a good turnout for this first-time event! It was also nice to find several friends and others we've met before, and of course to meet new people as well. I am not a fluent Welsh speaker by any means, but people appreciate that we're making an effort.

For some time now I've been feeling the desire and need to take up studying Welsh again, and this event came at a perfect time. After breakfast and a time of worship, we were lead in prayer for local government, brecwastgweddi2.jpgeducation, health care, Brexit's impact on Wales, etc. Then there was a short message that seemed excellent. I have to say seemed because I only understood about 20% of it, and perhaps that's a wishful estimate!

Just a few weeks before the breakfast I received an email about an online program that promises you'll be speaking Welsh in six months which I was seriously looking at. And then Saturday night I received word about a gift to pay for the course. So I started on Monday!

I went to classes for our first 5 years here but never was able to get to the point of actually being able to converse. I can get one or two phrases into a conversation before having to revert to English. Although Gladys didn't get as far with the classes as I did, she is much bolder than I am about using what she knows.

Everyone here is fluent in English and it is just faster and easier to go that route. But I've learned from being fluent in Spanish for so many years that there is something about a person's mother tongue that is just more natural and effective. So we're looking at a minimum of four hours a week of studying, and we'll be on the lookout for opportunities to practice with friends that have the patience. Your prayers for this undertaking will be much appreciated!

Speaking of studies, the other day we had the opportunity to meet the BCWstudents-spring18.jpgnewest batch of students at the Bible College of Wales in Swansea. They had just finished the first week of their 12-week course and we could sense their joy and excitement. It is always encouraging to meet these mostly young people who are serious in their desire and dedication to serve the Lord, either in missions or their own nations. This group comes from the United Kingdom, USA, Ukraine, Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Please pray that the Lord would maximize their time here in Wales, enrich the depth of their relationship with Him in a life-changing way, and empower them to carry out His plans for each of them in this needy world. Please pray also that they would clearly hear God speak to their hearts about any specific assignment He has for them. I spoke briefly with a couple of them whose hearts are set on missions.

Also last week we had the wonderful surprise of an all-too-short overnight visit with our very dear friends Janet and Kristen from the USA. We first met back in 2010 and have been a wonderful encouragement and prayer support for us ever since.


They are involved with a great international ministry called Community Bible Studies, and they travel frequently to Wales to teach and support the group leaders here. Along with others they have been instrumental in helping many of these study groups get established in Wales. One special fruit of their labors are study materials in Welsh for native speakers, and there are even small home groups studying the Bible in Chinese and Russian!

So as we continue with our specific assignment here, we are constantly blessed and urged onwards by the many other things we see going on around this little country we call home. And as always, thank you very much for your continued interest and prayers for us and Wales. And we want to bless you and encourage you in your part of God's action where you are as well.

Pob bendith yn enw Iesu mawr!

Dick & Gladys


Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Who is sufficient for these things?

minidaffodils.jpgDear Friends and Prayers:

The other morning I was reading through 2nd Corinthians chapter 2. At the end of verse 16, it says, "...And who is sufficient for these things?" I was stopped in my tracks and began to weep, and then worship. What a sobering question...

Here's more of the context. "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?" 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

As believers we are called to live in such a way that we exude, display openly and strongly, the love of Christ to everyone around us. What an incredibly privileged and impossibly bold assignment we have all been given. And so, just how do we measure up before such a daunting task? Help us, Lord!

snowychapel.jpgThen in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8 we find our answer and place of rest. "And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant..." He is our relief, our rescuer, and our source of trust and strength. He is all we really need!

We've had some pretty wild weather recently. Parts of Wales and the UK, as well as most of Europe, got huge amounts of snow from a storm they were calling "the beast from the east!"  It was beautiful but very cold for this area. We couldn't get out for a couple of days, but people in other places had it far worse. Last week it was just above 20°F, or -7°C. We were very thankful for a cozy house and a wood stove to keep us warm.

Inside the chapel, it was a different story because we only put the heaters on for the monthly service. I remembered there freezingcold.jpgis a thermometer in the communion table and took this picture Saturday morning. As you can see here it has been literally freezing inside, so we are particularly grateful to have our little heated "tabernacle" during the cold part of the year, usually from late October through early May.

I thought this scripture I have used as a background was an appropriate reminder of our need to stay as close to Jesus as possible, and moreso in the days we're living in. He indeed is our sufficiency, but we need to stay close to Him, just like we stay close to a wood stove on a cold day!

This is also a good direction for prayer for the church worldwide. For Christians in the many nations where hardship or poverty are part of everyday life, dependency on the Lord is necessary and natural. But in the more developed countries where life is easier, keeping that awareness is not so easy. We should earnestly pray that all the church be so sufficiently clothed in Christ that His fragrance is evident to all those around, and many people be drawn to eternal life in Jesus.

May the blessing of God's presence be your warmth and joy,

Dick & Gladys 


Thursday, March 01, 2018

It's St David's Day again in Wales. And looking back 5 years...

Dear Praying Friends and Saints:

I sent this email five years ago titled as Extraordinary Welsh and Mississippi Connection. It seems good to just send it again!

Today is St. David's Day. Born at the end of the 5th century, he was the founder of a Celtic monastic community and widely recognized as a teacher and ascetic. He was recognized as the patron saint of Wales during the Welsh resistance to the Norman invasion, and this day is widely celebrated around the principality.

It also means the beginning of spring is just around the corner, which is good news for everybody. We have several farmer friends who get especially busy this time of year with longer than normal hours of lambing season.

All of the extra work is very rewarding as hundreds of ewes are bulging with and spilling out new life into the world of sheep. This one had FOUR lambs and requires some extra care and help! If you would like to sample the sights and sounds - we'll spare you the smells - you watch a short video here.

We've had a very full and exciting week hosting three visitors. Last year, (2012), we mentioned our dear friend Brenda who the Lord sent as an intercessor to France. She is on the lower left, with two new intercessor friends, Sue behind her and Jackie beside Gladys. How the Lord orchestrated this get-together an amazing story. We first heard from Sue in December saying how God had lead her to accompany her friend Jackie to Mississippi in an extraordinary way, and that they had been given "seeds of transformation", verses of scripture, to plant in the U.K. as a prophetic act.

Her research about the Welsh Revival led her to our site, and she was impressed to meet with us and to plant the "seeds" at the chapel where we pray. While coordinating a date to visit, Jackie was in France and "God-incidentally" ran into Brenda at a prayer gathering, They were amazed to discover that they were both going to be in our home in Wales on the same dates!

Needless to say, we had a wonderful time enjoying the Lord's handiwork and marveling at how this all came together so effortlessly. What a mighty God we serve.

Among the scripture seeds we planted was this portion from Isaiah 62:12 which says, "And they shall be called The Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord; And you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken."

We believe this is very significant in how it relates to Wales. In spite of the apparent weakness and irrelevance of the church to the current world culture, the coming revival will transform this land at its heart. People from around the world will once again seek out what God is doing here and take the seeds of revival and transformation back to their own nations! (The 2013 update ends here.)

Now in 2018 and looking back again, we see God's continued faithfulness and are filled with thanksgiving and praises,

Dick & Gladys


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