After only four days back home, we drove east into the heart
and spent two days near the Brecon Beacons. This is such a beautiful
part of the country and shows not only the work of an Awesome Creator
but also generations of dedicated farmers tilling the soil and tending
their flocks and herds.
Views like this of such amazing countryside continually move our
hearts with God's love for the people here. And as we travel about we
are conscious of a growing tide of longing and prayer among Christians
here for the impending move of God.
And reflecting that very thing, a few days ago these words in
Ezekiel 3:11-12 really dug into my
heart. "For thus says the Lord
God, “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. As a
shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered
sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the
places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day."
visit here was in response to an invitation back in May from some old
friends to come to stay with them and share in a couple of meetings.
Thursday night we shared at a monthly meeting at Bronydd Mawr, near
Trecastle, just west of the Beacons. This is one of our many favorite
places, and we love the statement made by the massive wooden cross
erected on this hilltop. It's as if the Lord has staked His claim on
the land, and is declaring that indeed He will "search for My sheep and seek them
It was wonderful to meet together with old friends and meet new
ones, all with a hunger to see revival come to Wales again. The Lord
prompted me to share the whole first chapter of Ephesians as the basic
framework of our lives in Him. And that from this place of fullness we
can pray by faith with assurance for such a heavenly outpouring "that
the ground
shakes with the sound" like the day of Pentecost, or when Solomon was
anointed king "and all the
people went up after him, playing pipes and rejoicing greatly, so that
the ground shook with the sound." in 1 Kings 1:40.
The previous evening we had the privilege of attending the weekly
prayer meeting with a dedicated group of members of the Mission
Cwmtwrch. The congregation there was started as one of the many fruits
of the 1904 Welsh Revival, is still holding fast to its Biblical
foundations, and seeking God for His power to break into their area
once again.
also had the opportunity to meet with a younger man who
very recently moved to Wales with his wife from South Africa. He is
English-born and
raised, but went to Africa years ago through a sports mission. He spent
the last 15 years there, and the Lord began to touch their hearts with
a burden for revival in Wales. He contacted me about a year ago and we
began praying together via the internet up at the chapel, and together
local friends here once or twice. So what a joy it was to meet them
face to face and see them now incorporated into the Lord's preparations!
There was also a totally unexpected surprise waiting for us almost
immediately after our return. But I didn't make the connection until
just a few days ago when I found an unsent reply email in my outbox.
Back in late August, a dear prophetic friend had emailed me about an
he had from the Lord while praying for us. He said, "I believe that you
will be asked to preach at one of the monthly Sunday Services very soon
now. An unexpected short notice will arise."
When we got home Friday night
two weeks ago, we were still awash in the richness of our time in the
USA. When I went up to our monthly chapel service the following Sunday
morning, all I knew was that it was to be a joint meeting with the
chapel in Star with who we had shared a baptism in July. Our only
participation was to bring something for the refreshments to be served
as you can imagine, I was totally unprepared when one of the deacons
asked me if I could "take the service" that morning only minutes before
it was to start! Due to the extraordinarily heavy rains over the
previous days, our minister was unable to come because of severe local
flooding, as you can see here. The bridge in nearby Llechryd was
totally under water.
And that's just how I felt when he asked me that question! My
ability to speak Welsh is very limited, much less to preach in it. So I
asked him to handle the order of the service, announces the hymns,
etc., and that I could give a short word, but only in English. He said
that would be fine, as everyone also speaks English perfectly well.
Towards the end of the first hymn the Lord gave me the section in
Ephesians 3:14-21 to preach from, and so when I was asked to come read
a portion from the Bible, I was ready, just barely. After the prayer
and the next hymn, up I marched into the pulpit and, though timidly at
first, spoke from verses 18-19 about our need to hear from one
another to learn of God's love more fully! Because mine was the only
in English, it seemed a bit awkward, but we all survived. I was
and thankful when, afterward, several of the people thanked me for what
I shared.
So when I stumbled across Tom's email Monday morning and realized
Lord had indeed given me advanced notice, I was amazed. I hadn't been
able to understand how that could possibly happen, and had completely
forgotten it. As this point, I'm still not very sure what this all
means, other than the fact that Lord is the one who orders our steps,
and that He will bring about all his plans and purposes. So we continue
to rest in that as we press on day by day.
Thank you so much for your continued interest and prayers for us,
Wales, and the nations His heart longs for,
& Gladys
Praying Friends:
As we winged our way back homewards last Thursday, we could only
smile with love and gratitude as we reflected on the wonderfully
blessed time our gracious God gave us. Countless times I have noticed
Gladys with her eyes closed and the trace of a smile on her lips. And I
too have frequently found myself in a kind of warm afterglow of the
Lord’s goodness that has surrounded us during these past four weeks
have amazingly flown by.
This whole trip was a real family extravaganza. We had nearly three
weeks with some of our own family, and also saw it grow through a
joining by marriage. And then the icing on the better-than-delicious
cake was our trip to The Gathering in Southern California that I
mentioned in our last update.
We spent the better part of four days in the company of a few
hundred old friends and acquaintances we hadn't seen for ages. There
were some richly anointed times of worship and prayer, as well awesome
testimonies, prophetic words, teachings, small group discussions, and
spontaneous prayer.
But for us, the best part was the many opportunities for fellowship
and sharing one to one or twos or threes. The dining hall was a
constant buzz of old friends catching up after years of not seeing one
another. And during every free minute outside the widely spaced
activities, no matter where you looked there were people chatting with
wonderful joy along the roads and pathways, campsites and the different
buildings used during the event.
very special treat for us was meeting up with Bob and Myra Trolese. He
and I got saved within weeks of each other at The Lord's land in
Mendocino, CA in 1973. Then in March of 1976, we drove together to
Guatemala with a small mission group called the Love Lift Team to lend
a practical hand in Guatemala City after the devastating earthquake
there. And then in 1978 we were both married. Bob married Myra who came
with a small group from Portland, OR, and I married Gladys who came
with a few other young folks from Guatemala City to experience a
Christian discipleship community lifestyle.
In 1980 Bob and Myra led a small missionary group to Managua,
Nicaragua, and in 1982 we led a team to open a church in
Quetzaltenango, in Guatemala's volcanic highlands. We have kept in most
close contact over all these years, and it was really a joy to find
that they would also be at the Gathering. Bob has been struggling with
ocular lymphoma over the past year and seems to be making some good
progress now. It has been a very difficult time for them. Please do
keep them in your prayers as the Lord continues to complete His plans
in and through them.
Another very special encounter
we had was with these two ladies, Ester on the left, and Melanie to the
right. We first met Melanie in Dallas in 2012 within days of her first
email to us when we were about to drive to Texas from Louisiana!
She was from Wales and wanted to thank us for praying for her nation.
Then about 6 weeks later, we got an email from Ester to thank and
encourage us in our prayer for revival in Wales and also to tell us how
God had stirred her heart towards Walesin a powerful way. So, at last,
we got to meet face to face for the first time.
It was our great pleasure to introduce them to each other. This was
one of those amazing set-ups that only the Lord can arrange. Melanie
had followed God's calling and just moved Escondido 6 weeks before. And
you can imagine the joy as they discovered their common interests in
more than just Wales. We are continually amazed to watch how He is
moving His people to and fro around the globe with perfect timing and
placement for the fulfillment of His purposes.
To sum up all that transpired during our time in California,
suffice it
to say that God's faithfulness to His sons and daughters never ever
runs out. We met many younger people whose lives have been touched
through many old ministry friends, and also saw many whose fervor for
the Lord has held strong or been rekindled along the way. There was
great joy in the camp as we all discovered the truth of what Paul said
to the saints in 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4. "We give thanks to God always for you
all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing
your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord
Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved
brethren, your election by God."
May you also be encouraged in your own walk with Christ, and may His
grace and purposes in and through you be continually established with
each passing day,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Friends and Prayers:
Last weekend was our son Richard and Emily's wedding, and what an
incredibly blessed and marvelous time we all had! It was a back yard
wedding at Emily's family home in Northport, Long Island, NY. One of
the many reasons it was such a special time is that we got to be with
all four of our kids for the second time in about 14 years. Such a gift
from the Lord!
The ceremony was modeled after a Quaker wedding. All the guests sat
in a big circle, with the bride and groom on the side nearest the
water's edge. After a prayer and introduction, Richard and Emily spoke
very moving (read tearful!) words to each other. Then, one by one,
several of the guests stood up and briefly shared fond memories, words
of encouragement, counsel and blessing.
(Photo credit to Emily Frances Photography)
From Emily's side of the family were her parents and her
two sisters, complete with uncles and aunts and cousins as well. Plus
all of their friends, most of whom we'd never met and others we had not
seen for about fifteen years—all now mature young adults busy in their
professional lives and doing things we only dreamed about when we were
As most weddings are, it was a great gathering of family and friends
from all over the US and some other nations too. Gladys' niece with two
sets of younger cousins came up from Washington. They have been a
family hub for our east coast kids since we've been in Wales. And my
sister came from Connecticut with her husband and a daughter with her
family, as well as my niece and nephew from my other sister came from
Boston and New York with their families.
More than being an obviously wonderful and joyous family
affair, that time of several people taking part and speaking their
hearts was just exceptional. There was a very palpable sense of love
pervading the atmosphere, and many people commented about it
afterwards. To me it made a great picture of what a healthy church
should be doing on a regular basis, "building itself up in love,"
as it says in Ephesians 4:16. Ephesians 5:19 also instructs us well, "speaking to one another in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to
the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Once again we have been so aware of God's grace over all,
as we joyfully discovered so many amazing people in our new extended
family! And in the days before, during and after the wedding we've
continued to see Him orchestrating things. A quick example is that I
wasn't able to print all the two scripture portions I needed, and so,
of course, of one Emily's aunts stood up and read a print-out of the
exact verses I was going to use from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8! It says, "Love suffers long and is kind; love
does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not
behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all
things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love
never fails."
This morning we woke up in Southern California with old friends, and
Thursday we drive down to the The Gathering 2018, a reunion of people who were
saved during the days of the Jesus Movement in the late 60's and 70's.
So more God-adventures are in store. Thank you so much for your
prayers, that's why our blessings are abounding! There will surely be
opportunities to speak of our prayer mission in Wales, and that means
even more saints will be praying for the coming revival.
We send you blessings in Jesus' precious name,
Dick & Gladys